Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 30 Noah’s Plan (2)

Yu Yifeng's way of speaking was very skillful. He did not say bad news such as the collision between the moon and the earth or the impact of an asteroid. Human beings were leaving the moon anyway, so it was okay not to mention these news.

"I, Yu Yifeng, temporarily serve as the first captain of the Noah!"

"Our spacecraft is a sphere with a diameter of 15 kilometers when measured from the outside. When measured from the inside, the space is much larger. The diameter in the horizontal direction is about 200 kilometers and the length in the vertical direction is 60 kilometers. Think about it, everyone. This is a large volume, enough for us humans to use.”

"Its mass is constant at 1.03 million tons. No matter how many things are packed inside, it will always be this mass! We will use the method of detonating a nuclear bomb to propel the spacecraft."

"Don't worry, everyone, the spacecraft is very safe, and we have enough technical means to ensure this!"

"After the spacecraft takes off, it will only take four to five months to reach Mars. We will start a new life on Mars!"

Every word Yu Yifeng said was like a bombshell. After every word, people cheered loudly. Gradually, the atmosphere in the venue reached its peak, and everyone began to dream about life in the interstellar era.

Human beings are very polarized creatures. Some people are very realistic. They think that ideals are scum and can they be used as food? Some people are very emotional and can sacrifice everything for their ideals.

However, it is often the latter who can do something earth-shattering.

Of course, most people are centrist. After having enough food and clothing, they are willing to fight for their ideals. Now that all the plans have been made and they sound very feasible, of course they are willing to follow Yu Yifeng into a big fight. There are also a small number of people who are not willing, but if you go with the crowd, you can only be willing if you don't want to.

"Next, the person in charge of each project will be invited to give a speech..."

After Yu Yifeng's speech, there was thunderous applause. Enthusiasm alone cannot last for a long time. Some solid and reliable plans must be used to strengthen people's determination.

Designing a spacecraft that can carry tens of thousands of people is very complicated. The food, drink, and sleep of so many people are all in it. All aspects must be considered. How much oxygen is consumed in a day, how much food is eaten, and how much water is used are all very important. Headache problem.

Such as air circulation system, water circulation system, power system, etc., these are all necessary, and there must also be a sewage and sewage treatment system. You can't make the entire spacecraft stink, right?

Not only that, the spacecraft must have a lot of productivity and be self-sufficient. If something breaks, it can make one immediately. People need factories, farms, and plantations in order to gradually lead a better life.

These are all necessary systems for the spacecraft. Anything less will not work. The lunar base does have these things, but you must know that the construction of the lunar base took thirty years. Now, people only have five short months.

Therefore, the first project is-demolition! The original instruments and facilities were dismantled and then assembled into the spacecraft.

Don't think that this is a simple project, it must be done step by step and in order. Buildings such as nuclear power plants must be demolished last. If they were demolished directly, wouldn't all the power in the base be cut off?

For example, if the air circulation device is directly removed, what will happen to the people in the base? Wouldn't they be suffocated to death?

This demolition work must be carried out from minor to major, from small to large, while ensuring that people's daily lives are not affected, and things must be gradually moved into the spacecraft step by step.

The second project is - dig! The entire spacecraft is buried deep underground, with only a little bit exposed. If you want the spacecraft to take off, the entire spacecraft must be dug out. This means that people need to dig a large pit with a depth of 15,000 meters!

The amount of this project is so huge that it cannot be completed within five months. But in fact, people have been digging for thirty years. There are a large number of ice mines under the spacecraft, and they are being excavated all the time. Now people only need to dig out the layer of rock and soil close to the side of the spacecraft.

This also leads to the third project - installation! Where to put the excavated rock and soil? Put it directly into the spacecraft! Regardless of whether it is useful or not, put it in first and then talk about it. Anyway, the space inside is so big, humans can only occupy a small corner of it, and they can’t fit it in no matter how hard they fit.

In the universe, there is no replenishment of matter. There is a vacuum all around. Use a little less of everything. Although materials such as water and air can be recycled, they will eventually be consumed to a certain extent. When these little bits are added up, it may not be enough in the end.

Especially energy, it is gone once it is used, it cannot be recycled, and there is no way to replenish it on a large scale, so it must be carried in full at one time. Currently, 70% of the electricity in the base is supplied by nuclear power plants, and the rest is provided by solar energy, thermoelectric power generation, etc., which only accounts for 30%.

It is inevitable to excavate uranium ore on a large scale, as well as ice ore, iron ore, titanium ore... Anyway, whatever you need, everything is lacking, just put it all in.

The last project is "making"!

Things like spacecraft engines are not ready-made and have to be built. This is also the most exaggerated, difficult, and exciting project, like the "Gigaton Nuclear Weapons Promotion Plan" and the "Ten Million Ton Nuclear Weapons Promotion Plan". tons of steel production plan" are all included in this project.

Talking about this project, there was chaos at the scene. Some Russians and Ukrainians screamed and roared wildly, as if they had reached their climax. The fighting nation just likes this kind of crazy plan.

Regardless of their majors, they all asked to join this project... As a result, they must have been ruthlessly rejected. Those who should be mined should be demolished, and those who should be demolished should be demolished honestly. Let you build nuclear bombs across majors. You Can?

Wang Zhiyuan was in front of the TV and took a note at first to see if this aerospace project could be realized. In the end, the huge amount of work and the intricate connections were impossible to figure out clearly. To put it bluntly, three thousand experts have spent two weeks forgetting food and sleep, so it's no wonder that a commoner like me can figure it out clearly.

He put down his pen helplessly and found that Zhao Chao was jumping around like a child. He was extremely excited and couldn't help but ask: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Interstellar voyage, this is interstellar voyage! How can you not be excited?!" Zhao Chao shouted incoherently, looking very excited.

"Didn't you also take a spaceship when you came to the moon?" Wang Zhiyuan asked puzzledly.

"That's different!" Zhao Chao shouted crazily again, "This is a real interstellar voyage! Trisolaran civilization, a god-level civilization, here we come, haha!" He is a fan of science fiction novels, what's so weird about it? If you have seen too much, it is important to have enough sex for yourself first.

Wang Zhiyuan has never seen him so happy, maybe most people are like this. Originally living on the last breath, suddenly found that he was about to create a new era and become a hero of mankind? How could I not be happy? The mood before and after was completely different.

The first agricultural transformation plan temporarily solved the problem of survival, but it did not really change the plight of mankind. Is there really a future for human beings guarding a poor moon? I don’t know... or rather, there is no...

But this time the space program can be said to be a major change in the true sense, allowing mankind to find a way forward. The risks are huge, but the rewards are also huge. If it really succeeds, mankind will be completely reborn. Entering the interstellar era!

Wang Zhiyuan keenly noticed the construction period of the Noah Project: 5 months, are humans really so urgent? Not really. Maybe the collision between the moon and the earth will really happen, but so what, with Project Noah, he will never worry about such a thing again.

In this way, Captain Yu Yifeng is really awesome, not only in terms of his methods, but also in terms of his personal ability. If the previous leaders had neither the courage nor the organizational ability, they would have been scared to death, right? Wang Zhiyuan thought with admiration.

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