Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 368 Information Bombing

In this way, as the spaceship landed, the group successfully landed on the planet Dig 114.

The hatch slowly opened, and when Yu Yifeng stepped off the spacecraft, he almost had a strange illusion of returning to Earth...

Light green sky, high clouds...and bright sunshine.

The sun shines through the glass and shines warmly on your face.

The whole environment is a little different, but it feels familiar.

Sunshine...Long time no see.

Yu Yifeng squinted his eyes and enjoyed it greedily for a few seconds. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to his mother's arms and forgot all his worries. Mother is always the warmest and most relaxing existence.

Almost all the older generation had the same lazy expression.

The new generation, on the other hand, looked curious and excited.

It's a pity that there is a trace amount of nuclear radiation underfoot. If you want to survive here for a long time, you can't stay healthy. Unless you hide in a shelter like these Diggers all day long, your life will not be short.

"Dige people are so stupid. They destroyed a good living environment..." Yu Yifeng quickly woke up from his laziness. Facing the wasteland at his feet, he felt a little depressed.

Why did the war happen? For survival, or... for glory?

It wasn't until everyone got off the spacecraft that a group of reception scientists hurried over.

Yu Yifeng did not hesitate, and without any ceremony, he started to ask directly: "How about it, are there any research results about the radio waves found by scientist Li Tu?"

A middle-aged expert handed over a report and nodded at the same time: "...Actually, these radio waves represent different meanings. The videos posted by Li Tu from Dige represent the meanings of 'calling' and 'begging' respectively. ”

"The second batch of information he released are 'joy', 'sadness', 'pain', 'fear', etc. It seems that this creature has already produced the most preliminary emotions... I don't know how it is evolving now. ”

Hearing this, Yu Yifeng's heart moved. He took the report and flipped through it a few times. There were various dense lines drawn on it, which were very similar to human brain waves.

He immediately asked: "Have you ever experimented with these... radio waves?"

The expert nodded immediately: "Yes! But it didn't respond to us. It just found some radio waves similar to 'fear' from a distance..."

"It may have been frightened by us and hid when it saw the human spacecraft..." he said doubtfully.

Yu Yifeng and Xu Yunjin looked at each other, and there was a surge of ecstasy in their hearts. Since it was "fear", it also explained why this creature was hiding.

Everything... seems to be developing for the best!

If this is really the case, it means... Gaia's creatures are still in the infant stage!

There is the possibility of enlightenment!

He immediately said: "Execute the education plan!"

In this way, a very strange large-scale education plan began. The industrial factory inside Noah began to urgently process various equipment, and various education experts were also urgently recruited to prepare "teaching materials" for different stages!

For these education experts, this was the first time in their lives. When they were assigned this task, they had an incredible feeling...

How can a ball of algae be educated? It's very troublesome. A non-human, highly dangerous creature has to be educated to have thoughts similar to those of humans...

They had a lot of disagreements with each other.

What should I do? They all say that students should be taught in accordance with their aptitude, but no one knows what kind of temper these algae are, and no one has such experience.

In particular, its future IQ is likely to be higher than that of humans... Of course, judging from its existing performance, it is highly likely that it will be far inferior now and is still in a state of primitive instinct.

"The time when it really developed its self-awareness was only in the past ten years, probably when it had a lot of contact with the Dige people..."

"Influenced by the Dige natives, its current behavior is more like the Dige people. It is highly aggressive, has a confused ideology, and does not have a correct world view... Then, we must first let human influence, Overwhelm the Diggers!”

An education expert said at the meeting: "We believe that the best way is to... let it observe human society, or even integrate into human society, so that it will be influenced subtly!"


Yu Yifeng shook his head: "It is impossible for our people to live on this to integrate it into human society?"

The expert was not discouraged and said instead: "But we must also find a way to make it visible! It can be through video or other methods... Only large-scale social contact can influence it."

"Also... Captain, if you want to cultivate it into a human-like mind, you must first have a gender, right? Do you want to cultivate it into a male or a female? It should be genderless now..."

"Different genders will of course lead to different educational strategies in the future."

Hearing this question, Yu Yifeng froze at the time. He had never thought about this problem.

What is the situation, why are there still distinctions between men and women...

But think about it, if you want to truly develop human thinking, you must have gender awareness. Gender is a natural thing for humans, but this Gaia creature cannot be divided into male and female, so people have to fabricate one for it.

In this secret meeting, the final conclusion reached was: female.

Girls are always gentler and easier to control. Such a powerful creature cannot be naughty and mischievous at will. Maybe it will cause huge trouble to humans if it moves casually.

And with this kind of group consciousness, women are more in line with people’s image than men.

"It would be better to become a good girl..." Yu Yifeng thought in his heart: "A good girl to work for humans... is very good!"

In this way, after all the strategies were formulated, it took about a week to rush out these educational materials and related instruments.

Yu Yifeng reviewed all the contents like a quick glance. Most of them were videos of babies, various random laughter or noises, and some baby teaching videos from the Earth era...

There are hundreds of petabytes of these weird contents!

Of course, some content may occasionally have some feminine characteristics.

Because this creature has a very large amount of calculations and can receive different information from multiple processes at the same time, then... humans also plan to play various videos to it at the same time to greatly speed up education.

As for whether it can be accepted...that's not known!

"Don't worry, since it can respond to so many Diggers at the same time, it should be able to accept it... It is a multi-process creature with extremely high calculation capacity."

In this way, the huge Titan spacecraft became a "temporary transporter", urgently transporting a large number of airships, white screens, audio equipment, etc.

The four airships formed a group and flew into a rectangle in the sky. A rectangular white screen was pulled out between each other, and they just stopped in the sky.

This huge white screen plays video information 24 hours a day... Children laughing wildly, children crawling, children washing their butts, etc... The animals' evil laughter is no longer played. They are all children, and they are newborn babies.

There are more than 3,000 such flying groups in total, all of which are playing baby videos and conducting large-scale information bombing!

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