Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 384 Race against time

"I go by my own!"

How could he care so much in the midst of lightning and flint? Yu Yifeng gritted his teeth and jumped directly from the boat.

As a superhuman, he has better physical coordination and athletic ability, so he does his part!

"The captain is going down by himself!" Zhao Yao was so anxious that he led a large number of soldiers to jump down with a "thump" and a "thump".

Power armor is very heavy. After several generations of technological improvements, it still weighs hundreds of kilograms. If it falls in the sea, it will sink directly. Therefore, several airbags are specially equipped at the back to increase buoyancy.

This buoyancy can adjust itself as needed, just like a submarine.

Of course, you can't dive too deep, otherwise you will explode due to the pressure.

The propeller behind the power armor is almost equivalent to a propeller, which can spray power backwards and swim quickly in the sea water.

Like a big fish, Yu Yifeng quickly charged towards the entrance of the laboratory. Due to the explosion of the nuclear bomb, a large gap was created there, and some passages were faintly exposed!

At this moment, a green ball as big as a fist suddenly appeared next to him, which frightened Yu Yifeng instantly. He turned sideways and tried to dodge. When he took a closer look, he found out that it was "Ling" and not that kind of nano-robot marker, and he breathed a sigh of relief...

Yu Yifeng cursed secretly in his heart, but didn't say it out loud. At this moment, he didn't dare to really scold her...

She can lose her temper!

Ling seemed very happy and circled around Yu Yifeng several times.

In fact, Yu Yifeng once thought about asking "Ling" to help him dismantle the machines inside...

But this idiot's intelligence is really not high, really not high! Their communication was too laborious, and it might take more than ten minutes for her to understand the specific meaning! And she can't do tasks that are too complicated.

If we really communicate for such a long time, the day lily will be cold, so we can only bite the bullet and take risks on our own.

When he swam to the entrance of the passage, he saw several rapidly growing green algae clusters at the entrance of the broken wall. From being negligible at the beginning, they quickly grew to the size of rice grains!

This is the danger mark given by the "Ling" of the algae group. The color is obviously different, so don't touch it!

Exponential growth was so frightening that he didn't dare to neglect it for even a second, and dived in through the hole without much thought.

Wearing heavy power armor is very troublesome in this water world, and several airbags are even more cumbersome. They increase the size and make movement very difficult.

A human unmanned submarine was parked in front, emitting bright lights, which was slightly reassuring.

Yu Yifeng saw the lights coming from behind and said seriously into the earphones, "You guys wait outside. This kind of thing is dangerous if there are too many people! I'll go by myself!"

"By the way, shine the flashlight inside!"

"But..." one soldier said hesitantly.

"This is an order!"

After saying this, he went inside without looking back...

At this moment, endless dangers arise in my heart, as if there are cliffs in all directions. If I'm not careful, I risk losing my life.

The water was a little turbid, and some coral powder had not yet settled down. Yu Yifeng breathed heavily and felt that the hairs all over his body were standing on end.

His expression was concentrated to the extreme. In his perception, danger, danger, danger was everywhere!

However, in the endless crisis, there is still a narrow path that can be walked, but you have to be careful, and be careful...

This feeling of extreme danger...

It seemed to take him back to his special forces career more than a hundred years ago!

It was full of murderous intent and full of challenges, which made him feel terrified. His brain had to work to the extreme. His eyes received a large amount of information, and even the various movements of the water flow needed to be calculated.

And because he was wearing power armor, he couldn't actually feel the water flow, which required even more meticulousness.

"Perhaps the metal elements in the water are not abundant, and they are carefully wrapped by Ling, so they do not copy and increase value quickly? Yes, that's it..."

"The gate at the other end is just ahead. Go through it and you'll find the laboratory!"

At this moment, an undercurrent suddenly emerged from somewhere. Yu Yifeng's body shook violently and he turned sideways to avoid the floating green dot.

But as he shifted his gaze, he didn't expect that his violent movements would once again cause great chaos in the sea water.

These airbags are so big that they look like several layers of chubby cotton-padded jackets. In addition, the power armor exoskeleton will increase the power of the movement according to the person's intention. This power is not as strong as his own, and it also makes the movement of the water flow exceed his original calculation.

At this moment, a slightly invisible green dot touched his power armor.

Immediately afterwards, a green ball of different colors jumped rapidly in front of him. It was "Ling" making various strange expressions, damaged and restored, and he didn't know what he wanted to express.

But she no longer needed to remind him, Yu Yifeng was extremely vigilant.

This feeling... is like falling into an abyss!

Cold and deadly!

He has discovered something is wrong...

Immediately afterwards, the body suddenly became heavy, and one of the airbags burst, and a lot of air leaked out with a "crash". Within a second, the power armor sounded a secondary safety alarm, and "didi" sounded twice. …

Yu Yifeng was sweating behind his back. He clearly understood in his heart that this huge crisis could not be described by a secondary security alarm!

But a fatal murderous intention!

"I'm hit!"

In this flash of lightning, he couldn't think too much. He just took the last breath of air, and then issued a command through the power armor host. With a "click", the whole person was ejected from the front.

He wears a touch-tight suit, which is actually an emergency combat suit.

Although power armor is good, it will always be damaged, so this pop-up facility is also a safety guarantee.

"Ling" seemed to see a human being without power armor for the first time, and she swam over happily again. She is so simple-minded that she still doesn't understand what Yu Yifeng is doing...

At this time, he was unable to speak. As the power armor fell off, Yu Yifeng lost his last protection.

Holding his breath, he turned and saw a green blob stuck to the back of the airbag.

As if it has come into contact with metal materials, it is growing rapidly, from the size of a soybean to the size of a fist in the blink of an eye, and the growth rate is getting faster and faster!

"Damn it, I accidentally got infected... This kind of water environment is really inconvenient..."

"You must be careful. If I get hit again, there will be nothing to stop me..."

Yu Yifeng held his breath and saw a lot of bubbles coming out of the power armor. It was because oxygen was leaking. Moreover, due to the impact of water flow, it spreads rapidly, and there are more and more green algae markers outside.

Anxiety arose in his heart, but he could only be patient, carefully avoiding these markers, and quickly took away the laser cutting tools, lighting helmet and a small electromagnetic gun carried by the power armor.

These are quick to remove.

Other things couldn't be removed at once.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his helmet upside down, collected a little leaked air, turned around and swam toward the door.

What we have to do race against time!

It's not in good condition, so I'll update it at night. .

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