Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 402 The enemy’s main fleet

Ten hours later, many people gathered in the captain's room to discuss the problem.

During this period, there were some small-scale battles with enemy drones, but they were all near misses.

Some enemy spacecraft also launched curvature navigation. Although they ran faster than the "Deep Space", due to the limitations of curvature navigation, the opponent's trajectory was very easy to calculate.

Therefore, as long as a large number of electromagnetic cannons are thrown after accurate calculation, they may crash into it. After doing this several times, these spacecraft will fall down again.

What people are most worried about...are warp missiles! However, the opponent's drone does not seem to carry this kind of weapon, and it has never been used.

The most critical time was the observation of the enemy's main fleet!

The observatory's emergency alarm directly woke up Yu Yifeng.

...Just ten minutes ago!

In fact, it cannot be said to be a crisis, it is just a false alarm.

Because of the distance, what people observe is just an image composed of photons, something from 8.3 days ago.

Of course, a photon image from 8.3 days ago cannot attack humans.

But after obtaining various observation data, Yu Yifeng still gathered everyone who had rested.

"This is the opponent's main fleet. With this size... it can probably beat the Deep Space to pieces in one second! As for whether there are any anti-gravity or other curvature interference weapons, we don't know yet."

"According to the observation results of the gravitational wave telescope, the enemy's main battleship is about 0.023 light years away from us. By the way, the information is delayed, and the actual situation may be closer... They are heading to the Dig 114 planet at high speed."

"The other party maintained strict radio silence and even had very little thermal radiation. I don't know how it did it. However, the gravitational wave telescope still easily discovered them because these spacecraft are so big!"

To be precise, what was mentioned in the observatory report was a huge... 2,000-kilometer-diameter dot!

There are seven small dots around it. According to calculations, the diameter of each small dot is about 150 kilometers to 200 kilometers!

What a... extremely powerful fleet!

The speed of this fleet is about 0.6 times the speed of light. If you keep the decimal places, it is 0.6013 times the speed of light. The fleet is operating smoothly and shows no signs of slowing down yet.

Looking at the gravitational wave measurement image full of ripples, Yu Yifeng's expression was not very good, and everyone's breathing was slightly blocked, as if they were stunned.

Because these data...sound familiar...

A super spaceship as big as the moon is nothing new. If humans had millions of years and enough patience, and researched and improved the curvature engine, they could build such a super spaceship.

What's surprising is the speed...

This smooth operation means that even if the opponent is sailing at 0.6013 times the sublight speed, it can detect the outside world and maintain the safety of the fleet!

Even if it is not instant detection, this kind of strength is really surprising.

People clearly understand the gap.

When traveling at sublight speed, the light in front will have a huge blue shift, and the light behind will have a huge red shift. As the speed increases, the starlight will tend to be concentrated on two points in front and behind, leaving darkness in all directions.

But from time to time, a few stars from the front will quickly flash to the back.

If you want to observe the outside world, you need a computer to conduct quantitative analysis on a large number of light groups in front and behind.

The most troublesome thing is that the curvature bubble distorts the light group to a certain extent. As energy continues to be injected, the curvature bubble becomes thicker, more distorted, and faster.

If at this time, the curvature bubble is suddenly squeezed and damaged, the energy contained in it will be released in an instant, causing a super-large explosion.

Wanting to get a glimpse of the outside world inside the curvature bubble also tests the civilization's computing power and... algorithm to a certain extent!

In other words, some unique algorithms are more important than computing power.

This is the hard power of a civilization!

It is a unique technology!

Moreover, the most strange thing is... these data seem a bit familiar...

"The Destroyer civilization chasing the Green Light Man seems to be at the same speed. Well, the data is accurate to the last three digits. It should not be an accident. There is a high probability that it is the same civilization and uses the same detection technology."

"0. 6013 times the sublight speed is the maximum speed at which they can detect the outside world."

Yuriko seemed to sense the doubts in some people's hearts and explained softly beside her.

When I heard this sentence, it was like a bomb was dropped in the conference room and exploded. This was a big discovery!

The universe is so small, or the Milky Way is so small. The same powerful civilization chased the Green Light Man a hundred years ago like a lost dog, and now it is chasing the new human civilization!

I wonder if the Green Light Man has run home now...

Many congressmen have become inexplicably excited. They are excitedly discussing all kinds of strange things, whether they can unite with the Green Light people, whether they can form an alliance, etc. The more they talk, the more outrageous they become.

In this noisy scene, Yu Yifeng coughed twice to signal everyone to be quiet. He reported a lot of data: "Since the observation data are not real-time, what we see is only a delayed image."

"The other party may not know that humans and drones have fought a battle until now, and they are still rushing forward."

"Based on the data, the opponent has not yet reached the planet Dige 114... Counting the slowdown of the enemy warships and the investigation of the planet, we still have at least 6-10 days to escape. This time is not bad for us Abundant…”

When he came to this conclusion, Yu Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, at least judging from the data, people are not in much danger now, they just have inexplicably provoked a powerful enemy... or the same enemy as the Green Light Man.

He no longer knew what to say, and there were even some inexplicably funny words. Anyway, being able to run away was already the greatest luck.

Back then, people were still in the stage of K-class civilization and did not know what it meant to be able to detect the outside world at 0.6013 times the speed of sublight. They were just impressed by the power of the planetary spacecraft.

But now that we have reached L-level civilization, people are paying more attention to this data.

Our algorithm can only support 0.107 times sublight speed travel. At this speed, it can still detect the outside world in real time. No matter how fast it is, it can only capture a few blurry fragments. No matter how fast you go, you can't see anything, it's like flying blindfolded...

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, be quiet. I have to say that the gap in strength is very obvious. As far as the other party is concerned, a planet-level spacecraft is not a big deal..."

A military personnel compared the data observed more than a hundred years ago and said directly: "Attention, this planet-level spacecraft is not the one we observed on Mars... Its size is obviously slightly smaller. . It means there is more than one such spaceship.”

Yu Yifeng nodded and said, "So I think that this star field, perhaps including the former solar system, is the sphere of influence of the enemy civilization. Do you have any questions?"

The sphere of influence of an interstellar civilization is definitely vast and sparsely populated. If it is not a special transportation thoroughfare or a resource-rich planet, it is probably too lazy to take care of it.

A group of people discussed quietly for a while, maybe, maybe, the solar system in the past might have been their sphere of influence.

It's just that the people on earth are too weak, just like the Dige people, they are not as useful as a bunch of algae, and others are too lazy to care...

Maybe...that's it.

"A powerful, at least L3, or even L4 civilization, actually came to such a remote place to dominate and dominate... Its popularity must be very poor!"

"The Destroyer, who always fights wars, is of course very unpopular. This is very possible... doesn't it mean that interstellar civilizations like to stay in the center? They have fought too many wars and escaped here?"

Many people were talking about it, but the mood was not very heavy. The battle is almost over, and the Deep Space is flying faster and faster, and the probability of escape is getting higher and higher. Anyway, the debt is not heavy, people are just shameless and keep complaining.

Of course, there are also those who say serious things.

After this substantial war, all the immature things that Yu Yifeng once worried about are gone. The Noah is immersed in a sad atmosphere, and the new generation of soldiers has finally grown up... Their understanding of the cruelty of war has reached a new level.

Not just soldiers, various ideas of defending civilization are emerging among ordinary people, and the number of people who want to join the army has increased sharply...

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