Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 334 Elite Education

In this way, except for the "suspected nuclear explosion" emergency, everything else was working normally.

Supplemented by the large resources of the GB131 planet, the "Titan" class frigate also began to be officially manufactured. It will be anchored at the rear of the Deep Space. With normal human industrial production capacity, only one can be built in two years...

This is a "sunny" good weather, or in other words, the weather in living and working areas is always very good.

Starting at seven o'clock in the morning, people get up one after another and usher in a new day. Children go to school and adults go to work.

There are many things to do, and every day is very fulfilling...

Most of the population in Noah are scientific researchers, and manual labor has almost completely disappeared, replaced by robots. Creative work becomes more interesting, and people are more willing to work hard for it over the long term.

The new government has done a lot of guiding work in this regard, and there will always be ideal goals, large and small, proposed. Whenever this goal is achieved, people get a huge sense of accomplishment.

The extremely wealthy life makes people become more simple, without the intrigues before. There will be no such thing as showing off wealth... Well, people now have no concept of money, and basically everything is free.

Because of the existence of brain chips, everyone is very smart, and their work efficiency has improved by an unknown amount compared to before...

But having said that, cutting-edge scientific research still requires talent and intuition, and only a few can work on the front line of science.

Most people do not have any special talents and are distributed in different positions according to their personal interests and hobbies, such as engineers, designers, doctors, reporters, etc. From this perspective, such a social level is more reasonable than it was a hundred years ago...

There are currently many scientific research directions on board Noah, and it is no longer something Yu Yifeng can manage alone. However, there are three general directions in total: dark matter theory, nanotechnology and genetic engineering technology.

They respectively represent the L2, L3, and L4 levels of interstellar civilization. They are all just a small beginning, but they give humans a glimpse of its powerful potential...

Putting aside the scientific research work, it has been advancing in an orderly manner, and the large-scale mining, smelting and other work on the GB131 planet has also been carried out smoothly.

This huge project only used a small number of people.

People have been doing things like mining and smelting for more than a hundred years. The entire industrial system is completely automated, and humans don’t need to bother at all...

In addition to science and industry, there is another important undertaking, and that!

On this day, at the junction of Noah and Deep Space, a teacher was teaching more than 20 students in a seductive manner.

"Ignorance and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is... We have no reason to be arrogant. Our survival depends on our mothership and science."

"There are still too many things in the universe that we don't understand, such as Noah... We must be full of awe of the unknown."

This is a cosmology class, where a teacher is teaching young children, instilling basic values ​​and worldviews.

These children were generally fourteen years old, and they were all whispering to each other. They were extremely excited, and I didn’t know if they were listening. Because they know that starting from the age of 14, they can finally leave the Noah and have the authority to enter the "Deep Space" in a gravity-free environment!

Many jobs on the Noah ship have been taken over by robots, including a large number of services. Only the teaching profession has not been replaced. Education has always been a task that the new government attaches great importance to.

Facing the noisy students, the female teacher didn't take it seriously. 14 years old is the most naughty time. Moreover, shaping values ​​can never be accomplished by just saying a few must be truly experienced by them.

Fear the universe, it’s impossible! How could these children know the word "awe" without witnessing it with their own eyes? Moreover, they do not have brain chips in their heads. They are still the most primitive "natural people" and do not have strong emotional control capabilities.

Generally speaking, these children will not be implanted with brain chips until they reach adulthood at the age of 22 and their brains are fully developed.

During the period before adulthood, they will only receive basic primary education, and the content will not be very profound. It is mainly to cultivate logical thinking skills and personal interests and hobbies.

When they become adults and have brain chips implanted, they will learn esoteric and professional knowledge based on their hobbies.

Seeing the noisy classroom, the teacher smiled slightly and continued: "The development of civilizations is similar. For example, on the ancient earth, they all chose gold as their equivalent. Due to our low intelligence, we cannot yet get rid of genes. Instinct, so we will still fall into similar traps..."

"Only by learning from history can we overcome these civilizational traps... We must unite..."

In this serious class, a child named Tom actually chuckled, and several other little girls seemed to be snickering too.

"Okay everyone, no matter what I won't understand. Why not experience the universe for yourself! Just treat it like a space flight course! You know, space flight is a course for 16-year-olds."

The experienced female teacher gradually stopped teaching and looked at them with a smile. She also received this kind of education when she was young, and it left an indelible impression...

This kind of unforgettable experience will be unforgettable for a lifetime!

Now, it is the turn of the younger generation, and there is a strange sense of schadenfreude in her eyes.

According to government regulations, such courses are mandatory for every child.

The group of them had already reached the observation deck of the Deep Space. There is no gravity outside the Noah, so these students all wear power armor and rely on electromagnetic force to adhere to the deck.

When they heard the words "space walk", they all stopped making noise and became interested. Because I have only seen such dangerous things on TV, but because I am too young, I cannot practice it myself.

"Okay, everyone, don't move and let these military uncles fasten your seat belts for you."

After hearing these words, everyone stood in line obediently. A group of serious soldiers tied nanocarbon safety ropes behind their power armors.

The other end of the safety rope is tied to a pulley, which is covered with thin ropes. The rope is not thick, only as thick as a headphone cable, but it can easily withstand several tons of pulling force under the earth's gravity.

After confirming that everyone had fastened their safety ropes, the teacher handed over to the soldier captain and then opened the glass window of the observation platform.

Immediately afterwards, the air was quickly drawn out of the room, and the place became a vacuum.

The kids were so excited, shouting loudly into their headphones, it was like an unconventional suburban adventure.

This was the first time they faced the vast universe, the darkness and silence, the endless secrets of the endless starry sky, and now...only power armor protected them.

Because they were in the "Deep Space", this group of people did not have any sense of awe. Instead, they had a desire to explore, and their curiosity was far greater than their fear.

GB131 at the foot of Deep Space is being conquered by humans, and these children have a feeling that "human beings are very powerful".

"Okay! Everyone can turn off the magnetic system of the power armor and experience the feeling of weightlessness. You can even jump out of the Deep Space and experience space flight... Everyone is allowed to use the ion engine."

"Tom, you start first. The safety rope behind you will protect you! I will definitely pull you back in ten minutes." The female teacher said with a smile.

Tom is the naughtiest student among this group of children. He doesn't like to study very much. He can be said to be a senior problem student. That is to say, he is the most noisy in class.

He was already impatient in this situation. As soon as the teacher finished speaking, he couldn't wait to jump out.

Normal...normal update. I didn’t do much during the New Year holidays, and the book review section was so busy.

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