Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 391 Death Squadron

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious..."

"Judging from the current situation, these curvature missiles have not harmed the Dig 114 planet. They just want to blow us up, but they are afraid of killing Gaia's creatures... If they blow up Gaia, they will be in vain. "

"...This is the enemy's most frightening weapon!"

After hearing everyone's discussion, Yu Yifeng clenched his fists tightly and did not relax in his heart.

People clearly know that the strength of both sides is indeed... not of the same order of magnitude!

But there is no need for the new human civilization to take on this war, as long as it can long as the curvature engine is successfully deployed and it can fly at faster than light speeds!

At this moment, a soldier's voice came from the communicator: "Captain, Titan has arrived at the designated area!"

Yu Yifeng's heart suddenly moved, and he finally heard good news.

It's time for humans to fight back!

Following an order, the two Titans flying in the designated area began to fire heavy lasers at a higher frequency!

It can be seen through the satellite on "DIG 114" that some equipment on Titan will light up from time to time.

In just a split second, a super-powerful, colorless, invisible, and unobservable laser was launched into the universe.

In fact, the enemy's movement trajectory is also a probability estimate. The two "Titans" need to shoot while moving to cover all equally possible probabilities.

This cheap light speed strike is slower than the curvature missile and much less powerful. After all, the power of laser cannot be compared with antimatter.

But lasers are more economical and easier to cover larger areas at scale.

At an ultra-high firing frequency of thousands of lasers per second, the weapon power begins to be severely overloaded. Each barrel emits large infrared rays. When observed from tens of thousands of kilometers away, it is like a red-hot tube. Like wire...

The surrounding liquid nitrogen cooling device began to evaporate over a large area, taking away heat like water vapor transpiration, allowing the laser weapon to be fired at overfrequency.

This kind of countermeasure... is like a turn-based game of blindfolded shooting. The opponent used the existing information and completely blew up the satellite. This was a strategic success.

However, due to the extremely long distance, they don't know whether it has blown up will take a few days for them to know after the photons transmit the information.

This huge delay is completely absent from low-level civilized wars, and requires a huge amount of calculation and a huge firepower network to support it.

So now, it's humans' turn to use their own known information, which is the opponent's coordinate area...

This coordinate is a function. After comparison with the gravitational wave telescope, people found that it points closely to the orbit of a planet 78.8 light-years away. In other words, the opponent's fleet is likely to set off from this planet...

Moreover, the opponent's curvature navigation speed may be higher than humans expected.

We have the coordinates, but we don’t know what the opponent’s fleet’s sailing trajectory is, and whether it’s coming in a straight line. It’s just... a rough estimate...

Maybe the enemy captain slapped his head and changed the direction in the middle. As a result, all the people's attacks hit the air.

This is all possible...

Therefore, as long as one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand of this series of heavy lasers can hit the opponent, people can already thank God...

In addition, God knows which unlucky person it hit... Maybe these lasers will continue to drift in the vast universe until their energy is exhausted, or maybe they hit an individual living creature in a certain atmospheric planet...

These "Titan" spacecraft do not carry any humans and are controlled by computer AI. They are exactly the type of death squads.

Even if it is destroyed, there will be no casualties.

The Titans are constantly moving away from "Digo 114" and heading towards the outer reaches of the star system.

For this war, people had equipped the "Titan" with the most advanced metal armor in advance, and the compartments were filled with fixed nitrogen. In the absence of shield technology, armor and nitrogen fixation are the best defense methods. (Fixed nitrogen can be used to absorb laser light.)

In fact, the design time of the Titan spacecraft is still short, only a few years, because the functions are relatively complex, and the supporting fully automatic artificial intelligence is still in the preliminary testing stage.

Moreover, when this large spacecraft was originally designed, many functional modules required humans to execute due to certain safety instructions.

Without people, only about 80% of the spacecraft's performance can be exerted.

People once wanted to capture some Dige people to be young men...but after thinking about it, they decided not to do it. First of all, different civilizations have difficult to control their thoughts. Why should the Dige people sacrifice their lives for mankind?

Secondly, it takes a long time to train a qualified driver. The current time is completely insufficient. It is completely bad for the Dige people to go to the battlefield...

Therefore, it is still controlled by artificial intelligence, and its 80% performance is actually sufficient, much better than some unqualified soldiers.

Yu Yifeng stared closely at the Titan spacecraft from the screen as it flew. The laser weapon was fired at full fire for half an hour, and finally stopped because the barrel overheated.

After the circulating liquid nitrogen cools down for half a quarter of an hour, it is reactivated and fired again.

So it goes over and over again.

Such countermeasures did not bring any sense of security. Watching the transport spaceship being slowly pulled up by the rope, Yu Yifeng felt more and more impatient, and he wished he could go faster.

An hour has passed...

People were pouring firepower into the universe on one side, but the opponent's fleet showed no sign at all, as if they were blowing air out of thin air. The entire battlefield looked very strange...

But everyone knows that this known coordinate is the biggest advantage of mankind at present!

"Our firepower is still too weak. The firepower net woven by the two Titans can only cause a little trouble at most. The possibility of actually taking down a large spacecraft is very slim."

"It would be nice if there were twenty ships..."

Space war is so strange. Sometimes, even if it is a light-speed strike, the attack trajectory will take ten and a half days to fly. But when it comes to fighting, the problem can be solved in a few seconds.

This a bit like the war in the Age of Discovery.

The war has begun. If we are far apart, everyone can get together to have a meal, hold a half-day meeting, and leisurely discuss tactics...

But there is a big difference between the two. In interstellar warfare, whether it is the distance between each other, firepower, or speed, it is completely larger by n orders of magnitude.

Sometimes, the waiting time for an interstellar war is horribly long, but when it actually starts, it is measured in seconds or even milliseconds, which is two different extremes.

This kind of war is a huge test for civilization’s patience, response capabilities, emergency response capabilities, and action capabilities!

Under the remote command of Deep Space, the artificial intelligence on Titan was given the order to "cover the retreat of Deep Space and kill the enemy at any cost."

Each nuclear explosion furnace, engine, and weapon are all in an overload state. If this happens for a long time, a small amount of damage will definitely occur.

In the face of these damages, no one could care about feeling distressed. Our mothership "Deep Space" has more powerful firepower, but it is impossible to go around to the other side of the planet and fight the enemy with real swords in person... …

However, within half an hour of Titan firing into the air, military experts discussed an issue that made Yu Yifeng feel horrified, and he immediately raised the highest level of vigilance!

"Captain, we were wrong! Even warp missiles have appeared... drones that are not afraid of death will definitely appear too!"

"We are not the only ones with unmanned equipment! We must be on guard against the enemy drones that are coming like crazy!"

one military expert shouted in the video.

This sentence instantly awakened Yu Yifeng, making him feel chills all over. Without much thought, he issued two orders: First, launch electromagnetic guns, lasers, and even slower nuclear bombs at the target area indiscriminately!

Second, Deep Space set off in an emergency, accelerating while pulling their spaceship with a rope. Even if it was somewhat dangerous, they couldn't care less and couldn't wait any longer!

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