Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 415 A conversation across time

I saw an extra paragraph of text popping up on the screen:

"Fortunately, we captured this ancient space probe. According to the data on the decay of uranium-238 on the surface, it has been 24 million years."

"Unfortunately, we have not heard of the interstellar civilization called Tucker Civilization, and the map of the Milky Way they drew is incorrect. Based on the motion trajectory of the detector, we speculated on several suspected planets, but did not find their appearance. A consistent civilized individual.”

"On these planets, after close-range scanning with gamma rays, only simple microorganisms remain. Deep under the ground of a certain planet, a suspected large-scale shelter was discovered, and no intelligent life survives... We deeply regret this."

"What's even more pity is that all the microorganisms in the detector have died. They have been there for a long time, and all the genetic information has been lost... It is difficult to restore it with our ability."

"There are so many stupid creatures in the vast universe, but so few respectable souls. May the inheritance of this knowledge be brought to civilizations in need..."

"We believe that for civilizations that have not yet achieved low-level interstellar navigation, true controllable nuclear fusion is extremely difficult. At least, we have not found a way to achieve this technology with low-level means..."

“The better way is to make the uncontrollable controllable.”

"Atlantic civilization, stay."

Yu Yifeng stared at the screen blankly. To be honest, he was startled by the sudden words. He even immediately wondered if it was a farce by some unscrupulous scientist!

But judging from everyone's shocked expressions, this information is real and is something that is actually burned on the back of the metal disk.

Well, no matter how out-of-the-box a person is, he cannot cause trouble at such a moment, unless he wants to be drowned in saliva... Everyone clearly understands that on such a solemn occasion, no mischief is possible. .

Subconsciously, he briefly analyzed this piece of information.

In other words, New not the first civilization to pick up this detector! There is also a civilization called "Atlan", which is probably an interstellar civilization that is 126 million years earlier than humans. It discovered this detector and then viewed the information in it.

For some reason, the Atlan civilization threw it back again.

The most amazing thing in the universe is this.

But when I think about it, it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal. After wandering for more than 100 million years, as long as this detector does not crash on a certain planet, even if it is discovered by other civilizations first, it is indeed not a small probability event.

For more than 100 million years, anything can happen.

What everyone is more interested in is that 126 million years ago, interstellar civilizations already appeared in the Milky Way!

"That is...Atlantic civilization!"

In such a long time, to what level can an interstellar civilization develop?

This gave everyone a lot of imagination.

In the 13.7 billion-year history of the universe, human beings will never be the smartest, nor the oldest, nor the strongest. There will always be the most awe-worthy existence in the universe...Whether they admit it or not, people Everyone must accept this point of view.

People were thoughtful and curious. People gathered together in twos and threes and discussed in low voices...

However... the metal plate is not over yet, behind... again...

A condensed content has appeared!

Everyone stared at the screen and felt the greatest disbelief.

Yu Yifeng felt his heart beating wildly, adrenaline rushing, and an indescribable sense of excitement.

Yes, another record of an interstellar civilization!

"We used the tachyon detection system to discover this little thing 0.17 light-years away. What's even more surprising is that it contains records related to the great... Atlan civilization."

"It has been 138 million years since the launch of the detector. For such a long time, this little thing is still drifting in the universe, and it still has not found its final destination... There is no more endless surprise than this."

"It's amazing that the philosophy of a K-class civilization is similar to ours. Unfortunately, they had no choice but to choose this method of spiritual inheritance... without taking a real big step... Faced with such tragic stories, we have become more determined in our thoughts.”

"Sadly, most low-level civilizations, even interstellar civilizations, are so narrow-minded. For various reasons, even if they defeat the Great Filter, they do not have a broad enough mind to welcome the broader starry sky..."

"We are eager to communicate with real wise men, and we have more doubts. In the vast galaxy, such wise men may or may not exist..."

"Perhaps the true wise man, among the endless low-level civilizations, maybe we should look for greater civilizations in the galaxy clusters... I hope that after tens of millions of years, we will no longer be confused..."

"We left a tachyon communication instrument in this ancient detector and re-launched it. Maybe it will fall silent on a certain planet, or maybe... it will be picked up again by an unknown civilization?

"That's how surprise continues again."

"Yes, the idea is so wonderful that we couldn't help but release the bottle again."

"Unknown civilization, what would you think if you picked up this detector again? How do you view the existence and decline of civilization? You can have a conversation with us through this tachyon communicator... I hope that by then, We still exist."

"The sower is civilized and leaves a message."

When he saw the last few words, Yu Yifeng was startled. He changed from surprise to shock. His reaction speed was also the fastest. He shouted: "Pull everyone back and stay away from the detector!"

"Immediately ask the robot to increase the detection of the detector and search if there is anything else left in this seeder civilization!"

Everyone's hair stood up when they saw that an unknown civilization had left something behind in the detector.

Humans didn’t detect it in advance!

Yes, no matter how it is detected, there is no energy response in the detector, which also reassures people in the past. But things are different now. A more advanced interstellar civilization, its methods are definitely beyond people's imagination.

For an unknown civilization, no matter whether it has good intentions or bad intentions, there is nothing wrong with being vigilant first...

Rows of small detection robots got back in and conducted a sweeping search.

"Captain, is this it?"

Going with the goal in mind, the robots soon made a new discovery: it was a purple metal box similar to a USB flash drive, protected by a layer of glass, with a silver button in the middle.

It is just quietly embedded on the wall of the detector, and it doesn't look very delicate.

Originally, people thought it was something that came with the detector and didn't pay much attention.

There's nothing unique about it, it's just like a very ordinary gadget that doesn't stand out at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, this purple metal seems to be the same color as the floor of the Noah!

This substance, called "Eurekax", cannot actually be called a metal in the full sense, but it just looks more like metal.

Scientists have been studying this super substance for a long time. It is actually a three-dimensional honeycomb nanostructure that is more stable than graphene and carbon nanotubes.

According to the information provided by "Black", it may be... the strength limit of conventional substances.

There are only a hundred or so natural elements that can be normally retained for a long time, and the various covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and metallic bonds are also limited. Even using the exhaustive enumeration method, these interstellar civilizations can roughly enumerate the various structures of materials.

The material structure with the ultimate strength is called "Oricax". In this three-dimensional material, the molecular structure is very complex, or the entire material is a large piece of molecules, so its melting point is extremely high.

Just like diamond, when forcibly melted, the material will break due to the covalent bonds between atoms and will no longer return to its original shape.

People currently do not have the technology to create this kind of super material because the theoretical part of it has not yet been understood.

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