Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 304 Mega Project

February 2010 in the new human calendar, more than ten years after the earth exploded...

After two months of research, calculations, discussions, and verifications, the team of scientists finally figured out the preliminary budget for the entire nuclear fusion project...

That is, the entire project budget of "nuclear explosion reactor" plus "spaceship".

This meeting was very grand, and it was also the first big meeting after the Chinese New Year.

It is said that there is a real plan to overcome the "Great Filter", and many high-level government officials and engineers specially traveled from the surface to catch up. Of course, they had heard some gossip beforehand and were a little prepared.

But this preparation was soon shattered by the crazier reality...

During the meeting, Yu Yifeng looked out the window with a livid face...

Not just him, many people were also looking around, holding their heads in their hands, or discussing in a low voice to hide their inner panic...

"Things in the world are always so difficult."

Yu Yifeng thought secretly in his heart: "It's not easy to have endless energy... it's really not easy."

The universe is boundless and unimaginably vast. Similarly, the dangers in the universe are unimaginable. Supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, black holes, planetary collisions, and various astronomical disasters can wipe out life with just a ripple.

But strangely enough, the universe is teeming with life!

Life here is like garbage, everywhere. Even intelligent civilizations are like this, everywhere...

In this case, the big filter lies in the middle, and civilization and civilization are so lonely, like isolated islands in the vast sea.

Civilization, in this isolated island, enjoys its own dream.

Civilizations are so lonely and trapped on their own planets, not knowing each other's existence or how each other is doing... just like this, they never interact with each other until death.

Real interstellar civilizations are like gems in the desert, terrifyingly rare.

Fortunately, human beings have encountered a small probability event among the small probability, and human beings have seen a real interstellar civilization!

Yes, it’s good luck to have seen it!

Otherwise, there will definitely be a feeling that the road ahead is cut off.

But ordinary civilizations have probably never encountered interstellar civilizations. What would they think if they encountered the "Great Filter"? Will they be as decisive and crazy as the new humans?

Most likely, not...

Yu Yifeng came back to his senses and no longer thought about these messy things. A number popped up on the screen in front of him, which also made him feel extremely troubled.

"34.86 billion tons?!" He grabbed his head and pulled off a few pieces with force.

Turning his head, he suddenly saw Wang Yufan's confused eyes. The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly at the same time.

There is a reason for this wry smile, and it is also brought about by this number.

34.86 billion tons. When he thought of this number, Yu Yifeng felt a sense of emptiness and even lost the concept of numbers.

More than a thousand engineers and scientists were sitting in the conference room, as well as a group of high-level government officials. They all showed incredible expressions...

"As you can see, yes, we plan to build four huge reactors with a diameter of about 15 kilometers. They can easily eat a nuclear bomb with a yield of one million tons..."

Professor Ding Yidong was explaining enthusiastically while spitting out a bunch of incredible terms.

"The total consumption of steel is about 34.86 billion tons, and various superalloys have accumulated 1.33 billion tons, aluminum alloys, superconducting materials... I'm sorry, these are only preliminary estimates, and it is still unknown whether the standards will be exceeded by then."

The top executives of the Noah were stunned. They had no idea what the hell Ding Yidong was talking about.

What are... four super large nuclear fusion reactors with a diameter of 15 kilometers?

Forget about one, but still want to build four?


34.86 billion tons? !

Billion tons?

100 million……

Not only these, but also other miscellaneous things!

Do you really think it’s tens of billions of tons of mud? This is metal and requires energy to be refined! And with so much steel, you can’t just pile it up randomly, it needs to be built properly!

……put up!

The annual steel production of the earth is only 1.6 billion tons... It takes a total of 22 years to produce more than 30 billion tons of iron!

How many people are there on earth? How many people are there in the new human civilization?

This group of people looked at the written report in their hands with confused eyes. The content was clearly written, with various formulas and data, very clear. Some people pinched their thighs hard to prove that they were not dreaming.

"Everyone, don't think about it, this is a big filter! If it is really so easy to implement, will there be fewer interstellar civilizations?"

"There are only two ways to use the large filter. One is to stick to 'magnetic constraint', and the other is this? Is there any better way? You can tell me."

Ding Yidong saw everyone's shocked look and roared impatiently.

"Four reactors are not many at all. They are meant to be substituted at any time and used interchangeably. Do you think such a reactor does not require maintenance? There is a living nuclear explosion inside!"

"Of course, the economic scale of these ultra-large reactors alone is enough to choke low-level civilizations. It is at least hundreds or thousands of times the global GDP. Ordinary civilizations simply do not have the power to do this kind of project!"

"But we are a new human civilization! If it is realized, we can obtain almost infinite energy, infinite!"

Ding Yidong roared crazily. The thought of doing such a huge project made him extremely passionate, regardless of whether he could complete it in this life...

As soon as his words came out, everyone present was suddenly awestruck. There were many people who supported him, and there were also many who were silent.

This is indeed the case. Is the big filter that simple?

This road seems simple, but in fact it is not easy to walk... The huge amount of work has become the biggest problem.

Yu Yifeng also shook his head and smiled. Although he had been mentally prepared, the reality was more exaggerated than imagined.

To generate electricity through the explosion of a nuclear bomb, the material required is the nuclear bomb. The universe has played another joke on civilization, as if it was intentional.

Tritium element can cause nuclear fusion reaction at tens of millions of degrees, which is not possible in nature;

Helium-3, 100 million degrees, extremely rare;

Deuterium, 500 million degrees, exists in large amounts;

Protium, which is ordinary hydrogen, requires a reaction of more than 1 billion degrees, a massive amount!

Damn...the universe definitely did this on purpose!

The only ones that can be obtained on a large scale are tetrahydrogen nuclear bombs or deuterium bombs. The "ball-shaped" structure of these two nuclear bombs means that their yield cannot be too small.

Then...the only way to reduce the difficulty of nuclear fusion is to make the reactor large enough and strong enough, and to reduce the difficulty of nuclear fusion with a huge amount of work!

A nuclear bomb with a yield of one million tons can release 4.184*10^15 joules of energy, which is equivalent to... 1.152 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, about one-tenth of the electricity consumed by the entire China every day.

Even if people can only collect 10% of the energy of a nuclear explosion and use it to generate electricity, that is more than 100 million degrees...

What is one hundred million degrees?

This number may not be intuitive enough.

According to Ding Yidong's plan, a nuclear explosion reactor is equipped with a generator with a power of about 1 billion kilowatts, or 1,000 billion watts.

After a blast, it can last for more than 400 seconds, which is seven minutes, to generate more than 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity.

Well, this is nuclear fusion. A power generation of 1 billion kilowatts seems really exaggerated...

It's very, very exaggerated. People's current electricity consumption is less than 100 million kilowatts...

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