Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 321 Discussing and solving doubts

Facing Yi Feng's questioning, Hei was suddenly shocked. He had not thought of this just now.

He quickly said: "Yes, you are right. Noah is indeed an amazing piece of trash... Oh no... It is an amazing thing."

"It has subspace technology, artificial gravity technology, a very large storage capacity and a good living environment... It is the best spaceship."

"I suggest that it is best not to expose it before we reach L4 or even L5!"

As soon as he finished this series, he immediately added: "I'm sorry, I didn't think it through just now. The Deep Space alone is still too thin, so I suggest... develop more frigates immediately!"

"Frigates can carry a large number of space weapons to protect the Deep Space..."

"Its size does not need to be large, it can have a driver or it can be unmanned, but the firepower must be sufficient... As for the number, 1,000 or even 10,000 ships are not too many!"

This Hei seemed to have completely replaced the role of a human being, shouting enthusiastically.

Yu Yifeng did not immediately respond to Hei's suggestion, but asked calmly: "But the Noah is now wrapped in the Deep Space, without revealing any shadow, others should not be able to find it?"

As for the frigate, it is already in people's planning...

Now that the Deep Space has been completed, people have freed up a lot of industrial capacity, which will be used to build more small frigates.

Of course, the more weapons, the better, the stronger the better!

Hei shook his head and said worriedly: "It's not safe to wrap it in the Deep Space. It can only prevent some ordinary electromagnetic wave detection."

"But the more advanced Destroyer civilization may have developed means of neutrino detection."

"Neutrino detection can easily detect the Noah hull wrapped in the Deep Space! Therefore, we must develop some anti-detection means as soon as possible, and constantly strengthen our armed forces."

Yu Yifeng frowned and thought about it. Using neutrino detection means, at least humans can't do it at all...

Neutrinos are small, uncharged elementary particles. They interact very weakly with other substances and are widely present in nature. Its characteristics are: very strong penetrating power, which can easily penetrate the entire planet! Of course, it also includes the deck of the Deep Space...

He asked again: "So... what is the Destroyer civilization?"

This is a question that has troubled my mind for a long time, because the Green Light Man was beaten half to death by such a civilization, and finally detonated the sun when he was desperate.

Hei smiled awkwardly: "As the name suggests, it refers to civilizations with strong desire to attack. There are three types in total."

"First, there are civilizations with certain bandit characteristics. They like to rob civilizations weaker than them... Different interstellar civilizations are complex. If there are some special reasons, many civilizations don't mind being bandits."

"You know, it's not just the Milky Way, the entire universe is full of garbage from more advanced civilizations... Maybe it was discarded by the so-called god-level civilization at will, anyway, no one knows why."

"These garbage are also very valuable to interstellar civilizations... For example... Noah?"

Yu Yifeng nodded, and his heart became more and more strange. The universe is full of high-level garbage? Bandits?

The original destroyer civilization wanted to rob the neutron star fragments of the green light people?

Hei continued: "The second type is that some interstellar civilizations themselves developed from wars. This kind of civilization is more terrible than bandits!"

"Their thinking mode is completely different from that of normal civilizations. They even believe that the meaning of war itself is to promote the development of civilization..."

"Therefore, this kind of civilization will constantly wage wars to increase its internal driving force... Because of the long-term existence of the survival crisis, this kind of civilization develops very rapidly... But if there is no war, they will decline due to some internal reasons..."

"There is also a third type, some silicon-based civilizations, their way of thinking is... profit first! For them, 1.01 is definitely greater than 1, so they must choose 1.01."

"According to this idea... if the benefits of eliminating the other party are greater than the possible risks, then they will launch an attack. For this kind of Civilization will always pursue greater interests and is also very dangerous. "

"These three aggressive civilizations are collectively called destroyer civilizations."

"The robbers are okay and can be scared off, but the latter two are very dangerous... Their ideas are inexplicable and we can't understand them."

Yu Yifeng was silent for a while and asked again: "Are there many of them?"

"Also, since interstellar civilization exists, why hasn't the Milky Way been completely occupied?"

"The number is not very large... In the vast Milky Way, it is not easy to encounter an interstellar civilization if you don't go to the center of the Milky Way."

Hei immediately replied: "As for the latter question... Captain Yu, the expansion of interstellar civilization is not unlimited, and it will also encounter a series of development traps. Not every civilization will always be strong and develop."

"Nothing is eternal, not even the universe."

"Oh?" Yu Yifeng was a little confused.

"... There are many reasons, which are very complicated and need to be considered by every interstellar civilization." Faced with this question, Hei spoke hesitantly.

He felt that it would not be clear for a while: "Including but not limited to... mutual constraints between interstellar civilizations, interstellar wars, the law of increasing entropy of civilizations, certain internal degeneration factors, information light speed barriers, population traps, etc., these are all Restricting the expansion of interstellar civilization.”

"Many civilizations have invariably chosen an elite strategy of small population and high quality. It is similar to ours. Of course, our current population is still too small."

Seeing Yu Yifeng's thoughtful look, Hei added: "Moreover, starting from the L2 level, interstellar civilizations have an excellent means of life-saving-the curvature engine!"

"If...I mean if, we unfortunately encounter the Destroyer Civilization, we can escape smoothly as long as we deploy the curvature engine and exceed the speed of light!"

Hei made a gesture and said somewhat exaggeratedly: "Only extremely high-level interstellar civilizations, L7 or L8, have detection methods that exceed the speed of light!"

Because of the existence of the curvature engine, after warping space, the spacecraft can easily exceed the speed of light.

However, no matter the detection methods such as electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves or neutrinos, they are still at the speed of light. If they cannot catch up with the super-light spacecraft, detection will not be possible.

Therefore, exceeding the speed of light has become the best protective barrier for lower interstellar civilizations... This is a complete theoretical shackles.

"...Is there any way to detect faster than the speed of light? Doesn't it really violate the theory of relativity?" Yu Yifeng asked curiously: "Can we use curvature space for detection? The movement of space can exceed the speed of light..."

"I don't know about this..." Hei shrank his neck. He didn't know everything: "Speaking of which, I have been dormant for millions of years. Maybe during this time, the Milky Way has undergone new changes... …”

The two fell silent. The amount of information in this conversation was very large, giving Yu Yifeng a preliminary understanding of the Milky Way.

After a long time, Yu Yifeng spoke up again: "What do you think our strength is? How are the levels of civilization divided?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he simply asked all the questions in his mind.

According to the current strength of mankind, it is not a problem to crush K-class civilization, including the previous earth civilization, which can be easily crushed with the current huge industrial strength.

But Yu Yifeng doesn't know whether humans can rank high among interstellar civilizations.

Judging from the information available so far, humans cannot defeat the Green-Light Man, nor can they defeat the Destroyer civilization behind the Green-Light Man, nor can they defeat the civilization where Black was before...

Looking at it this way, is it still the lowest level of interstellar civilization?

Hei smiled and said: "Captain Yu, you don't need to be too anxious. Our potential is still very great. With so many elites and brain chips, it will be smooth sailing at least until L4... and even break through to L5 and L6. possible."

"At least our social system, civilized goals and civilized will are very healthy!"

emmm, because everyone is on holiday for the Chinese New Year, and maybe they are all reading books, the traffic has been particularly poor these days, and the subscriptions have also been particularly poor...

I also need time to take a break and sort out the world view and specific settings later on, which is really frustrating.

So... starting from tomorrow, I can only be a "one-update beast", and then resume two-updates after the New Year.

Very sorry.

It is updated every day at about 8 pm, and there is no one at noon for the time being.

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