Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 352 Newborn or mature?

While everyone was having a heated discussion, Yu Yifeng stepped forward and expressed his question: "Then the question is, why does this Gaia creature attack us?"

"For intelligent life, whether it is an attack or other behavior, it must be supported by internal logic, right?"

Dr. Rimbaud thought for a while, then stood up again. He gestured with his hands and said: "Captain, I thought of two possibilities... First, this creature is still in its most ignorant primary stage. It has not yet formed a complete body. A world view without a strong sense of self is like a baby, learning from the whole world.”

"Because some of the influence of the original indigenous civilization instilled some bad worldviews into it, it became infected with aggressive tendencies..."

"So, as long as it sees intelligent life or man-made buildings, it doesn't care. Or... it thinks dropping a nuclear bomb is a way of saying hello?"

"Of course, it may have some emotions of its own... Gaia creatures are born in nature and hate the drastic modification of nature. Maybe they think nuclear bombs are just stones, and they just throw one at things they don't like..."

When Dr. Rimbaud said this, he laughed a few times and asked himself: "Some people will definitely ask, does it already have a nuclear bomb, is it still a baby?"

"I feel that we cannot use our common sense to measure this strange creature... This kind of creature does not need to reproduce, and has a strange structure and a large distribution area. It may be difficult to form a true self-awareness."

"I even think that it has not even invented language and writing... because the entire race has only one consciousness and does not need these things. As we all know, the formation of self-awareness actually requires social communication. The wisdom of Gaia's consciousness will not It may come about out of thin air, and it may only come about through extensive communication with the indigenous people.”

"Because they are born with extremely high racial values, their computing power may be very high, but their self-awareness is not strong. Just like a very advanced robot, it has the most preliminary learning function and will imitate everywhere, but in the end it imitates They don't know whether something is good or bad..."

"So, as for things like nuclear bombs, they were all imitated by indigenous civilizations. Maybe for them, these things are very simple and they can be fabricated with bare hands."

"The above are some of my guesses..."

Dr. Rimbaud finished speaking in one breath and then sat down.

Everyone present hesitated slightly, thinking about this point. Some people agree, but others disagree.

All of Rimbaud's views are very novel, have no logical contradictions and can be justified.

Why are Gaia's creatures so smart but haven't developed high technology? Because its self-awareness is quite weak, or even non-existent! It’s just an imitation of the original indigenous technology!

"There are still two opinions on whether there are Gaian creatures. As for its various properties, they are all just conjectures... Science is all about evidence. We must get more information on the planet!"

"I volunteer to go to Dige 114..." A middle-aged man stood up and spoke.

After someone took the lead, other people started shouting, and they rushed to go to the planet to investigate first-hand data.

What Gaia creatures are simply imaginary things, more attractive than strong artificial intelligence!

From a certain perspective, these mad scientists are more desperate than soldiers...

"Dr. Lan Bo, didn't you say there were two points? Now you only said one point." Yu Yifeng suddenly reminded.

Rimbaud slapped his head and stood up again: "Oh! Yes, there is another possibility... This creature is not born, but has a strong self-awareness, and its concept contains aggression!"

"This is the second possibility that I just thought of! This creature... has formed its own world view! Everyone has also seen that the nuclear war that broke out on land might have been caused by it? And it was intentional!"

"This situation is quite dangerous. I think that when it suddenly attacks us, it just wants to get our technology and quickly advance in technology!"

"Because of the lack of information, it mistakenly believes that it can defeat us on its own. After all, it has never seen an interstellar civilization. And it has just wiped out a low-level civilization, so it is full of confidence!"

" is sure that after shooting down our spacecraft, it will quickly imitate our technology through the fragments of the spacecraft!"

"...According to this, it has already obtained our submarines and drones!"

Dr. Rimbaud's second conjecture gave people another frightening feeling.

Two conjectures, one born and one mature, will lead to completely different endings...

People must respond in completely different ways.

But in any case, as long as this Gaia creature really exists, it must have extremely high computing power, and its biological functions are extremely powerful. It can even use its own biological cells to build biological telescopes, nuclear bombs, and even rockets "with bare hands"!

This is simply awesome...

It takes only a matter of minutes to imitate several drones and unmanned submarines!

Yu Yifeng suddenly stood up and said: "Don't panic, everyone. A few unmanned submarines are nothing. They are all mass-produced. Our materials and some power systems may be learned... but it will not cause fundamental problems." Changes in strength.”

"The most important thing is that more things cannot be learned by it!"

He sighed at the end and realized the seriousness of the situation. He immediately dialed a channel and gave forward instructions: "After the unmanned spacecraft is hit by the enemy, immediately start the self-destruction procedure and don't let the garbage fall into the sea." go……"

"Also, strengthen the exploration work of land robots and look for further information! At the same time, try to release some kindness, such as music, poetry or some stories...see if you can communicate with them."

A series of instructions were quickly sent to the front.

Although the soldiers in the military are a bit immature, they have not deteriorated and their overall efficiency is still very fast. A large number of spaceships were rushing towards the planet. Xu Yunjin frowned when he saw this instruction. What is a "Gaia creature"?

This inexplicable enemy was beyond his imagination.

However, after reading the report completely, he still obeyed the order and immediately notified the unmanned spacecraft ahead to suspend high-altitude bombing and instead adopt a high-altitude broadcast method...

"We are a friendly new human civilization, please stop your attacks..."

It's a gentle female voice.

Behind it, there are a lot of children's laughter, the evil laughter of various animals, the music of jasmine, all kinds of pure music, etc...

Well, it's all about human kindness, and many staff are closely watching the ocean's reaction.

After doing all this, Xu Yunjin gave a righteous lecture in "Titan".

"Has anyone told me what the duties of a soldier are?" Xu Yunjin shouted when he saw rows of soldiers standing neatly and all 3D images visually presented on each spacecraft.

"Obey orders, obey commands, be brave and tenacious, and resolutely complete the mission..." Qi Sensen, the man below, roared.

"Are you brave and tenacious?"

Everyone was silent.

Several recruit captains were even blushing with embarrassment. They had already had enough training, but this was the first time they faced the cloud of death, so they subconsciously panicked for more than ten seconds...

This is human instinct, but it is not the quality a soldier should have.

Xu Yunjin did not criticize by name, but said loudly: "I have been reflecting on a question for a long time. Have we taken good care of you too well?"

"Especially Captain Yu Yifeng, he has always told me that our population is too small and we should try to avoid dangerous activities! Please let robots do dangerous things. But we are soldiers and we have our own spirit. ! We are the most powerful war machine in civilization, not those damn robots!"

"Our status must not be taken away by robots!"

"When I was a soldier, which mission did I not risk my life to complete? This spirit should not be lost!"

"If we all fear death, who will protect us when crisis comes, robots?"

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