The metal sheets are opened one by one. Except for the first one, which has an artistic image of the starry sky as its core, the ones behind it are all small and exquisite text and supporting pictures.

These words are densely packed and look a bit like Arabic, full of alien beauty.

"With more than two hundred pages of images and text materials, and a lot of back and forth references, it should be possible to come up with a specific translation, right?" Security Minister Xu Yunjin asked.


An informatics expert was busy transferring data to the computer. He answered without looking back.

People have been studying the translation of alien texts for hundreds of years, and it is impossible to make a fool of themselves like before. In particular, with the steady improvement of artificial intelligence, new human civilization has translated many alien texts.

Some hibernating experts were also woken up urgently and rushed over hungry. Seeing their sleepy expressions, Yu Yifeng scolded them again and told them to run to the cafeteria to eat first and come back when they were full.

"These text images... should be similar to our Arabic numerals. Hey, their mathematics actually uses binary directly?! It's amazing... Is this the symbol of calculus?

"should be……"

"This is an image of coordinate axes and trigonometric functions...Is the image of genetic material just a single-stranded structure? These pictures represent their biological development...The information is very comprehensive..."

"If it were a lower-level civilization, it would probably learn a lot if it obtained this information."

These experts relied on pictures while inputting, and came to certain conclusions. In fact, they almost understood it when they saw these things at first glance.

Images are always the easiest to understand, and mathematics is the universal language of the universe and the foundation of natural science.

A race that cannot learn mathematics will always be inferior and stupid.

"Wow! What is this, a portrait of them? It looks a bit like... it's hard to describe, a bit like an owl." A scientist exclaimed, immediately attracting a lot of attention.

"...The cylinder behind should be the detector, right? In comparison, the average height is two meters...I wonder if it can fly..."

The information in gold-plated aluminum sheets is highly concentrated, and often an image contains a large amount of information that requires human interpretation.

For example, their height is described as a binary code in units of the wavelength of hydrogen's 21-cm spectral line at 1420 MHz. This kind of spectral line is the most widely distributed electromagnetic radiation spectral line in the universe.

If the technology is not in place, there is no way to understand these hidden passwords.

This feeling is a bit like archeology in the interstellar age, and like deciphering the Sherlock Holmes code. It is an exchange across the long river of time.

Yu Yifeng listened to various conclusions with great interest, "Our interstellar history museum will add cultural relics of an ancient civilization."

What happened to them in 150 million years?

Is it development? Still in decline?

In the dim starry sky, the latter is more likely...

In the changing seas, perhaps the entire civilization has completely declined, and even the planet has disappeared... Only this information is the complete testimony of their existence...

The decline of civilization is the most cruel fact in the starry sky. Whether they are great men or civilians, they are all reduced to a handful of loess, and there is no trace of their past existence in the starry sky.

This kind of cruelty is difficult to describe in words. It is the end of a civilization. From now on, there will never be anyone to talk to.

It is unknown whether the declining civilization will be discovered by other civilizations.

But for the entire universe, what does your existence have to do with it?

Whether it is a K-level civilization or an L-level civilization, it will slowly age due to the increase in entropy. Nothing is eternal.

When thinking of this, many people feel empty in their hearts, because people have witnessed with their own eyes the rise, glory, decline and destruction of civilizations.

It just slowly decays, grows old, and dies.

Human beings will be like this one day. This is the eternal theme of the universe, ranging from individuals to civilizations...

With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the translation system is no longer a big problem. After three days, with the complete input of data, the data has been basically translated.

More than two hundred metal sheets are like a condensed encyclopedia, introducing the culture, history and science of the civilization in detail.

What is burned on the metal disk is a simple information encoding, which can be easily decrypted by humans. People have specially made a translation and reading device, which will automatically display the read information on the screen.

The contents inside are surprising.

"This is a gift from a distant, small world. It contains our words, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and feelings..."

"We are working hard to bring the traces of our past to you who are unknown...

"It has traveled through an incalculable amount of time and space, and is now delivered to your hands. I don't know if you like this gift."

"If you are more powerful than us... I'm sorry that in our despair, we chose to pour out our pain to another unknown civilization that we will never meet."

"If you are weaker than us, I hope our spark of wisdom can spread throughout the universe and never be extinguished... At least, it can promote your development."

"We are the Tucker civilization that originated from Centaur Cantilever. We don't know whether we will have been destroyed when you, the unknown, see this information."

"There is a high probability that we have been destroyed, but there is a small probability that we will be reborn."

"Because we have observed that a supernova that is about to explode 168 light-years away has already pointed its axis of rotation at our planetary system."

"Sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of luck. We have worked hard to develop modern science, but we have observed such sensational facts. We would rather have no science, otherwise, we will go to destruction in ignorance and joy..."

"Unfortunately, if this supernova explodes completely, under the strafing gamma ray burst, there will be no grass growing here, and no life will survive. We don't know when it will explode. Maybe it will explode after a thousand years. Maybe it exploded at this moment, but we didn’t observe it.”

"Even, the next moment, we will all die."

"There is not much time left for us..."

"These ecosystems carry the simplest and most tenacious ecological chains. More than 95% of the genetic structures of the microorganisms inside are similar to our own."

"Due to the limitations of science and technology, our bodies may never be able to reach the stars. Our lifespan and sailing speed are far from the level of interstellar navigation. But our genes can..."

"Put our genes in a glass bottle and throw them towards a planet that looks like it can host life. Maybe... we can still hear some echoes. Maybe there are no echoes, but that doesn't matter... in the universe , we are not individuals, we are not this group, we are just a unique set of genetic codes, a difficult code. "

"This string of genetic code will change, increase in value, and evolve. In infinite time, we may be reborn on another planet in another way."

"Of course, the premise is that these microorganisms can reach the planet alive..."

"In short, we have tried our best. Whether this probe is captured by another intelligent civilization or falls on another planet that can host life. After all, our inheritance still remains...or the spirit, or It’s genes…”

"We look forward to."

"Unknown civilization, if you decipher this text, it means that you already have a higher level of wisdom. If you pick it up on your own planet. I'm sorry, maybe you are our descendants..."

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