Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 311 Industry 6.0

The gimmick of artificial intelligence is actually somewhat similar to "nuclear fusion". They are both difficult problems that have not been overcome for decades or hundreds of years. It feels like a "scam of the times".

The only difference is that "nuclear fusion" is an energy issue, the lifeblood of civilization, and something that new human civilization must solve no matter what.

On the other hand, the influence of "artificial intelligence" is much smaller. Even if it cannot be developed, it will not affect the life or death of civilization. If it happens, something big might happen...

Humans are really an ambitious species. They don't even understand anything, but they have long had the idea of ​​artificial life, including not only carbonyl life, but also mechanical life.

The former involves genetic engineering, and the latter... is artificial intelligence.

However, people were soon banging their heads in both directions.

Genetic engineering has been boasted for decades, but even the most basic genetic dynamics have not been understood, and all work remains superficial. Artificial intelligence is slightly better and has some achievements, so it is not all boasting.

With the development of the Internet era, the tide of artificial intelligence has become more and more fierce every time, as if the "singularity era" is really coming...

But these technology giants at the forefront of Noah will definitely not be fooled by the media, because they themselves represent the entire industry.

One of the technical experts sighed: "The so-called 'strong artificial intelligence' and the 'singularity era'... are all leftover products of the earth age. They are definitely bragging anyway."

"So...Captain Yu, the strong artificial intelligence you mentioned is basically impossible to achieve at our current level!"

"We must expect computers to think like humans, with subjective initiative, their own thoughts, and active choices... Unless we can study the human brain at a deeper level and completely understand the thinking mode of the human brain, we can go one step further."

Having said this, the expert smiled self-deprecatingly: "Besides, if the computer really has thoughts, why should it be required to serve human beings? Just... human beings are the 'god' who created it, and human beings are its Creator?"

Hearing this, everyone laughed softly.

If humans find that the "God" who created them is so weak, will they be willing to serve "God"?

Humans are guaranteed to jump up and down with a "God" look on their face!

According to this logic, creating "strong artificial intelligence" would be a disaster. Unless humans are capable enough to instill enough moral character and a worldview and values ​​similar to humans into "strong artificial intelligence".

But these things belong to the category of philosophy... How to instill a worldview?

Raise it like a child?

Humans have no clue.

Yu Yifeng was not discouraged and continued to ask: "Strong artificial intelligence won't work. What about the so-called weak artificial intelligence? Isn't it possible that it won't work either?"

Weak artificial intelligence refers to: the ability to create intelligent machines that can truly "reason" and "solve problems."

These machines may appear to be intelligent, but they do not truly possess intelligence or autonomous consciousness.

Yu Yifeng asked: "Decades ago, AlphaGo defeated the top human players in the field of Go, and the 'deep learning' algorithm turned out, triggering a wave of trends. Such machines are already a bit weak in artificial intelligence." What does intelligence mean? Can it be used in industry?”

"It's been so long, we can't make any progress at all, right?"

The expert continued to answer: "This is exactly what I want to say. In fact, after more than 70 years of setbacks and exploration, the caliber of the field of artificial intelligence has quietly changed. Strong artificial intelligence is actually science fiction, and is now generally mentioned It’s all machine learning.”

"Machine learning, that is...simulating or implementing human learning behavior to acquire new knowledge or skills, thereby continuously improving the performance of its own machine."

"Such artificial intelligence, uh, can be said to have been partially realized... and has even been used in many places. For example, some image recognition technologies in the Genov Industrial Factory, as well as some automation technologies, and some detection technologies... These technologies can significantly improve the operating performance of industrial robots and enhance the automation and unmanned manufacturing processes.”

"So... Captain Yu, we only have such a large industrial capacity with a small population!"

"But no matter how weak artificial intelligence is, humans still need to control and issue instructions. Under the current situation, it is already the limit for one person to control so many production lines, and it is difficult to increase it... This is exactly what we are encountering. It’s a question.”

“If we add more production lines, we won’t have enough people.”

"Is that so..." Yu Yifeng frowned tightly.

If we can't even complete the first five-year plan, the subsequent centenary plan will be useless.

He still asked unwillingly: "Is there really no other way?"

The expert paused and then said: "Yes! It is to use machines to manage more machines and increase the number of humans that can be manipulated! Even repairs, maintenance, and monitoring are automatically completed by robots, and we are only responsible for the last part! "

Hearing this, Yu Yifeng's ears perked up.

"In this industrial system, the connection between robots is like a multi-layered binary or ternary tree. Only the last root node is the human being who gives orders."

"Nix civilization has already explored this issue. We can absorb some of the results and try to integrate them into our own... It is called: a multi-layer intelligent industrial system."

Yu Yifeng was immediately overjoyed: "How long does it take to complete such a multi-layered intelligent industrial system? How much industrial capacity can it increase?"

"We can only do our best, but for the time being... it's hard to estimate!" The expert shook his head: "We need to integrate a large amount of data into a supercomputer. The more structural layers, the greater the productivity improvement. Three times, four times or even ten times is possible!”

"To give a simple example, if we need to manufacture 10,000 excavators, according to the current industry, a total of several steps such as mining, smelting, transportation, and manufacturing are required. Each step is automated, but some of the processes in between But it requires human connection.”

"But if... this multi-layered intelligent industrial system is designed well, all the work will be done automatically by pressing a button and inputting relevant parameters. In this way, everyone can manage more machines."

Having said this, the expert's voice lowered slightly. He could not guarantee that it would take several years to build this huge industrial system.

Yu Yifeng had no choice but to write down this seemingly feasible plan in his notebook... hoping that it would be realized soon.

This is currently the most likely solution to significantly increase industrial production capacity: weak artificial intelligence and multi-layered industrial systems, referred to as... Industry 6.0.

"What else? Is there any other way to increase industrial production capacity? You must think of a way!"

This time there was a long seemed like there was nothing anyone could do.

Also, insufficient population is the biggest key. No matter how we think of ways, not enough people will not work.

At this moment, biologist Dr. Roman suddenly said: "I have an idea. We can improve people's intelligence or increase the brain's computing power. In this way, everyone can study more things and control more Machines can also achieve higher productivity! ”

"That is... a brain chip! Through an electronic chip, human beings' computing power and analytical capabilities are greatly improved! Through this device, humans can analyze and process more information per unit time!"

" is this possible?"

Another scientist immediately shouted in disbelief.

Things involving the brain are very profound. Generally speaking, there is no way to achieve it, right? It is impossible for the Knicks civilization to have such a thing as a "brain chip"...

"Brain chips" have abruptly improved human intelligence, which is equivalent to turning people into computers...

Do humans still have such black technology?

No, it’s not just that. After installing a brain chip on a human being, his logical thinking is still human, but his computing speed is at the level of a computer...

Such humans can be regarded as another kind of "strong artificial intelligence", right?

More's perfect! The "brain chip" can improve the brain and improve the success rate of perfecting the hormone.

Needless to say, longer lifespans, superhuman beings are undoubtedly smarter! Yu Yifeng usually has so many things to do, but he can't complete them smoothly, and he can even take some time off!

Just because... his reaction ability is faster and his brain's processing speed is very powerful.

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Dr. Roman.

"This is just our research direction. It's impossible now, but that doesn't mean it's impossible in the future..." Dr. Roman said lightly. He just said something ambiguous.

After the meeting, Yu Yifeng immediately chased after him, his heart beating rapidly...

Dr. Roman will never hit the target without aim!

He deliberately lowered his voice and said: "Doctor, has the scientific information provided by the alien life Black been analyzed?" When he said this, he felt very nervous.

Dr. Roman smiled strangely, whispered something to Yi Feng, and the two hurried to the airport.

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