Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 461 Future Development

People combed through these broadcasts, trying to dig deeper.

Soon, a scientist came up with the first bit of hidden information.

The Destroyer civilization, also known as the Robbers, seems to have a bad reputation here.

If the "Destroyer" did not kill the opponent in one wave, but let some of the fish that slipped through the net escape, the opponent would broadcast the colony stars, technology, and weapons of the Destroyer civilization.

Even if you don't have such technology, you can go to a market and ask for help from a more advanced civilization.

"'s worth noting."

Yu Yifeng always had a strange feeling when he saw the wanted posters of the Karite civilization and various bounties.

But this kind of broadcast is still quite effective. He has indeed become somewhat vigilant. If he encounters a similar spacecraft that matches the described characteristics, he will definitely run far away.

He thought to himself: "...New human civilization, generally speaking, it is impossible to be a robber..."

Immediately afterwards, people talked about the second point, that is: the word "absolute neutrality"!

Dr. Rimbaud stood up and said first: "Millions of years ago, in Black's era, 'absolute neutrality' did not seem to be emphasized, so... can we think that some changes have actually taken place in the Milky Way?"

"For example, each civilization is divided into some hostile factions and camps? They hate each other, so some trading markets emphasize the word absolute neutrality to attract other civilizations."

"...Should we pay attention to anything? Everyone has also heard words like Silicon Alliance...Is it an alliance created by silicon-based life? Will they fight with...carbonyl organisms? It's like a novel as written in."

Hearing these words, buzzing discussions resounded in the conference room.

This inference makes sense. Sending gravitational wave broadcasts is much more troublesome than electromagnetic waves. Generally speaking, senders do not add redundant unnecessary information.

Hei opened his mouth and was speechless. He didn't know if his memory was confused or if this was really the case.

Could it be that the information he has...isn't enough anymore? He really has never heard of the Silicon Alliance.

Black is not at the top of civilization, and doesn’t know much about these things, and...since the original civilization fell, the popularization of citizens’ common sense about the universe has gradually been despised...

Yu Yifeng nodded slightly and said, "This is a very good point. Now let me tell you my opinion."

"The beginning of the gravitational wave era means that the entire galaxy can least generally. Everyone wants to communicate friendly with alien civilizations and learn from each other's strengths. This idea is not wrong."

"But our current strength is still relatively weak. We basically have full firepower. The Homeship plus the Deep Space can be compared to... the Green Lantern's spaceship. Our weapon system is still too weak. It's basically If you can't break the ion shield, if you fight the original civilization again, you will still be beaten."

"So, I don't plan to leave the Auriga Galaxy directly, but I plan to develop for a while and study our nanotechnology..."

"Yes, dig deeper into nanotechnology! Including various nanoweapons! We must first have the ability to protect ourselves!"

After hearing his words, everyone present calmed down.

Another more rational scientist also stood up and supported: "Yes, our science is still advancing by leaps and bounds and requires a lot of resources to promote it."

"It is indeed irrational to leave this star at the moment..."

"No matter what factions or hostile parties there are in the galaxy, it has no impact on us at all and is not important! As long as we develop ourselves well!"

Yu Yifeng nodded and continued: "While focusing on development, we must learn more information through interstellar broadcasts during this period of time."

“Only when we know more can we have more solutions.”

Everyone in the conference room started talking again.

When they came into contact with serious alien information for the first time, some people were filled with adrenaline and very excited, but more people were meditating.

With the current strength of human beings, it is easy to bully lower-level civilizations, but among interstellar civilizations, they are not considered strong.

Only when you can endure loneliness and become stronger can you speak more easily.

"We still need to develop. The goal... nanoscience!"

"The meeting is over!"

After the meeting, everyone gradually dispersed. Yu Yifeng and others did not leave immediately, but discussed with a few scientists.

"Can we emit gravitational wave signals?" He asked Dr. Chen curiously.

The currently detected gravitational wave information is very simple, basically just a few sentences. So Yu Yifeng guessed that this kind of transmission technology is relatively difficult and can only transmit relatively simple information.

As expected, Dr. Chen shook his head and said: "With the new human's method, it is only capable of receiving broadcasts and cannot send them yet. After research, we believe that there are several ways to send broadcasts."

"First, with the help of the vibration of cosmic strings."

Cosmic string is a hypothetical object in string theory. It is a bit like spider silk. It can be said to be an extremely high-density energy line with a diameter of only 10^ (-29) centimeters, which is equivalent to 10 times the radius of the hydrogen atom nucleus.

But a centimeter-long cosmic string is more massive than the entire Himalayas, and its mass is variable, depending entirely on its tension: the longer or tighter it is stretched, the greater the mass.

"When cosmic strings vibrate, knots or form sharp angles, they can produce gravitational waves."

Well, this method is certainly not humanly possible. Moreover, the mysterious cosmic strings are usually found at the center of the galaxy, providing strong gravity and pulling the entire galaxy.

This kind of civilization that uses cosmic strings must be much more powerful than humans.

Dr. Chen continued: "The second method is to use neutron interstate matter as thick as a hair to imitate cosmic strings. This high-density material can also vibrate to create gravitational waves."

Yu Yifeng smiled bitterly in his heart. Using the material of a neutron star without letting it explode was even less reliable than cosmic strings.

"So... civilizations that can use gravitational wave broadcasts are much more powerful than us?"

Dr. Chen shook his head: "No, there are still the latter two methods, which we may be able to achieve through technical means. The third one: using the series vibration of artificial black holes!"

In the scholar's explanation, Yu Yifeng understood the basic meaning.

The basic principle of gravitational wave emission is the vibration of long strings with extremely high mass density.

"If you connect a series of miniature black holes and "vibrate" them, you can actually create gravitational waves of a relatively objective scale."

"As long as 10,000 grams of mass are lost, one or two signals can be transmitted, and there is no problem in the Milky Way range. We are currently engaged in research in this area. There are no theoretical difficulties, but technically... we are still unable to create a large-mass black hole. "

Humans have been able to create ultra-small micro black holes in hadron colliders. However, these black holes will evaporate in an instant and cannot be retained for a long time.

Yu Yifeng looked at Dr. Chen's indifferent statement and felt a shiver in his heart. Humanity's technology is really becoming more and more dangerous. First it was antimatter, and now it wants to create a black hole.

However, Yu Yifeng has a little understanding of black holes.

For humans, the speed of production in the hadron collider is much greater than the speed of evaporation, and the danger is of course far less than that of antimatter... When the mass of a black hole is not large, its gravity is extremely low and cannot absorb even a proton. Go in, let alone destroy the whole world.

"It doesn't matter. If we can find a way to create a large black hole, or find a natural black hole with only a billion-ton level, we may be able to gain more."

Dr. Chen continued: "There is also a fourth, simplest way, which is to use some dark matter to distort space... through dark energy, dark matter, imitating gravitational waves, to transmit space ripples to the outside world."

"This principle is very similar to the curvature engine, except that it changes from building a curvature bubble to diverging outward."

"I think this method is the simplest, even an L2 civilization can achieve it!"

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