Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 450 Pioneering Education

Tossing, jumping, and sprinting, Chen Luoke walked faster and faster on the dark path.

It was getting dark, and he couldn't wait to return to his dormitory, as if that was the only warm place.

But he had to take some long detours to avoid being photographed by surveillance cameras and the like.

No matter how glamorous a big city is, there are still poor people, or most people are originally from the bottom. They live in this dark corner without light.

Along the way, he saw a drunkard sitting in a cold pile of rags. He was drunk, and he didn't know what he was talking about, and then he lay down and fell asleep.

After Chen Luoke passed about a hundred meters, he couldn't bear it and returned quietly.

He grabbed a handful of dirty blankets lying around and covered him. After thinking about it again, he took out one of the banknotes and put it to the drunkard's ear, pressing it with a stone.

"I'm such a big fool! What a big fool!" He cursed in his heart, but he still did it.

If he doesn't, he'll feel bad.

As I was walking, I saw a man and a woman arguing. The man waved his hand and slapped the woman in the face, while other onlookers actually clapped and applauded.

Chen Luoke's mind got hot and he almost wanted to meddle in other people's business, but then he suddenly realized that this was not a new human civilization, and he was in trouble, so it was better not to meddle...

Just walking down the road like this, there are so many things to worry about. He felt extremely depressed.

Fortunately, perhaps because he was a tall man, no one followed him, and he finally reached the dormitory safely.

"Chen, why are you back so late?"

Seeing the concerned eyes of everyone, Chen Luoke felt warm in his heart.

The other group members from the same civilization are now like real family. Only here can he feel safe.

"That's it...Li Yueyue and the others..."

He hurriedly told what he had encountered, so that everyone had dull expressions on their faces after listening.

"Unexpectedly... there are actually people following and following me?!" Several beautiful girls stuck out their tongues, and there was a chill behind their backs.

I originally thought that the safety regulations stipulated by the government were just to scare them, but I didn’t expect that it turned out to be true!

This place is so unsafe, and the accident almost happened to someone I know...

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid. Girls are not allowed to go out alone in the future. It is best to be accompanied by boys! Have you all remembered?" Chen Luoke said loudly.

Everyone nodded at the same time.

"Also, when you really encounter a violation, just use this watch... don't forget the command program!"

This watch is their last resort, not only capable of discharging electricity, but also communicating with each other. There is even a "robot tracking bomb" the size of a grain of rice inside. As long as there is a little consciousness, the brain chip can be used to stimulate instructions.

Next, the group finally got down to business...of course, about making money and being a star.

"The children have found their own way. Although it is not very correct...but they have finally taken their first step."

"The first step is the most difficult!" Yu Yifeng sighed while sitting in the office.

"Making money" in low-level civilization is just a trivial matter.

What can be gained from this process is what education experts are really interested in.

For the students in the problem group, Yu Yifeng did not want to give up directly.

Laziness is human nature. No matter how good the education is, no matter how excellent the learning environment is, there will be disharmonious individuals. For example, at Tsinghua University and Peking University in the past, there were also some bad students and some who failed their courses and dropped out. This is normal.

For these students, the only way to correct their thoughts is through more rigorous education. And their problems are at least remediable...

Incurable pests can only be solved through brainwashing, chip implantation, or direct exile. Yes, there is now a new option: Exile.

He would never let a few mouse droppings spoil the whole pot of porridge.

What these students don't know is that the surveillance on the streets has been quietly invaded by new humans, and there are even mosquito-like surveillance robots following them. Some soldiers also live nearby and receive survival training in the city.

Therefore, their life safety is basically not a big problem.

"The students in the 'problem group' want to engage in entertainment. From this perspective, if they do well, it should be easy to make money..." Yu Yifeng said with a smile to a female education expert across the table.

The entertainment industry of Yufu Civilization is very developed. The phenomenon of worshiping celebrities abounds, and there is never a worry about not being able to sell tickets for big stars’ concerts.

"You don't even need to become a big star, just a small star..."

The entertainment industry has developed to this day and has become an economic driving force. Various selection and PK programs abound, so they should have many opportunities.

As for the music on earth, the music of the Knicks or the Diggers, there is no intellectual property rights. You can use it if you want...

The education expert replied: "It's just that this method is a bit tricky... Moreover, the artistic tendencies of different planets are different. The music reception frequency of this charioteer civilization is different from ours."

"What we sound good to them may be considered rubbish by the other party... Various songs still need to be translated into languages, and it is not easy to translate them with charm."

Yu Yifeng nodded and said, "But they found their goal, which is a good thing after all. This can also be regarded as a struggle for survival."

The evaluation of the problem group ends here, and the next is the excellent group.

"The students in the excellent group want to sell patents, which is good...but what are they going to do? What patents can be made within a year and can be sold at a high price." Yu Yifeng asked curiously.

"There are several directions, such as photolysis of water to produce hydrogen; and research on high-energy batteries." The expert replied.

Yu Yifeng was shocked. He didn't expect that this group of young people was so ambitious and still wanted to solve the energy problem.

Although these things cannot solve the root cause, even a small change is very good.

However, the new human civilization has not done much research on the topic of "photolysis of water to produce hydrogen", and the database is all plagiarized from the previous civilizations encountered.

Because, for the new humans, it is too simple to want hydrogen. Just electrolyze water roughly, and there is no need to consider energy issues too much.

Now, hydrogen is directly collected from nearby gaseous planets, tens of millions of tons at a time...

"Only poor low-level civilizations would tirelessly study such trivial things..."

Water is a relatively stable substance. So far, the photolysis method of water discovered by the natives of Auriga is not particularly good, and its efficiency is far less than that of direct power generation.

"There are still many problems with the photocatalytic system."

"If you want to photolyze water, the higher the frequency of light, the better. The frequency of visible light is still too low, and the energy utilization rate is only 0.54%, which is far less than that of power generation... It's mainly a problem of catalysts..."

According to the technical level of the natives, most photocatalysts are only stable and effective outside the ultraviolet light region.

The photocatalysts that can be used in the visible light region not only have low catalytic activity, but also almost all have photocorrosion.

To solve photocorrosion, sacrificial agents need to be used for inhibition, and the energy conversion efficiency is low, which hinders the practical application of photolysis of water.

The energy utilization rate of 0.54% has actually surpassed the technology on Earth by a lot.

"As long as the utilization rate is slightly improved, it can be sold at a high price."

Yu Yifeng smiled and said, "But they think things are too simple. With so few people and no material conditions, can they do such research? I don't believe it anyway!"

"Don't think that the natives are all fools... The Yufu civilization has been researching for so long without any breakthroughs. Can they do it?"

The education expert nodded and said, "So I guess the children may be frustrated in this regard. But there is another study, chemical storage batteries. We have also done in-depth research on this thing. Several children are still materials majors and may have a deep understanding of these contents."

Although the age of this group of students is generally forty years old, in her eyes, they are indeed just "children".

In this era, one or two hundred years old is not considered old, and forty years old is nothing. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are children. They have been studying in school and have not experienced much. Their mental state is only equivalent to that of college students in the past.

"I'll trouble you with the next thing." Yu Yifeng sorted out the report again, and did not find any major problems, so he stood up and said.

"You are too kind. This is what we should do." The expert smiled and said, "We also like this pioneering education method very much. We need to continue to track the specific results..." "If possible, we think it should be promoted on a large scale. Internships on indigenous planets are very training." After watching the education expert leave, Yu Yifeng thought for a while. If the practice effect this time is better, large-scale promotion will certainly not be a problem. He always feels that the next few generations are still too "young". He began to examine the report sent by the sociology expert team again. This expert team is certainly not going to make money simply, but to investigate this civilization in detail and try to change society by relying on their own strength. At the beginning of the report, there is a long list of things about cultural background and the disadvantages of various technological stagnations. In fact, it is not that this low-level civilization does not want to develop technology. Developing technology is really "too expensive" and takes too long. It is really unbearable. Just launching a satellite requires the production of hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland. In this case, how can heavyweight technology develop?

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