Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 445 Military Training

Wonderful times always pass quickly. Within a week, Yu Yifeng and others had already set foot on the return ship.

During the past few days of inspection, he had thoroughly thought about how to use this indigenous planet.

First, it is the ideological transformation work of the older generation. Although the home planet is beautiful, it is no longer a dwelling place for interstellar civilization. Such a change in thinking can be figured out after living here for a while.

Second, of course, is the training of the soldier group.

Although the new human civilization has experienced several large and small wars, it still hasn't seen much blood. Face-to-face fighting and various practical combat experiences are still somewhat insufficient.

The young soldiers are wise, knowledgeable, and able to formulate tactics, but they still lack a bit of courage and some adaptability in actual combat.

After all, two or three hundred years have passed since the last interstellar war, and a new batch of soldiers has been recruited.

Practical training is crucial for soldiers, it means the growth of iron and blood! If you want to have a group of strong soldiers, you must experience actual combat!

Security Minister Xu Yunjin shouted excitedly on the screen: "What a great idea you have! If we can't defeat a group of drug lords with such elite equipment, these cowards might as well just die. If we kill the drug dealers, we can also Do something good for this indigenous civilization!”

"As for what chain of interests? Screw them! I'll get ready right away!"

Thirdly, of course, there are tourism, various sociological inspections and various educational work.

"An original indigenous civilization is still very beneficial to us. There is no need to destroy them for the time being." Yu Yifeng said with a smile.

There is no harm without comparison. If you experience the real low-level civilization life, you will feel the order and stability of the new human civilization even more.

They will feel that all this is hard-won, and the new human civilization will be more united and harmonious.

"Okay, that's pretty much the arrangement."

In this way, one year after the new human civilization arrived on Auriga, all the preliminary preparations were in place, and there was a fanatical wave of travel registrations on the Noah.

The scope of registration this time is mainly limited to older adults with mature worldviews. There are three prerequisites: good physical condition; knowing a few words of indigenous language; and being able to obey the command of soldiers.

Even with so many restrictions, there are still too many people signing up.

This is the first official trip for new humans to an alien planet in their lives, and it is a pristine and unpolluted kind. Everyone can perfectly experience the landscape culture of this place.

When we arrived at "Dige 114", there was also a wave of tourism craze, but due to various reasons it was not implemented. This time we really had the opportunity, and people couldn't help but be enthusiastic!

Relevant laws and regulations are also being promulgated urgently.

For example: you are not allowed to try certain addictive drugs; you are not allowed to eat certain foods that have not been tested and published; you are not allowed to have relationships with indigenous people, etc...

After this period of time, Yu Yifeng was really worried. Once the people went crazy, they almost peeled off a layer of his skin.

Therefore, those excited and curious travelers are all led by military personnel during the tour to reduce accidents of this kind.

Travel destinations are of course the most orderly and safe ones, including big cities, the sea, famous mountains, rivers and grasslands, etc.

Zhao Yao and others also used various means to buy a remote large-scale farm in "Yufu 2". Many important scientists can experience life on earth in the past, and there is not much problem in terms of safety.

A large-scale tourism training work has begun...

Of course, while the travel friends were still training for travel, a group of soldiers were already conducting military training in the dense jungle.

A... tough training like never before.

The air humidity here is exaggerated, and the temperature is about 36 degrees Celsius. Although the scorching sun cannot shine directly on the body through the trees, the hot and humid environment makes the nano bulletproof vest full of sweat, making it very, very uncomfortable.

There is no all-round protection of power armor, and there is no strong backup force. Each soldier carries thirty kilograms of weapons and equipment and walks quickly in the jungle.

Each of these more than twenty soldiers had red faces, and large drops of sweat fell from their foreheads like soybeans.

They really wanted to take off their stuffy helmets and get some air, but they could only hold back and gritted their teeth and persisted. Because the instructor leading the way has solemnly stated that for safety reasons, the helmet cannot be taken off during the entire process.

As these soldiers' physical strength approached its limit, it was finally time to rest. These young soldiers took out their kettles and filled them one by one.

Instructor Carter scanned each soldier with a scrutinizing gaze and found that they still showed a vigilant posture and did not relax directly. He felt a little satisfied.

He said loudly: "This military training operation will not have any air support. It is a real actual combat! It is not an exercise or a game. The enemy is a real existence. If you are shot, you will be injured, and if you are injured, you will die... Everything is just We have to rely on ourselves. We have advanced ten kilometers and still have one hundred and sixty kilometers to go!”

"Huh? It's only ten kilometers away?" a soldier couldn't help but said.

Their mission this time is to eliminate drug gangs in the area.

According to the investigation, the gang is located in a humid virgin forest. This area is a fuzzy zone between the two countries and is very chaotic. There are about 20,000 people living in this area, all of them are extremely cunning, have no nationality, and are all composed of criminals.

Perhaps, these drug-making gangs have already handed over enough benefits to the surrounding governments, but the new humans don't care, they just beat them to death.

Seeing these exhausted soldiers, Carter shouted: "Although your knowledge of war is sufficient, I have to say that you are all a group of incompetent cowards! Your spiritual will is far from strong enough. You are a group facing death." Sometimes, a coward will be afraid and shrink..."

Time passed by, and Carter did not expect that he would become a veteran instructor, yelling at the recruits just like his previous instructor.

The new generation of soldiers had some dissatisfaction on their faces after hearing his words. They think that they have been able to persist until now, which is already very good, and they will continue to persist.

Carter chuckled: "Aren't you convinced? Don't think that your virtual reality score is good enough and that's everything on the battlefield. It's really naive."

He pointed to his chest, "Do you know what would happen if a small bullet hit here?"

Before anyone else had time to speak, Carter replied to himself: "Do you think a hole appears, and then everything goes dark? Let me tell you, the blood will spray out for more than ten meters, but you are still alive, how can you be alone? It’s so easy to die!”

"After the initial paralysis, the adrenaline in your body gradually disappears. You begin to feel pain and panic. The huge death crisis makes you pee. You choose to howl, struggling in despair and pain, and incidentally disrupting the surrounding battles. comrades; or endure the tremendous pain and inject yourself with medicine and bandages to improve your ability to survive? "

"Do you know what will happen when a nanobug invisible to the naked eye hits the body? Have you ever experienced a war?"

Carter pointed at his chest with a grin and said quickly: "You will find...a strange hole appears in your body, and with severe pain, it begins to grow rapidly. At this time, your only chance to survive, Just spray liquid nitrogen onto yourself quickly, then use a sharp knife to cut off a whole piece of meat and throw it away!

"All of them! No chances! Can you do it?!"

Carter said loudly, while rolling up his sleeves and taking off his nano bulletproof vest, revealing dense scars, each like a round hole cut out of self-inflicted wounds, which was shocking.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed his eyeballs and popped the whole eye out.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. It turns out that this is an electronic eye, and the original eye has been destroyed in the war.

Although there are good plastic surgery technologies now, Carter did not choose to have them repaired, "because it is the honor of a soldier!"

Seeing the dense wounds they dug out and the electronic eyes, these soldiers were all stunned, their Adam's apples twitched, and Qi Sensen swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The military worships strength. They don't know whether they can do this at a critical moment of life and death... But they already know that the instructor standing in front of them is a tough guy.

"We are soldiers, and we must have an iron-blooded will! Do you think you are really qualified? No, absolutely, your environment is too superior, so superior that you think this is natural!"

"Only when you are far away from civilization, enter the primitive era, and lose your backup, can you truly cultivate your will to fight!"

"Come on, use all your strength, don't die in this ghost place. If you really die! Your relatives will cry, civilization will be sad, but everything can only be resented to you!"

Nightmare training will continue for every soldier, these are just the first batch... there will be a second batch, and a third batch.

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