Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 328 Law of Entropy Increase

[The law of entropy increase] is one of the basic laws of cosmic sociology.

It shows that in natural processes, the total disorder (i.e., "entropy") of an isolated system does not decrease.

Decay is an eternal theme in the universe. It applies not only to the laws of thermodynamics, but also to stars, black holes, life and even civilization!

"Nothing in the universe is eternal, and interstellar civilizations also decline and die. Therefore, the parameter [civilization entropy value] is used to judge the degree of chaos within a civilization."

"We can assume that the more orderly a civilization is, the smaller the entropy will be; conversely, the greater the entropy will be."

"The entropy increase of civilization is a spontaneous process. But each civilization can use certain methods to control the rate of entropy increase."

So, how to avoid the rapid entropy increase of civilization?

This is very complicated to say, and is related to all aspects of a civilization’s history, economy, system, culture, technology, etc. This is the key research content of cosmic sociology.

As a leader of civilization, Yu Yifeng often participates in such discussions.

What is very strange is that statistically speaking, there is an obvious negative correlation between the overall mobility of civilization and the number of people.

When the population is small, it is always easy to agglomerate; when the population is large, it is difficult and requires various systems, rules and laws.

This principle is very simple and easy to understand.

This is a social theory contributed by the cosmological sociologist "Black". He believes that population explosion is not necessarily a good thing for interstellar civilization.

Each civilization, due to differences in history, economy, system, and culture, has its own [optimal number of population]. Beyond this number, "civilization entropy" will increase rapidly.

"There are many times when the productivity of 10 billion people is not as good as that of 100 million people... Because the system cannot keep up, 10 billion people are even more chaotic."

So, what is the appropriate population size?

Can it achieve industrial maximum without causing significant entropy increase?

Perhaps because there is still too little knowledge, people have not found a very precise calculation formula.

Hei's past civilization is already at level 4 and he still hasn't found it, or he has found it, but he doesn't know.

"In other words... the entropy of civilization is likely to increase due to the increase in population. This is also one of the main reasons why many interstellar civilizations seek elite and miniaturized societies. Correspondingly, with the development of science and technology, most The birth rate of civilization will gradually decrease."

Black wrote in its report:

"I once saw an L3 civilization with a long history, which occupied several stars and had a population of trillions. To develop to that level, it must have formed an extremely complex and huge amount of technology."

"This is a truly old L3 civilization. Whether it is technology, knowledge system, or the promotion, inheritance and development of civilization, its difficulty will far exceed the intelligence and life span of ordinary individuals."

"At this time, most of the population has become a garbage population... They can no longer bring impetus to the development of civilization."

"This civilization does not yet have L4-level brain chips to enhance intelligence. This garbage population has in turn restricted the development of the civilization, making it unable to make any further progress..."

"In this way, civilization gradually fell into the trap of material enjoyment, just like many low-level civilizations..."

"The civilization lost its spirit and was finally defeated by another young L2 civilization. This L2 civilization also obtained a lot of technology and was successfully promoted..."

"So, education, cultural atmosphere and certain social systems are extremely important to the development of civilization! Even interstellar civilization should not ignore this aspect!"

Black spent his days in his office writing his novel arguments.

He is extremely concerned about the development of new human civilization, and is extremely eager, as if he is the real leader... Well, Yu Yifeng has nothing wrong with this. A once advanced civilization must have lessons to learn. at.

Although he is an alien, these papers, as long as they make sense, should be considered carefully...

In this way, in just a few days, the Noah society quickly returned to the working state of building the "Deep Space", and there was nothing uncomfortable.

This shows that the entire civilization is very healthy, and Yu Yifeng is very satisfied with it.

Time passed day by day, and with people working day and night, the construction of the space elevator was officially completed in only two months.

Its length and width are both about 50 meters, and there are more than 100 built-in elevators that come and go. It can transport about three million to five million tons of materials every day.

This quantity is quite a lot, because what is delivered are all finished products.

In just a few days, a larger batch of mining machines were transported via the space elevator. Under the guidance of satellite navigation, these machines will automatically go to various mining areas, and then...mining!



Trains extending in all directions will transport the excavated minerals to the main smelting base near the space elevator. After the smelting base completes the smelting of the minerals, the final product will be transported up through the space elevator...

A complete industrial system was completed in this way, simple and crude but efficient...

It only took a little over two months!

Of course, there must be various details, big and small, but these details are not under Yifeng's control. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do it alone.

The government has set up a special research group to deal with emergencies, and even small matters do not require his approval.

As a result, this special research group became the busiest place, and a group of staff members argued over various plans every day.

They are all young people of the new generation, young and energetic, and it is time to exercise their work standards.

"... No, this won't work! The power load of the main smelting base on the surface is very large, and the energy we are transporting down is completely insufficient... We may need to add new reactors! Little John, hurry up!"

"Add more reactors? We have already added many!"

A young man rushed out in a hurry, and was pulled back by an older man. What reactors to add? ! It is better to transmit the extra electricity of the Deep Space down. We can attach superconducting wires to the space elevator, and the wires do not need to bear the weight themselves..."

"If the electricity can be transmitted down, how much uranium resources can be saved!"

"Transmit the electricity down... Let me check, yes, yes, the current power generation of the Deep Space is indeed too large!"

"Then transmit the electricity down! I think D63 superconducting wires can be used! "

After checking and discussing for a while, everyone agreed with this plan. After the ion engine was turned off, the power generation of the nuclear fusion reactor was too large, and a lot of it was wasted. It would be good to use it to smelt metals...

As a result, the space elevator added another 8,000-kilometer wire transmission project...

There are still many such problems. In the hands of this group of young people, they solved them one by one, and the operation of the mineral base below became more smooth.

The industrial capacity of more than 700,000 people is different from that of 50,000 people, and even differs by several orders of magnitude!

More than 700,000 high-tech talents can gradually support many major scientific developments.

What's more, in the past 160 years, human intelligence and science and technology have made leaps and bounds. The speed of mining is very fast. There are millions of machines on the entire planet, and the number is large, but it is carried out in an orderly manner...

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