Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 400 Escape from Death

With the successful construction of the curvature bubble, if the original acceleration was 1, it is now about 330...

A direct increase of 330 times!

Suddenly, everyone seemed to hear the continuous cheers in the spacecraft, as if all the soldiers, civilians, and experts were cheering at the same time.

Curvature navigation, as a better physical navigation method, changes from the movement of the Deep Space itself to the spatial movement of the curvature bubble.

Under such "acceleration", it can exceed the speed of light in ten days.

Although the successful construction of the curvature bubble does not mean that they are out of danger, many soldiers almost collapsed on the ground.

Even Yu Yifeng breathed a long sigh of relief.

"...Humanity, succeeded!"

He hammered the table hard several times, and other people in the captain's room also hugged excitedly to vent their emotions.

The nearest enemy flagship was forcibly crashed by the "Titan", and the others were three million kilometers away. There were more than 6,000 human drones struggling on the frontal battlefield, and it was estimated that it could be delayed for a while.

In the other rear battlefield, there are also two thousand drones fighting in the melee. It can be delayed as long as it takes.

And... there is a Dig 114 planet in the middle!

These are all great locations!

Except for some light speed weapons, other electromagnetic guns and interstellar missiles have been difficult to hit the Deep Space. The two sides are separated by three million kilometers, and even a laser is like hitting a mosquito on the moon.

Without a dense firepower network, it is not too much of a threat after all.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they will also activate the curvature engine to catch up...

"Keep on speeding up, keep on speeding up!"

"Continuously launch nuclear bombs and smoke bombs to cover up the fact that we have escaped! Yes, pretend that we are still fighting..."

"Expand the airgel... launch timed nuclear bombs on the road!" Yu Yifeng kept giving orders, sweat rolling down his neck like soybeans, but there was no time to wipe it off.

"Repair the D4 and B5 areas again. It is estimated that there are still a large number of nano bugs left! If it doesn't work... just cut off the area and abandon it directly!"

This airgel shield is a small-mass, large-volume solid material with a density of 3 kilograms per cubic meter. After adding some special materials, the solid looks like dark jelly.

Thick aerogel is also good for protecting against lasers, even better than haze.

Now people only need to run away on one side, and do not need to fight back too much, so they quickly hang layers of aerogel on the outside of the Deep Space and wrap themselves up like a turtle shell, so as to avoid being really attacked by the other party. Some lasers hit home.

"No, Captain, the current acceleration is already at the limit... I can't go faster, I really can't!"

"It takes at least...ten days of acceleration to exceed the speed of light! This is the limit!"

An urgent reply from a professor in the engine room came over the communicator.

The professor secretly wiped a cold sweat and suppressed his racing heart. Fortunately, the curvature engine successfully constructed a curvature bubble.

Even if it is one million kilometers, there is only a 30% probability. They were panicking to death at the beginning, for fear that the engine would suddenly explode.

Fortunately, he succeeded. Now he feels like he is dreaming, his head is a little weak, and his body is also a little weak...

Success, still success!

"Hahahaha" Professor Ding Yidong was laughing wildly, and many young professors who were originally shy also started laughing.

But the curvature bubble is not like an ion engine. If you want to overclock, force it to overclock, and it will really not work anymore!

"Can't you?" Yu Yifeng urged to no avail and didn't think much about it.

He also urgently ordered the industrial factories to mass-produce the "Yuyan" spacecraft and related military supplies, while paying close attention to the battle situation ahead.

The blooming light clusters seem to be the farewell words of mankind in this star field.

The five thousand "Yuyan" ships on the battlefield ahead were wiped out one by one, but it was delayed for more than an hour. Then, an hour later, the small battlefield in the rear was also calmed down by the army.

But in just three hours, people have traveled nearly 20 million kilometers!

Warp navigation is so efficient!

People observed through equipment that two large enemy warships and more than twenty medium-sized flying saucers were deploying curvature bubbles to accelerate, trying to catch up with the Deep Space. The nearest one is even 10 million kilometers away, but the direction of the curvature bubble seems to be a little bit off.

In aerospace, a slight difference can lead to a thousand miles. If you want to correct the direction of the curvature engine, you must stop and then rebuild it. In this way, it is much slower.

Even after such a long distance, if I wanted to hit Deep Space with a laser, it would only hit the aerogel, which was not painful or itchy.

Several other large enemy spacecraft are still staying on the planet Dige 114. They seem to be performing some other tasks and want to investigate the Gaia creatures inside...

The battlefield became silent for a while, with only large groups of metal garbage floating in the original battlefield space, becoming long-lasting evidence of the war. They may be captured by planets and become meteors, they may be swallowed by stars, or they may float in interstellar space forever...

As the Deep Space flew faster and faster, no red alert appeared for nearly half an hour, and even the orange alerts disappeared, making the panicked people a little uncomfortable.

Many lower-level soldiers were almost paralyzed and were scolded by their superiors again. All kinds of robots are patched and patched, and reinforced and reinforced.

Yu Yifeng and dozens of think tank members did not relax. They held on to their spirits and quickly discussed the current battle situation.

"... It's not that simple for the other party to catch up with us... because curvature navigation always goes straight and it's difficult to turn."

"If you want to turn a corner, you'd better stop!"

An expert drew a few lines on the screen: "Think about it... it's like a soap bubble. It's easy to move in a straight line on the soap bubble, but it's very difficult to move in a curve... The other party seems to There is no such technology.”

"So, because they started from different positions, it is basically impossible for them to catch up with us in the same direction at once! At most, they can only get close, or run out of a parallel line... As long as we keep accelerating, it is the safest option. .

"Moreover, by escaping from the front, we can observe their orbital position, ambush nuclear bombs in advance... and launch nuclear bombs to attack!"

Yu Yifeng nodded, feeling a little relieved, and then asked: "By the way, what about the signal jammer we left at Dige 114..."

Dr. Rimbaud thought for a while and said slightly relaxedly: "You don't have to worry about this. It's enough to deceive the artificial intelligence. The vast sea, such a large area, and all kinds of mimic electromagnetic waves that are not there, can't be eliminated in a few days." It can be investigated clearly.”

"When the opponent's main battleship appears, the secret will probably be exposed... but it can also be deceived for a while, or a few days?"

"We haven't observed the main fleet to deal with yet..."

Yu Yifeng felt relieved. It seemed that he had made the right move... At least, there were only two large unmanned spacecrafts chasing humans, and the others were investigating "Dige 114", which also illustrates this point.

The other party's artificial intelligence values ​​​​the Gaia creatures most, not the humans who are running towards death.

"Continue to maintain the first-level war alert, and all soldiers will take turns to rest at their posts! Be sure to maintain a high degree of vigilance!" After thinking for a while, Yu Yifeng issued a series of orders.

"Check the damage to the spacecraft, remove the last nanobugs, check the consumption of military supplies..."

The war was short, lasting nearly four hours in total, but the high alertness for more than ten hours beforehand, coupled with the ultra-high-intensity war, made people physically and mentally exhausted to the limit.

Especially Yu Yifeng, he has not rested for thirty hours since he woke up in the hospital bed, and he is still running a high fever.

However, his spirit continued to be high. As the speed of the curvature bubble slowly increased, the probability of human beings escaping from death became higher and higher. He, the commander-in-chief, really couldn't stop.

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