Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 372 Sword of Damocles

"The Southern Hemisphere...use our satellites and submarines to focus on searching the Southern Hemisphere!"

While everyone was discussing, Yu Yifeng decisively issued several instructions to the headquarters.

"Second, the Dige general confirms the authenticity of the incident again! Let some psychological experts go over to rule out the possibility of deliberately misleading us!"

After issuing these two orders, the venue gradually became silent. Almost everyone was flipping through the information or thinking hard in a panic.

A flying saucer... Are there really aliens hiding on this planet?

As for ocean search... deep down, people feel that it is unlikely that they will be able to search for something right away.

The ocean is so big. Judging from the current investment in power, it is almost impossible to monitor all aspects. If everything about the other party is silently hidden in a corner of the deep sea...

"Wait, the flying saucer flew away?!"

Why fly away from the ocean? !

This is where people get confused.

But soon, people came up with a chilling explanation:

Because... the warp engine!

Normally, the transmission speed of information is the speed of light. Whether it is electromagnetic waves, neutrinos, or gravitational waves, the maximum transmission speed can only be the speed of light!

No matter can move faster than the speed of light... this is a limitation of the theory of relativity.

But for interstellar civilizations, there is another expensive method of information transmission that can far exceed the speed of light!

That is... use the spacecraft's curvature engine to fly over at faster than light speed and deliver the message in person!

The expansion speed of space can theoretically exceed the speed of light, because the currently known volume of the universe has a diameter of 93 billion light-years, but the age of the universe is only 13.8 billion years.

In other words, during a certain period of time, the expansion rate of the universe is greater than the speed of light. Therefore, the "super-light speed" of the curvature engine does not violate the theory of relativity, and it is a similar principle.

"...A small flying saucer was unable to catch Gaia's creatures, so it flew away to call for a large force. Because using the warp engine is faster and saves more time than sending radio signals!"

The suggestion of this conjecture made everyone's heart beat faster, and adrenaline began to secrete involuntarily, as if they were stunned...

This conjecture is more terrifying than alien life in the ocean... It means that an alien fleet will come to the planet Dig 114 in the future.

The entire conference room was extremely quiet, and people even held their breath.

If this conjecture is true, all the fools who reason behind it will think that...the flying saucer flew out to call for reinforcements!

The reason for calling for reinforcements is, of course...Gaia's creatures!

If the interstellar civilization rushing over behind discovers the Deep Space and the humans who are educating the "Gaia creatures"... what will it do?

It must be a ruthless attack!

The value of one Gaia creature is enough to cause an interstellar war! Yes, enough!

The method of light speed strike may already be on the way, but humans don’t know it yet. Because an object moving at the speed of light cannot be detected unless it is hit at the moment.

In fact, people may be shot in the next moment...the next second!

Just thinking like this, everyone felt an unparalleled chill in their hearts and fell into huge chaos. Many people began to shudder subconsciously when they thought that... all kinds of light speed weapons were already overhead, maybe only a few seconds away.

Twelve years is too long. How far can we fly using the curvature engine?

No one knows whether this alien civilization is more powerful than humans... Of course, there is a high probability that it is more powerful than humans. Humans can achieve 3 times the speed of light, but what about them, 10 times, 20 times?

Their large army is already on the road. Is it already on the outskirts of the star system? Can humans still escape? If the other side bombs the Deep can people run away...

These subconscious thoughts made everyone fall into an ice hole. This sudden crisis was so big that it could kill people directly.

Dr. Rimbaud trembled his lips and was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his back. He no longer knew what to think. It is difficult for people to truly calm down when they are in a panic. This is human nature.

Security Minister Xu Yunjin also had his pupils slightly dilated and felt his whole scalp numb. He was thinking wildly about various interstellar war scenarios... just with this bunch of rubbish soldiers...

It wasn't just the two of them, almost everyone was suppressed by the huge crisis and would be speechless for a while.

Run, run, abandon everything here, don't catch Gaia!

Running back to the Deep Space and launching a super-light voyage was everyone's first thought.

If you don't run away, the first real interstellar war is imminent!

If you don't run, you won't be able to escape... Everyone knows that it takes a period of time to accelerate from the start of the warp voyage to exceeding the speed of light. Doesn’t it mean that expanding the curvature bubble can exceed the speed of light?

There was silence in the entire conference room, with only violent heartbeats and slightly held breaths. No one spoke first, or in other words, people were nervous and didn't know how to speak.

In the end, Yu Yifeng was the first to recover. Although his heartbeat was very violent, he knew that he could not let this panic spread endlessly... This crisis may be the biggest crisis faced by mankind in the past century!

What we need to do now is to calm everyone down.

From a certain point of view, the other party has been away for 12 years. Is there still a few minutes of discussion time left? ! The probability of various lasers hitting the top of your head is very, very small.

He slammed the table with a bang, waking everyone up from the chaos.

Yu Yifeng said with a livid face: "Okay! Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic. The above are all our conjectures, although the reliability is very, very high... Whether it is an undersea civilization or an alien fleet, they all need to Further research!”

"First of all, we must confirm the authenticity of the news with the Dige... If it is indeed true, we have to say that because of this unexpected incident, our entire civilization has fallen into a huge crisis. Lives are at stake..."

"Facing an unknown and powerful enemy, I'm sorry, everyone, if we really have no choice, maybe we need to leave..."

When he said this, his face was full of bitterness, and he did not say any more for the time being.

Very unwilling, yes, very unwilling.

Everything is going very well in educating the "Gaia creatures" before our eyes, and humans will soon be able to complete a huge leap in productivity.

If this powerful biological factory is obtained, people are likely to enter L3 in the short term... and even obtain huge breakthroughs in biology by studying Gaia organisms. Its structure is definitely different from normal organisms.

But I didn't expect that something like this would happen...

The most terrifying thing is that the time when the enemy will appear is completely unknown. I don’t know if it will be the next second, tomorrow, or next year... This feeling is like the Sword of Damocles hanging above my head. I don’t know when. It will fall down and chop off the head.

Death from the unknown is definitely the most terrifying!

But rationally, for the continuation of mankind, as the supreme commander, he cannot gamble here... What is the probability of success, and what is the probability of failure?

Everything is unknown. Once a war breaks out, there is a risk that everyone will be wiped out. Humanity only has so much heritage.

"Do you really want to run away?"

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