Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 424 Target...Auriga!

There was a detailed discussion around "modifying the appearance".

In theory, it is not very difficult to modify the appearance and symptoms of living things. Human genetic engineering can do it.

But with human capabilities, it becomes very, very difficult to modify a species on a planet on a large scale, and it must start from a fertilized egg...

If you want to modify the appearance of an adult individual, you can only use technological plastic surgery, which is no longer possible from a genetic level. .

To modify the genes of intelligent creatures in the river system on a large scale... is already an incredible technology. Think about it, every planet and every life has slightly different genetic material. How does this kind of technology make life on different planets look similar?

Although they just "look similar", it is a shock to human technology that is difficult to express in words.

"Perhaps an interstellar unimaginable genetic broadcast."

"It will cause intelligent life to slowly lose its hair, walk upright, and gradually become the same in appearance during the process of evolution. Alas, this is just our conjecture. Who knows what is going on..."

"It's incredible!" Biologist Dr. Roman shook his head and put forward his hypothesis.

However, does this similarity in appearance have any special significance?

People try to figure out the true intentions of this advanced civilization.

The "Civilization of the Sower" may know, but it has no answer.

"Perhaps human beings have the same appearance as a very powerful civilization... This advanced civilization likes to impose its own appearance on other creatures."

"Perhaps they reproduce in this way? First mark the creatures on the planet, and then select potential individuals." A scientist had an idea.

"Having said that, these advanced civilizations have basically gradually gotten rid of the shackles of genetic philosophy and begun to pursue their true goals of existence. They have also gradually looked down upon reproduction..."

"Anyway, they think they look similar, and they are almost one of us. As for whether the inner genes are the same, it doesn't matter... According to this, we can still embrace the golden opportunity?"

But soon, someone came up with another opinion: "Or maybe it's just a random scientific experiment... just a random move... using the entire Milky Way as the experimental site. Anyway, the Milky Way is just an ordinary galaxy, and no one comes. Tube."

Yu Yifeng felt that there was a saying that was more rational, and a strange thought suddenly came from the bottom of his heart: "...With advanced technology, you can do whatever you want."

People think silently and put forward various hypotheses, and it will be difficult to figure out the truth for a while.

But when they thought about the coldness behind it, everyone felt a creepy shudder in their hearts.

This kind of cruelty is better than war.

If a low-level civilization is a guinea pig, then is this guinea pig willing to be killed by a powerful cat, or is it willing to be a test subject in a laboratory?

"Not every civilization is a kind "seeder"..."

The most terrifying thing is that when a big invisible hand envelopes one planet after another, these little white mice are still alive and kicking, still unaware of it.

"Yes, they don't know anything and they still dominate their own planet. What they don't know is that their evolutionary direction has changed. In tens of thousands of years, they will forcibly evolve into monkeys."

Ignorance suddenly became a good thing, allowing people to enjoy the warmth of their home planet with peace of mind.

Only when you stand high enough can you discover the truth and the coldness contained within.

"It is not unacceptable to change some appearance genes... The most important thing is that our aesthetics have also been changed. Of course we regard ourselves as beautiful. If we originally looked like monkeys, we might think of ourselves as beautiful. A monkey’s red butt is beautiful, right?”

"Changing the appearance and physical characteristics may seem like a small matter, but things like aesthetics will be completely different, and the resulting social system will also be biased..."

Dr. Rimbaud stood up with a wry smile on his face: "So, genetic issues affect the whole body. Don't just think that appearance is just appearance. In fact, it involves all kinds of psychology and behavior. It even affected our reproductive activities and changed the course of society in the future..."

"If there really is a butterfly effect in the passage of time, this is no longer a butterfly, but a tornado! Perhaps the real intention of this civilization is to study this social process..."

"But we have not developed the related disciplines at all..."

After hearing these words, the conference room fell into silence for a while.

What does the other party want to do?

After a few minutes, Yu Yifeng had to break the silence: "Are we chess pieces or chess players? We once interfered with the development of the indigenous lizard civilization... Does this kind of interference mean anything?"

Too little information to make sense of.

"Okay, since there will be no results from this discussion, let's move on to the next question: where is our next destination?"

"The ball of light... Well, the Seeder civilization once pointed out to us a star five hundred light years away. It believed that there would be some harvest for us... Do you have any opinions on this?" Yu Yifeng asked sitting in the seat in front.

A star path map popped up on the screen, with a star highlighted on it.

This star is located on the edge of the Sagittarius cantilever, and is roughly in the same direction as people are currently heading.

People call it... "Auriga Star"!

Of course, this general direction is consistent, but there is actually a difference of thirty light years.

If you want to go there specifically, it will take a little more time.

Because the Deep Space has always been flying randomly, turning randomly, without any special goal. Therefore, Yu Yifeng also raised this issue specifically to discuss its safety with everyone.

"Are you going?"

"In the end, we still have to stop and replenish supplies. Should we find a random star or go to the one designated by the sower... What do you think?"

"The Sagittarius Cantilever is closer to the center of the Milky Way, and the distribution of stars is slightly denser. According to existing data, there are some exchanges of interstellar civilizations here... Hey, the colonial planet marked by the Green Light Man is also in this cantilever, but it is still far away from us. It’s 2,600 light years away, and I don’t know if they’re home yet.”

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were naturally divided into two groups. Some believed in the sower, while others had doubts.

"If the Sower civilization is kind to humans, the stars it designates should not be in particularly great danger... In other words, in that place, we might gain a lot?

"Not just ordinary matter, but other things... We are too young... Is there a scientific relic there? Or something else?"

"If it is malicious...a civilization with malicious intentions should not spend so much energy to tease us...but if everything it tells is lies, it will be difficult for us to tell."

People thought slowly.

In the vast Milky Way, every star looks the same, and you can survive wherever you go.

With the current technology, as long as people don't commit suicide, it is still very difficult to run next to a black hole or a supernova that is about to explode and be forcibly destroyed by natural disasters.

"Even on gaseous planets, we can exploit some resources; we can also survive on permanently frozen planets... From this perspective, we are already very powerful, at least it is not the time when we have just entered the starry sky."

Gradually, more and more people believe it. If there is really no good place to go...

"I still believe that the Sower Civilization has a higher probability of being kind to mankind..."

After hearing the discussion of many people, Yu Yifeng finally made a decision: "That's it. After replacing the engine, we will continue to use the wartime hibernation plan to sail to the star more than 500 light years away, which is Auriga. , see what is there..."

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