Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 366 Destruction of Civilization

On Dig Star, there is no peaceful state between countries. The world is divided into more than two hundred countries, large and small, with only such a small amount of land.

Various religious conflicts, territorial conflicts, historical conflicts...the disputes are countless!

Among these countries, large and small, there are "world police", "rogue countries", and "neutral powers". The political landscape is more complex than that of the earth. Especially in recent decades, with the development of industry, the originally hot planet has produced a more serious greenhouse effect. Sea levels have risen significantly, submerging large tracts of land.

The reduction of land area and the submergence of some cities have made the atmosphere of the whole world more tense... Various conflicts continue one after another.

Well, after the method of communicating with gods was made public, within a few months, huge chaos occurred all over the world, not just ordinary people, but also major countries.

A small country named Li suddenly made a big move:

They... built the atomic bomb!

This small country actually built a nuclear bomb within a few months? It’s incredible!

In particular, this country has no uranium mines and no country exports uranium resources to it. It actually built an atomic bomb...

The reason is simple. This country relies on the "gods" to directly copy a large amount of uranium!

The "gods" gave them uranium!

With high-concentration uranium resources already available, building an atomic bomb is not a matter of minutes?

What's even more awesome, is it possible to simply..."copy" a nuclear bomb?

Maybe not... In a sealed area, algae cells in seawater cannot come into contact, so they cannot replicate. Therefore, at most, only one empty nuclear bomb shell can be copied.

The clever Li government opened several holes in the nuclear bomb to force the seawater to flow in... The half-finished nuclear bomb was copied in this way...

They then modified these semi-finished products, and large quantities of nuclear bombs were produced.

These fanatical Diggers, after a period of practice, figured out the final result: the only things that cannot be copied are things in sealed spaces, very thick things, certain poisons, and high-intensity radioactive elements...

And because of the different process difficulties, the replication cycle can be fast or slow. A nuclear bomb may take several days...

"It turns out that gods are also afraid of poison! The productivity of gods is also limited..."

Of course, this "limitation" has greatly exceeded Li Guo's own productivity.

After having the nuclear bomb, Li country began to show off its power!

People across the country are proud and elated...

Faced with the provocation of the small rogue country, the "World Police" almost died of anger and wished to launch a war to destroy it directly.

But this superpower is in trouble...

The country is in a state of extreme chaos, especially the economy. All kinds of gold and counterfeit money are flying everywhere, and inflation is extremely serious. All shopping malls are closed, and no one wants to engage in production anymore. They all go to play with the "gods".

The government is sparing no effort to block the coastline and vigorously promote electronic currency to ban counterfeit money.

At the same time, top government officials are also thinking about whether they can rely on a war to divert intense internal conflicts.

This kind of thinking was good in the past, but it is quite dangerous now because other countries have nuclear bombs. If it is not eliminated at once, there will be a violent nuclear counterattack.

It’s not just the two countries that have huge conflicts...

Almost all countries have fallen into internal chaos and are on alert for external war. On the one hand, a huge crisis is occurring in the internal society, and on the other hand, enemy countries are watching with eager eyes...

All the countries that had been suppressed jumped up. They all had nuclear weapons and became impulsive and arrogant, eager to attack their enemies.

The world has never been so wonderful...

The Dige people, with their faith collapsed and their ideology in chaos, were directly overwhelmed by the huge productivity at the level of interstellar civilization. This productivity is directly used against its own compatriots.

This feeling is a bit like a fool who suddenly won a billion-dollar prize and became uncontrollable. He began his own journey to seek death...

The ambitions of careerists began to grow crazily; the Holy See was furious and arrested blasphemers on a large scale. Some Holy See claimed that the ones in the sea were "false gods" and fake gods. Some churches believe that the one in the sea is just a subordinate of the real "god", giving various explanations.

Fanatic believers started jumping off the building one by one, and those who didn't jumped off the building were already crazy, or they chose to believe what the Holy See said...

However, the national government could not control so much. In order to protect themselves, countries began to compete in military affairs.

Many countries build military factories directly on the seaside and expel ordinary people. After all, various weapon parts are copied and assembled directly. Although everything is soaked in sea water, it is not a big problem...

In this case, the whole world is like a snowball, and a huge and irresistible chain reaction begins... Even if pacifists loudly call for restraint, this general trend of the whole world cannot be achieved by just one or two people. blocked.

The benefits for maritime countries are the largest, and their military will explode within a few months! Landlocked countries without access to the ocean have become poor garbage countries and are in an extremely dangerous state.

Without the help of "gods", they can only bite the bullet and follow the military competition. The good thing is that the internal chaos in these countries is not so chaotic, at least there is no situation where counterfeit money is flying everywhere.

If they want to solve these problems, these landlocked countries must either quickly annex a maritime country, or... be annexed!

During this period of time... a nuclear war will not break out for a while, because everyone still maintains a little bit of restraint. But local frictions have already started. If two countries are already at war, how can they stop now?

In particular, the proliferation of nuclear weapons has turned the entire world into an extremely dangerous powder keg. Just a spark will cause irreparable damage!

Leaders of major countries are extremely busy, like acrobats walking on a tightrope, neither left nor right, for fear of accidentally falling into the abyss. Especially small countries, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, challenging the limits of superpowers.

And this spark...all it takes is a small opportunity!

There is an undercurrent surging, and there are many smart people in the world who see the danger in the entire world. They began to urgently build various shelters. No one knew when this powder keg would explode...

Scientist Li Tu was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that things would develop like this... It was far different from what he imagined!

This general trend of the world is difficult for ordinary people to change, not even for the president of a country.

Li Tu never expected that his scientific research results would lead the world further and further down the road of destruction!

"Li Tu was so remorseful that he... committed suicide..."

"Before committing suicide, he released more information, but there was no way to change the course of the world's decline..."

What the Dige people didn't know was that in this extremely chaotic situation, "Umolu, the God of the Sea" had obtained a large number of communications never before seen in history.

"Umolu" can receive tens of millions of visits in one day, which is more than tens of thousands of years ago.

By some inexplicable accident, its self-awareness began to sprout rapidly.

Going from 0 to 1 is equivalent to starting from nothing. It is extremely difficult and a long journey.

From 1 to 100, it has become a very simple matter.

"Poseidon" is like a newborn baby, beginning to consciously observe these crazy intelligent beings.

It has gone from unconscious imitation to conscious imitation, and even strange perceptual structures have emerged, which can "see" and "hear" and are no longer limited to the original electromagnetic waves.

This is a qualitative change...

Perhaps at this moment, the emergence of "self-awareness" changed it from a program to an ignorant and intelligent creature.

"It is difficult for a newborn creature to have its own good and evil. It only has some of its own primitive instincts. Just like a human baby, it needs to learn from the entire world..."

"As a result, from the first moment it opened its eyes, these stupid Diggers instilled greed, indoctrination in evil, indoctrination in conflict, indoctrination in how to kill the same kind... It saw a large number of arsenals on the coastline, a large number of Civil-military conflict.”

"What will be the result?"

"No one knows who sent the first nuclear bomb. Maybe it was a country that lacked patience. Maybe it was Umoru, the god of the sea. Who knows?"

"Once this huge powder keg is ignited, it can never be stopped. This is how the wasteland world was born."

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