Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 292 Sleepless Night

This historical meeting ended like this, without much discussion, and people slowly left in silence.

The emergence of the "Great Filter" was too shocking, and the extinction of a powerful civilization was fully revealed to the world.

Yes, it is right in front of you, you can completely touch its coldness.

Even if humans find out, so what?

If you know it, what can you do?

Yu Yifeng frowned and left the venue. His mood was dim and low, and he couldn't even hear what the people around him were discussing. .

Controllable nuclear fusion, a problem that the Nix civilization has not solved in the end, is a huge problem that mankind is about to face...

Humanity will have to face it and contend with it...

Whether we can overcome this hurdle is really a question.

On the surface, the "Big Filter" is a technological barrier formed by the ultra-high difficulty of "controllable nuclear fusion technology."

Without the huge energy provided by nuclear fusion, the stars and the sea are just empty words.

If the vast majority of civilizations have not even invented "controllable nuclear fusion", how can interstellar civilization come about? Therefore, interstellar civilization is so rare.

All I can say is... a dark, hopeless future.

"Controllable nuclear fusion, because it is too simple in theory, directly lures almost all low-level civilizations to the same incorrect path - 'magnetic confinement'. This trap consumes every civilization's confidence and patience in it."

"In other words... this path is not incorrect, but the difficulty is too high, to an incredible and unimaginable level, so high that there is no end in sight."

The great sage of Nix civilization did not completely deny this path in the end.

According to this logic, no matter how difficult it is, "magnetic constraint" does not mean that it is impossible. It is still feasible to a certain extent, but the difficulty is outrageous.

"If a civilization has enough time, it can continue to progress. When technology accumulates to a high enough level, it can still develop "controllable nuclear fusion technology"!"

"Yes, it's theoretically possible."

It's just that the Nyx civilization is unlucky. It is a geothermal civilization. When sustainable energy is insufficient, their population explodes uncontrollably. So when nuclear power ran out, they fell into a doomsday state.

"But... what if it's a light-based civilization?" Yu Yifeng frowned and thought, deducing this situation.

For example, the earth.

Even if the people on earth run out of fossil energy, will mankind be so desperate that it falls into a doomsday state?

High, because the earth has endless solar energy, at least it can survive without a life-or-death crisis.

The energy of solar radiation is huge. The total solar power reaching the earth's surface is 1.7*10^17 watts, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of times the world's electricity consumption!

Almost all wind energy, water energy, and fossil fuels should essentially be attributed to solar energy.

Therefore, even if the people on earth run out of fossil fuels and only use solar energy, they will not fall into a state of despair. At most, it will be inconvenient and the economy will decline. According to the population size before the destruction of the earth, even if the fossils can be used up, we can still barely survive.

If calculated this way, people on earth have almost unlimited development time...

According to the reasoning of scientists, most civilizations in the universe should be illuminated civilizations similar to those on Earth! Most civilizations can develop stably for a long time as long as they don't commit suicide. is also a fact that there is such silence in the universe.

In other words, these light-based civilizations with almost unlimited development time are still blocked from "controllable nuclear fusion"!

The reason can only be attributed to civilization itself!

"The first possibility is that after the fossil energy is used up, the earth's civilization falls into a war due to the economic recession. Especially during the period when the fossil energy is about to be used up but has not yet been used up... it is particularly dangerous!"

"The second possibility is that due to the existence of certain internal factors, civilizations will not progress infinitely. After their technology develops to a certain level, they will fall into a state of stagnation."

Yu Yifeng laughed at himself: "In the later stages, after the economic recession, civilization can barely survive. How can we develop high technology?"

From the development process of the Nyx civilization, we can already get a glimpse of the leopard... Many of their technologies almost stagnated in the later period, and only a few of them were developed. This is actually a social issue.

"It's really disappointing. Sometimes ignorance is a good thing..." Yu Yifeng thought silently. When the technological problem was transformed into a social problem, he felt a deep despair.

However, these social problems are not the ultimate essence.

If this social problem is encountered by most civilizations, and there is a creeping identity in all of them, then there must be a deeper reason...

In other words, there were some problems with the "essential philosophical system" that constitutes the genes of life that he and Yuriko had discussed.

It needs to be traced back to...the essential philosophical question of "why is life alive?"

Yu Yifeng believes that this is the final explanation and the best explanation for the "Great Filter".

Because of genetic problems, after civilizations have developed to a certain height, they have fallen into the traps of "pleasure", "comfort" and "capital", and have lost the motivation to move forward.

Not just the Knicks, but... most civilizations in the universe!

He sighed again. At this moment, the joy of obtaining Knicks technology was gone, and there was only a deep sadness in his heart.

It was like a white mist covering my eyes.

Not only are we sad about the tragic experience of the Nix civilization, but we are also worried about the ultimate fate of the new human civilization. We are even sad that most civilizations... are all troubled by the same problem!

The baton has been passed to the hands of new human civilization.

If the new human civilization cannot achieve nuclear fusion, mankind will remain on this planet shrouded in darkness until...destruction!

Yes, although a large amount of methane is left here and a large amount of oxygen appears, humans will not need to worry about energy for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

But... the Knicks once had energy that lasted for 100,000 years!

They...that's how they perish!

Yu Yifeng is not the only one who is smart.

A long-lost sense of despair enveloped the Noah society, and almost all scientists were tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

The Great Filter is so desperate that even if you know the truth about it, it is insurmountable and difficult to bypass.

It lies there, impartial and insurmountable; it is a majestic mountain that spans the universe, blocking the path of countless civilizations.

It was a long night, hard to fall asleep, hard to fall asleep.

The long night is eternity in the universe.

Professor Ding Yidong sat up from the bed in the middle of the night, suddenly ran outside and started crying, tears rolling down from his eyes. This mad giant of science has never been so vulnerable.

Dr. Rimbaud leaned on the bedside and kept wiping his tears. Her wife comforted her in a low voice, but she didn't know what happened...

Dr. Felix worked nonstop in front of the computer. The screen gradually became blurry. He wiped his eyes vigorously and continued working.

The strength of an individual is so weak in front of this mountain, like a small worm shaking the mountain, unable to even take the first step up the mountain.

Only...the power of the entire civilization can confront the mountain!

Yu Yifeng got up from the bed and wanted to go out for a walk.

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