Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 48 New Economy

Since the promulgation of the new economic policy, the government immediately began to recruit troops and provide people with a large number of jobs.

The original production teams were disbanded and replaced by new enterprises, research institutes, hospitals, plantations, public service departments, etc.

All people in the entire spaceship are no longer workers, but are slowly differentiated into various professions. If there are children in the future, teachers will have to be recruited and schools established. The entire new human civilization began to transition to a normal society.

People can choose their favorite careers based on their hobbies and expertise, instead of being forced to specify positions as before.

There is no surplus of labor here, because the population is only 50,000, so there is almost a shortage of labor.

"Wild Wolf Design Bureau", "Tesla Research Institute", "Superhuman Research Center", "Huguang Supercomputing Center", "Superintelligence Research Institute", "New Hope Plantation", "Kirov Industrial Factory" "...Big and amazing plans are floating on the paper, which makes people amazed and intoxicated.

"This is a specialized weapons factory, as well as an industrial factory!"

"There are also professional plantations. I like this place and can get close to nature."

A group of people, including men and women, gathered in front of the bulletin board, discussing non-stop. These plans are so full of imagination and reality that people can truly feel the ambitions of the new government.

If all these plans are implemented, 50,000 people will not be enough to fill the jobs. At least 200,000 people will be needed to meet the demand for jobs. Therefore, everyone is filling in their job wishes and can choose the jobs they want. Many people still prefer their old profession, while some want to change careers.

But for some good positions, competition pressure is also very high.

When some Russians and Ukrainians saw the three words "Kirov", they seemed to think of their once great Soviet Union. Their passion was suddenly aroused, and they could not wait to join the factory immediately and turn the imaginary Kirov into a factory. Get the Love airship out...

Of course, this is impossible. There are not so many resources for them to do these things now. The main direction is still based on "practicality".

According to Yu Yifeng's plan, the new economic system is of course not a completely liberalized market economy, but a "planned economy."

Most goods are provided by the government and their prices are set directly by the government. Basic daily necessities are very cheap, and ordinary people have a full monthly salary. However, luxuries such as cigarettes and alcohol are expensive, and you can only enjoy them a few times a month.

As for the new hasn't been built yet, and no one can afford it now anyway. The government is vigorously recruiting professional construction workers, and the salary is S$1,400 a month, which is not bad.

"According to the plan, a house requires 36 months' salary of an ordinary person, which is 40,000 Singapore dollars, and is about 80 square meters in size." A girl is explaining government policies. She is the latest policy interpreter, "And A bigger house may be more expensive. Also, houses cannot be traded privately.”

"The price seems okay, not expensive. Compared with the housing prices in China, it is still very cheap..." After hearing this, some Chinese people nodded and said that the housing prices are good and basically everyone can afford it. As for the fact that houses cannot be traded privately, they subconsciously ignore that houses are for living in, not for speculation.

"In order to encourage people to have more children, our new human government has also specially formulated a preferential housing price policy: a couple can get a 30% discount when buying the first house together; those with children can get a 50% discount!" the interpreter continued. , in fact, she herself has some thoughts, maybe she can find a boyfriend if she has a chance.

"In other words, a couple with children can buy a house with just nine months' salary of two people without food and water! Of course, it is impossible to live without food and water for nine months. In reality, It may take longer...but the 50% discount is still a good deal." A few ordinary people began to calculate, their eyes gleaming slightly, this is related to their vital interests.

Buy a house in nine months! Some young couples have begun to think about whether to get married and have children... This discount is so powerful that those without wives and children can only be jealous...

The new government has revealed this meaning. Brothers who don’t have wives, hurry up and find them!

Private sales of things like houses are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, some people may take advantage of the rules, buy them from the government at a discount, and then resell them... There are also fake marriages to buy houses and then divorce... These behaviors are strictly prohibited, and Yu Yifeng and the others have long ago All loopholes have been plugged.

Of course, people nowadays don’t want to risk the world’s disapproval and take advantage of loopholes in the rules...

The most common positions have a monthly salary of 1,000 to 1,200 Singapore dollars. Depending on the level of the position, the salary will increase sequentially, but the gap between the rich and the poor is not very large.

A professor-level position only costs about NT$2,000, and Yu Yifeng's own salary is only NT$2,400.

The new monetary policy uses electronic currency, without the issuance of any banknotes. Each person's identity magnetic card can store electronic currency. Through supercomputer encryption, there is no risk of being stolen or swiped.

According to the price specified by the government, the purchasing power of 1 Singapore dollar is about 1 catty of rice or 0.7 catties of wheat. A normal person can eat just one pound of grain a day, which costs about SGD 30 a month. This kind of basic survival material is very cheap.

Of course, people cannot only eat rice, but also eat vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. The prices of these foods vary according to their rarity. All things considered, 300 Singapore dollars a month should be a pretty good meal.

With an Engel coefficient below 30%, it can be said that this kind of life is relatively affluent.

People consume not only food, but also more daily necessities to buy, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, washbasins, salt, MSG, etc. Some people like to smoke and drink in their spare time. Things like cigarettes and alcohol are more expensive, and you can enjoy them two or three times a month.

Also, the government stipulates that those who cannot afford a house can temporarily rent a house. The monthly rent for a 30-square-meter single room is about 100 Singapore dollars.

According to this calculation, with a salary of 1,200 Singapore dollars, a person can save five to six hundred Singapore dollars a month.

This system is called a simple economic system because the new currency only participates in the interaction between the government and the people. The operations of large state-owned enterprises are all realized through the planned economy and do not participate in the circulation of new currency.

The enterprises in Noah are not for profit, and the things they produce are carried out in accordance with "planned instructions", and all production materials are owned by the state.

For example, company A produced a piece of steel and shipped it directly to company B. After company B processed it into parts, it shipped it directly to company C...

Among them, there is no need to use new currency for delivery, because they do not need to consider profits, just an order is enough.

The benefits of such a planned economy are obvious. The new human government has very strong control capabilities, and government orders will not be hindered because of "money". There are no tax matters between enterprises, and there is no need to consider issues such as market supply and demand. They just need to produce, produce, and reproduce.

Like the United States in the past, although it was the most powerful country on earth, some decrees were often difficult to implement because they had a completely market-oriented economy. The government was heavily in debt and had no money. Get out of here. Which company is giving you a fuck?

But the new human government is different. Money does not participate in the flow of money between enterprises, and work can start with a single order.

Yu Yifeng believes that as long as the output of goods provided by the government is greater than the new coins issued, and as long as all the new coins issued can be recovered, this game can continue to be played.

But if people hold new coins but cannot buy things, the government's credit will be bankrupt, and then the system cannot be sustained. But Yu Yifeng specially set up an economic department to be responsible for special statistical accounting and would not let this happen.

For now, people work for the government, get new coins, and use the new coins to buy goods from the government. The logic is simple and clear. The exchange of new coins between people is basically very small. State-owned enterprises under the government operate on their own and have nothing to do with the Singapore currency.

The bustling world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. It is understandable that people pursue interests, because people all yearn for a better life. There is no good or evil in benefit itself. If the user is good, it will be good, and if the user is evil, it will be evil.

Eating from a big pot is definitely not a good way out. It not only limits people's freedom and rights, but also weakens people's sense of competition.

The current new currency economy seems to be free, and you can buy whatever you want. If there is a need, there will naturally be a pursuit...

But in fact, the private ownership economy has been greatly weakened. Everyone works for state-owned enterprises and buys things from the state. There are basically no transactions between people.

It seems to constrain people's imagination. Everyone works step by step and cannot start a business or create. It is prone to lack of vitality. This is also a flaw of the planned economy.

To overcome this shortcoming, we need the guidance of the new government. Yu Yifeng is ready to slowly raise people's minds, slowly downplay the importance of new currency, and downplay the idea that work is for "money."

When everyone feels that work is a matter of course and a necessity of life, and everyone can do their best, then this vitality will reappear, and it will be more vigorous than the vitality of capitalism.

Another problem is the blind command and bureaucracy inherent in the planned economy. Yu Yifeng believes that as long as those who control state-owned enterprises are truly selfless and truly "work for their ideals," then there will be no breeding ground for corruption...

There are still many people like this, Professor Ding Yidong, Dr. Roman, Dr. Felix, Professor Sean... These great scientists have reached this point because they really work for their hobbies and ideals. They are human beings. The real elite cannot be shaken by the word "money" or "power".

They have become the main persons in charge of these state-owned enterprises. Of course, Yu Yifeng is responsible for the final check. 50,000 people are not like hundreds of millions of people, so it is relatively simple to be honest and fair.

If any serious accident really happened, he would definitely not be lenient.

He is looking forward to what changes the new economic system will bring...

Thanks to book friends louy01 and Canshang Weishi for the reward, thank you!

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