Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 355 Accelerating Exploration

It's not just him, everyone is anxious.

But these scientists were anxious because they wanted to explore the unknown faster. It was a kind of anxiety that their curiosity could not be satisfied... When the research on seawater specimens failed, they knew that the complexity of this Gaia creature might be beyond imagination. .

But Yu Yifeng was different. The extreme anxiety in his heart was urging him to leave this planet as soon as possible!

And this feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if as time goes by, there will be an extinction crisis!

Since he couldn't think of other reasons, he could only secretly increase his vigilance. Maybe this "Gaia creature" was more dangerous than humans imagined.

Maybe there are some inexplicable unknowns about this planet that have not yet been discovered...

What's more, maybe... it's not a "Gaia creature", but a strong artificial intelligence?

Drones and satellites are working tirelessly to explore this planet...especially some inaccessible and smoggy places.

At this moment, Yu Yifeng had an idea and dialed a satellite phone directly.

He wanted to ask Calvin if this guy had any premonitions of danger.

After being released from prison, Calvin has been responsible for the production of entertainment culture, producing various movies, games, TV series, etc., as well as decent... This is also his old profession.

As a result, when asked this question, he also had a similar sense of crisis!

"I don't know what the crisis is! But it's definitely not good. Captain, you have to run, you have to run!" Calvin said in horror.

"I am implicated this time, which means that it is not safe to stay in the Deep Space... This crisis will affect the Deep Space, which is 900,000 kilometers away!"

And he also directly said that humans should leave this weird planet as soon as possible, the sooner the better, and it is best to escape within a year!

As long as you escape, the crisis will be over.

But what exactly is the crisis?

Calvin didn't know, and he could even estimate the time.

Yu Yifeng hung up the phone with an annoyed look on his face and touched his temples. He was very conflicted... Did he just run away inexplicably like this?

Although there is no shortage of living planets in the universe...

But there is another Gaia creature here, and there are many scientific research investigations that have not yet been done. It would be a pity to give up like this.

"Gaia's creatures are definitely rare things...rare on a galactic scale!"

He shook his head and studied the situation carefully.

First, people must find out the "Gaia creature" as soon as possible. Does it exist? Can it be domesticated?

People don't want to kill "Gaia creatures" directly. If nuclear bombs were really used to turn the ocean upside down, the entire algae population might not be completely destroyed, but the group consciousness might die directly.

This is what people don’t want to see…

According to scientists' conjecture, "Gaia organisms" are formed by regular and connected algae, but not every group of algae is Gaia organisms.

Just like human brain cells, if all the cells in a person's head are changed, even if these cells are not damaged, individual consciousness will probably not exist...

Now that many ocean areas have been bombed, this Gaia creature may have been damaged, but humans don't know the extent of the damage.

Of course...compared to humans, it is definitely not fragile.

Second, after detailed discussions on certification, more than 70% of high-level government officials believe that if this creature can really be domesticated... the benefits are of course self-evident!

Compared with the huge benefits you can get, you can still try it with a little risk!

"If there is a real danger, the worst case scenario is to abandon this planet and run away! Anyway, there are many unowned planets in the universe, and even living planets are not uncommon!"

"Beyond the speed of light is the best protective barrier. No one knows where we have gone!"

In this case, people finally reached a consensus.

But how to tame Gaian creatures?

……totally no idea!

No one can think of a particularly good way. They can only try to figure out the nature of this creature through research bit by bit...

It is always right to explore specific traits first.

"too slow."

Yu Yifeng did not make his anxiety public. After all, please talk about this kind of thing without any basis. If you say it rashly, it will only increase panic.

He just talked to a few close associates. Zhao Yao, Xu Yunjin and others all believed in Yu Yifeng. They all agreed that if there was really a danger, they should speed up the research. They couldn't do such slow research because no one knew when the results would be produced.

If it really drags on for one day, it will be in danger. Such research is absolutely unreliable.

There is another breakthrough, and that is the indigenous people on the land. Whether there are Gaian creatures or not, there will definitely be a lot of records about the original indigenous life!

"A nuclear war will not kill everyone. Some people will definitely survive...maybe in some deep mountains and old forests." Yu Yifeng frowned and thought.

"Dong dong dong" At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

"Please come in!" He said immediately as his heart moved.

The person who came was none other than Xu Yunjin. He hurriedly brought over a few documents and handed them to Yu Yifeng: "Look, our unmanned submarine had detected certain special electromagnetic bands before losing contact. It's a pity that at the time, I didn’t pay much attention to it and thought it was coming from ordinary marine organisms, so I didn’t do any focused testing.”

"This band is much weaker now, as if it was deliberately hidden. Instruments closer to the coast cannot detect it. Unless we send another batch of submarines into the deep sea..."

Yu Yifeng looked carefully. These documents were filled with dense electric waves, which looked like a person's brain waves.

But these data are only a dozen pages long, and the sample is not sufficient.

Hearing Xu Yunjin's words, he shook his head: "Don't send the submarine yet. As soon as it was sent down, the signal was blocked and the contact was lost. Isn't this a gift of technology? Let's analyze the existing electromagnetic signals first..."

"By the way, does it respond to the signal we emitted?"

Xu Yunjin also made a grimace, shook his head and said: "Not yet... it remains silent. Moreover, it did not respond to the landing spacecraft we sent."

"Judging from the loss of contact with the submarine, we can be sure that this unknown creature must still be alive... I don't know whether it is recuperating, holding back its ultimate move, or studying our submarine technology!"

"The former situation is okay, but the latter two situations are terrible. After all, it is difficult for us to detect the movement under the deep sea..." Xu Yunjin said a little impatiently.

People's "seawater specimen research" has not yielded any results. If they want to go faster, they can only hope to explore on land.

The previous landing spaceships were drones and did not carry any living creatures. These spaceships are just to test each other's reaction. Even if they are bombed, it won't matter too much.

As a result, all unmanned spacecraft landed successfully.

After several consecutive successes, it was almost the turn of humans to make their official debut...

"If you want to speed up research, you must land on the planet as soon as possible... Whether it's finding information or catching natives, it's much faster than machines! By the way, our robots have discovered some underground shelters, and there may be survivors inside! "


After hearing the latest news, Yu Yifeng stood up suddenly and walked back and forth in the captain's room several times. He began to study the map handed over by Xu Yunjin.

He finally asked: "About the text deciphering work of the indigenous civilization of Dige..."

"Most of it has been completed! The preliminary machine translation has been released and is barely usable!" Xu Yunjin said immediately.

After so many days, the robot has collected a lot of useful things, including various books, pictures, electronic materials, etc.

It has only been more than ten years since the nuclear war broke out, which is no longer than tens of millions of years since the Knicks civilization, so these things can be easily found.

Moreover, human technology has also advanced a lot, and the vigorous development of weak artificial intelligence has made "machine translation" more reliable.

"Now that the translation program has been developed, then..." Yu Yifeng looked at a touch of green in the distance and made up his mind: "Perform the landing mission!"

"Yes! I promise to complete the mission!" Xu Yunjin said immediately, while giving a solemn salute.

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