Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 464: National Transhumanity Plan (End of this Volume)

Under the chairmanship of Yu Yifeng, one after another social members stood up to speak, all of them were ordinary people.

They once again put forward various viewpoints. For example: one part will be converted to superhuman, and the other part will remain ordinary people. But this idea itself is not reliable. Are those ordinary people who do not convert willing?

The superhuman group was collectively silent. As the beneficiaries of Perfection, in order to avoid suspicion, they do not want to jump out and stop others from using it. Or they are also entangled in this aspect...

It's just that some ordinary people are arguing without scruples, and even vaguely divided into two factions: agree or oppose.

Yu Yifeng found that the ordinary people who agreed to convert were still the majority, and only a small number of members were still worried about the safety issues.

This ending... had been guessed in advance, and after such a long time, it has turned into a social trend.

Most people are eager to become superhumans with superior abilities.

According to the results of the referendum some time ago, more than 90% of people are willing.

"It's normal... Who doesn't want to become smarter, better looking, and longer-lived? No matter how high your quality is or how far you have a long-term vision, it's hard to resist this temptation."

An indescribable feeling arises from the bottom of my heart. Humans have been defeated by superhumans.

Yu Yifeng listened to the debate below, and his heart trembled faintly. He wondered if this scene was destined when the earth exploded?

Is there a higher-dimensional eye silently watching this group of people?

The other party only gave an initial variable. No matter how the ball rolls, it will roll to the expected position. This is caused by gravity.

"On an uneven floor, a ball always rolls to the lowest position easily..."

"Humans will definitely not be able to resist this temptation."

Yu Yifeng sighed.

At this moment, Dr. Rimbaud suddenly stood up.

As the first superhuman to speak, his first sentence made everyone quiet down.

"In fact, this matter is imperative."

"Our social system and ideology, from the current predictable time, it is difficult to accept the social situation of public raising of children. In other words, only individuals with high intelligence can give birth, and low intelligence cannot give birth. This policy is difficult to implement. We have tried for so many years, but still can't do it."

"Family, for now, is still a very important social structure."

"So, we can't cross the intellectual barrier through this natural way. Do you admit this?"

Rimbaud's words triggered even greater discussion. Some people were dissatisfied and wanted to refute, but more people thought about these words in combination with facts...

This seems to be correct. It is too difficult to deprive ordinary people of their reproductive rights.

Rambo turned a deaf ear to him, waved his hand, and continued: "So, now is a critical time node! The population of civilization is moderate, or simply implement a real intellectual fertility screening policy now to prepare for crossing the intellectual barrier! Never delay it indefinitely!" "Or use perfect element directly and cross it in this lazy way... But whether it will bring hidden dangers in the future, we can't predict." "We already know the existence of the intellectual barrier. If we keep delaying... the disadvantages are self-evident! Our population will increase, and it will become more and more difficult to implement this screening policy." Yu Yifeng was silent in his heart. The larger the population, the more difficult it is to manage. This is also a fact. When the population is small, you can do ideological work one by one. For example, with billions of people on the earth, it is extremely difficult to make large-scale changes. Dr. Rambo became more and more excited as he spoke: "Ordinary people have a much greater reproductive capacity than superhumans. If there is not enough perfect element, and because of the gap in ability, most of the population will slowly become garbage population. Superhumans and ordinary humans are divided into two classes, and this situation is likely to happen!"

"...Superhumans are high above and become the upper class of civilization. A large number of ordinary people become the lower class. No matter how outstanding they are, they can never surpass superhumans. In this case, what will happen, think about it, war? Civilization split? Although I am a superhuman myself, I don't want this to happen! Never!" He shouted loudly.

The hall was quiet again...

Now, it is indeed a very important time node, and a choice must be made.

If nothing is done, civilization may rely on inertia to be strong for a long time, but in the end, it will gradually decline due to inaction now...

The second screening is no joke.

In the next two hours, all the debates have been completed, and then voting.

Yu Yifeng thought for a long time and still chose... "Abstain".

As the leader of civilization, he has the power of veto, and the weight of the affirmative vote is also higher. But in this matter, he neither agrees nor opposes, let everyone decide for themselves.

The result came out soon, his face was solemn, and finally announced: "I declare that the National Transhuman Plan... is passed!"

When this policy was successfully promulgated, the entire Noah society was not as jubilant as imagined.

Two completely different emotions appeared inside. Many people have longed for this day for a long time, but there are also many people... crying silently. Some of them are reluctant to give up their ordinary identity and their blood from the earth...

As a result, various gene banks have been crowded with people, and people who have donated sperm and eggs have lined up for almost one kilometer.

People still have the extravagant hope that if something happens in the future, they can quickly breed some ordinary people and leave a fire for civilization.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief after coming out of the gene pool, but they seemed to be burdened with an inexplicable burden.

So much so that they all shed tears in unison.

We are really...a cowardly and incompetent civilization.

We don’t have enough strength and courage to challenge the second screening in the universe.

Because we... really have no choice but to give up our right to have offspring.

We knew how to pass the screening this time, but there was just no way to do it. Without a doubt, this is the most frustrating thing...

"The first screening is to break away from the web of philosophy."

"The second screening is already fighting genetic philosophy on a large scale. What about the next one? Is it completely abandoned?"

Yu Yifeng was in the observatory, feeling sad. The stars in the sky seemed to be laughing at their incompetence, and there was no way to express their frustration.

He didn't know whether this policy was good or bad.

There is no way to predict, no way to estimate.

He only knows that the new human civilization that has been brought from the moon to the present has reached its own ceiling and can no longer... go up.

This feeling was really uncomfortable...but he had to make changes and accept it.

In order to become stronger and to move towards the path of truth, we have sacrificed too much and abandoned too much...

We left our mothers and fathers, changed the social system, and defeated the philosophical network... Later, we discovered that we no longer seem to need even the things deep in our roots.

From now on, there will no longer be ordinary people in the world who originate from the earth.

(End of this volume)

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