Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 447 The Great World

Chen Luoke, the leader of the "Problem Group", walked on the street with a sad look on his face.

He felt that in just a short period of time, he had grown a lot due to the pressure of survival...

Even because I haven't shaved for a few days, my beard has become unruly and a bit prickly to the touch.

It was time to get off work now, and the afterglow of the setting sun was shining on his face, which was warm, but he was in no mood to enjoy it.

"Make money, make money, how can I make money?" After investigating for so many days, he racked his brains and still couldn't come up with a particularly good way.

The days without money are simply all kinds of discomfort.

"This is how humans came to be in the past."

The endless flow of people is like ants coming and going. After a hard day's work, they return to their dwellings in a chaotic but orderly manner.

There are also some beggars on the street, stretching out their hands to beg. Even the group of beggars has undergone some changes. The sloppy big men have been eliminated, and instead they are all beautiful women wearing beautiful clothes.

Maybe when begging, there is another level of meaning...

"Handsome guy?" A scantily clad beauty reached out to him to ask for money.

Chen Luoke waved his hand irritably, saying that he had no money, and even if he had money, he would not sympathize with such a woman. He suddenly thought about whether he could let his female team members come over to beg, but he soon laughed dumbly...

Colorful advertisements are playing on the big screen on the skyscraper, and all kinds of charming bitches are moving around on the screen...

As night falls, the exciting nightlife is about to begin.

This is a civilization with an extremely developed entertainment industry. In other words, the entertainment industry of almost every low-level civilization is more developed than that of new humans. After working all day long, everyone needs to rest, relax, and vent. This is a very natural thing.

When the manufacturing industry becomes increasingly difficult, only the entertainment industry, or the service industry, plus real estate and the like, can continue to drive the economy.

Of course, many economies are fictitious. They only look good in numbers, but people’s lives have not substantially improved...

All in all, these are scenery that are not found in Noah.

Chen Luoke walked into the supermarket and bought the cheapest manual razor, and then returned to the street without buying anything else.

"Oh, let's go, let's go."

There are relatively many people living in such big cities who are relatively wealthy. Even if it has all kinds of disadvantages, country people still want to get into it.

Moreover, this city is located in a tropical area, with large rivers, large reservoirs, geothermal heat, and large amounts of cheap energy making it the country's economic, industrial, and cultural center.

Making money in big cities is definitely easier than in the countryside, which has lowered the difficulty of their tasks by a notch.

"It's just a normal difficulty. It's a nightmare difficulty for soldiers to survive in the forest." Chen Luoke covered his head, feeling a little headache.

In the colorful world, I can't find my place at all. He finally felt how friendly the new human civilization was to him, and how lucky he was to be born in such a civilization.

At the beginning, everyone was very curious about the indigenous culture. Coming to the new world was full of freshness. Especially when they see advertisements featuring scantily clad underwear models, these forty-year-old boys are very excited, while the girls are very shy.

Everyone also specially used electronic watches to take a lot of selfie photos.

Now... they no longer feel anything, they are just worried about survival.

At this age, puberty has long passed, the secretion of hormones has gradually decreased, and I have enough reason and self-control.

And from the current perspective, the individuals of the new human civilization are obviously more beautiful. Therefore, it is impossible for boys to keep lusting after a few model advertisements...especially when the two civilizations still have reproductive isolation.

Now they just want to make money early so that they can go home early.

But the whole group discussed it for a long time and couldn't find a particularly good way to make money. They suddenly realized that they had thought of things too simply.

The new human civilization as a whole is indeed much stronger than the charioteer civilization and can be easily crushed. But when separated as a single individual, it doesn't seem to have a particularly big advantage.

"We have been forged with diplomas from a well-known university. We can teach and impart knowledge. At least some of the knowledge is common. seems that we can't make much money. Can we barely make ends meet?"

"I don't know any special technology... Even if I start a business, what should I create? Hey, hey... a game? It seems that I don't know anything. Even the computer programming language is different. We need to learn it again."

Since we can't find a way, we can only divide the money first before the conflict escalates.

Except that everyone still lives together and the rent is AA, everyone can only take care of other consumption...

It's that simple...disbanded!

It was a difficult decision to make, but there was no way around it.

Chen Luoke no longer wanted to take care of those women who spent money lavishly and had no sense of crisis.

It's not his girlfriend. He swore that as long as he didn't starve to death, he wouldn't care about these guys...

"Take care of yourself first."

What Chen Luoke was immersed in thinking was, of course, financial issues. The money was less than ten thousand yuan, the monthly rent was one thousand yuan, and the bulk of it was all kinds of food and drink.

It's a pity that these people don't know how to cook at all, and they can't learn it on the fly. Especially the crops from various alien planets. I don’t know how to handle them at all. If they are burned by themselves, they just smell like fish.

So you can only buy a variety of exquisite, already prepared foods.

All in all, a month... 4,000?

"The Engel coefficient is too high..."

Chen Luoke felt nervous. If he continued to spend like this, there would be an economic crisis in two months. Even if he saved more, three months would be enough.

"And we also need to buy some money-making tools, such as computers, mobile phones, etc. Our watches cannot be connected to the indigenous network... This way, we spend faster!"

"No, we're here to make money! It's hard to make a million dollars... How can you starve to death in such a ghost place... If you tell me, you will probably be laughed to death. A group of new humans who were carefully cultivated actually starved to death on a low-level civilized planet. !”

Chen Luoke heard that his parents had signed an agreement with the government, but the specific content was unknown. This reminded him of something strange.

If I starve to death here because of my incompetence, no one will really sympathize with me...even my parents will be quite disappointed.

"It would be great if I knew how to hack..."

When he passed by a lottery shop, he subconsciously thought and even wanted to buy two lottery tickets to solve the problem.

With this kind of "big fortune", you might be able to earn tens of millions by betting on the special prize, so there are many people buying it, and most of them are not very wealthy people.

Of course, if you use your toes to calculate, you also know that the probability of winning the jackpot is very low...

If you don’t have hacking skills and want to make money with lottery tickets, then just wait and cry...

Chen Luoke is still rational, and he does not think that he is possessed by Emperor Ou.

He scratched his hair hard. At this time, he was already thinking about rebelling. Maybe he would go and see another group of Li Yueyue and others to get more ideas. Whether they admit it or not, the other group of students is stronger than them in terms of ability and knowledge.

He wanted to know how another group of people solved the problem of "making big money"...

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