Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 487 Careful exploration

Such a huge spaceship, and the overall structure is intact, no matter how fierce the battle is, there will definitely be a lot of good things left.

For example...there are always some of those small spaceships I saw just now that are intact.

Plus these hard drives.

These things are already very tempting.

"It contains unknowns... maybe there are battle videos of the Ringtai civilization, and the complete story of the whole thing... or there may be diaries or something?"

"Such a battle is certainly not something that can be resolved in a day or two."

A series of conjectures emerged in Yifeng's mind, constantly tempting him to take risks and then bring these things back for study and analysis.

This feeling of being able to see but not eat is really... really not good!

But he quickly suppressed his curiosity and said loudly: "Okay everyone, please endure this temptation, this test plan must be carried out.

"These things...just treat it like a fantasy movie, just for fun!"

"It's impossible to... pick it up right now!"

Having said that, people still feel a little disappointed because there is no garbage to pick up, and there are far fewer people discussing it.

"Perhaps... we can develop a special hardware reading device that can read such a storage device. Then wirelessly transmit this information through the robot..." Dr. Rimbaud had a flash of inspiration and said loudly: "Even if the data has Wrong, it can’t be all wrong!”

His suggestion revived people's interest a little bit.

In fact, the value of these things mainly lies in the information inside. It would be great if it could be transmitted wirelessly.

The robot explored forward again, and soon found a complete electronic instrument. When this instrument was opened, it triggered another sigh.

"The screen is still bright, which is great!"

"What is this string of text? Do you need to enter a password?"

"I remembered, this thing is locked! It cannot be used normally..."

From surprise to regret, it only takes a few seconds.

People suddenly discovered that most of the things inside were encrypted by an extremely powerful quantum lock.

It is estimated that even Quinton cannot forcefully break this quantum lock and can only passively wait for death here.

"If the instrument is physically destroyed and the central computer is isolated, will the quantum lock still be effective?" Yu Yifeng asked.

"There is a high probability... that it will still take effect." An information expert said with regret: "This quantum lock is equivalent to a computer virus, which has infected all files and cannot be restored even if the connection is disconnected.

"Perhaps we can try to find electronic equipment that was destroyed by the battle before the quantum lock took effect. The information there should be able to be decrypted..."

After hearing this inference, there was a buzz of discussion in the conference room. It was obvious that everyone was not in a good mood. Some people were so upset that they even walked out of the meeting room.

Anyway, no matter what you explore next, you won't be able to get it. It may even be a false picture. You can't see it until you see it!

After a while, Yu Yifeng's heart couldn't bear it anymore and he came out disgraced.

He felt that watching inside was like being abused!

The garbage guy has an emotional outburst. He sees good things but can't get them, and he can't crack them. It's worse than losing his life.

Before he came out, he said righteously: "No matter what is found during this detection, there is no need to report to me, just act according to the prepared plan!"

"No matter what good stuff you find, you don't need to report it. Just record it. Did you hear that?"

"Yes, I understand!" Zhao Yao saluted solemnly, his face turning red from suppressing his emotions.

Closer to home, the first few explorations are just an appetizer, but they are also the most important ones. These robots will roughly explore the spacecraft, which will take more than half a year.

"If it hasn't been cracked in half a year, that means its level is not as good as we imagined...what else is there to be afraid of?"

"If it is successfully cracked and some of the information is tampered with, then... the fun is yet to come!"

"Take the move! Quinton!" Yu Yifeng clenched his fists and thought passionately...

The next thing is simple. After the first batch of robots complete their exploration, they will self-destruct. All signal base stations will also explode and then be replaced.

When the second and third batches of more powerful robots explored, they opened many doors, discovered new areas, and killed many still living beings.

After completing the mission, self-destruct again!

These three very detailed explorations took a total of more than half a year without any interruption.

Most of the "life" discovered by chance are corpses. A small part of them are not very active and are basically concentrated in the storage warehouse of organic matter.

Let’s not worry about these beings for the time being, the robot has indeed discovered a lot of attractive things!

While Yu Yifeng was busy, he secretly glanced at the data on the form. He was really frightened. What a wealthy businessman!

A lot of intact host equipment, fully functioning dark matter deflection shields, and even perfect primes! Will nearby computers contain secrets related to perfection?

"I want to pick up trash again."

He quickly suppressed this feeling...

In the midst of this, people tried all kinds of methods, but still found no trace of "Quinton", as if... it was really dead, quietly.

No discovery was made, it was within the plan.

Then, as planned, the real drama began.

The fourth batch of robots will no longer carry out any exploration and will go straight to some areas that look very tempting!

Theoretically, in the universe, without contact, all scenes will not change in the short term. What the robot captured should be the same as the previous times.

And all the life forms that would interfere with the picture will be killed and driven away within half a year, and basically they will not come out to cause trouble.

"As long as Quinton modified our pictures in the previous explorations, it should have been tricked by now. It has even discovered our plan, but it has to crack this batch of robots again to avoid exposing itself. "

"But this time...the robot goes straight to the target area and moves much faster, leaving less time for it to crack."

There will also be the fifth, sixth, and seventh batches later...even, a hundred different models will be released together! Yu Yifeng sat in the conference room, thinking excitedly.

The first lie requires countless lies to cover it up.

It was as if the new humans were suffering from persecutory paranoia, and they started fighting against this... seemingly ownerless, but extremely wealthy spaceship.

"Perhaps all this work is in vain, and we are just being selfish. Maybe... there really is a super being inside, who has fallen into our conspiracy, and is working tirelessly and resentfully to crack it."

"It doesn't matter, you must be patient! Even if cracking a robot is an instinct for it, this instinct still has its limits. Just like eating and drinking water, it is very simple, but one person cannot do it all at once You can eat a pig!"

"Now I'll give you hundreds of tons of food for you to eat!"

He looked at the position of the commercial spacecraft, thinking that under this crazy offensive, "Quinton" would soon reveal its flaws.

While deep in thought, all the participants were already sitting in their seats.

"Okay everyone, it should be more than three years before the spacecraft is swallowed by the star... We still have time!"

He patted the table and said solemnly: "There are two main things we want to discuss now. First, if we really find traces of Quinton's existence, what should we do? Just abandon it and leave?"

"Second, if Quinton really does not exist...we temporarily assume that this spacecraft is safe, how should we save this spacecraft?"

The members below started the discussion.

"I have a few points."

The speaker was Wang Yufan, a member of the think tank. He called up an image of a butterfly-shaped spacecraft from the screen.

This image is painted with complex structures and even different rooms. This is a virtual imaging map restored based on the robot’s exploration for half a year.

"You see, this is the internal structure of a commercial spacecraft. The exploration route of our robot, intentionally or unintentionally, has always been in the direction of the shield generating device."

Yu Yifeng nodded. The butterfly spacecraft's exploration rate was only about 35%. But the locations of these deflection shield generating devices have been figured out.

Wang Yufan said: "I think the greatest value of this spacecraft is the eight dark matter deflection shield generating devices. The other ones, if Quinton still survives, are too dangerous... don't forget about it! The dark matter deflection shield is an automatic part of the spacecraft. The defense mechanism is not imbued with an unbreakable quantum lock.”

"If the first possibility occurs... I suggest using nanobugs to destroy the spacecraft! When destroying it, control the energy range of the nanobugs and keep the deflection shield generating device."

When he said these words, his heart trembled slightly, as if a piece of his heart had been cut.

What does "don't need anything else"... How much is such a big spaceship worth industrially?

Not including the miscellaneous materials and technologies inside...

However, Quinton is too dangerous and people really can’t solve it.

Faced with this plan, everyone was silent for a long time without any objection.

Some people are thinking that it is too extravagant to throw away such a huge material. They just opened their mouths and were speechless.

Yu Yifeng was also puzzled and sighed: "Then, it's decided! If Quinton is really alive, he can only use nanobugs to destroy the entire spacecraft. Only keep these deflection shield generating devices..."

Nanobugs are impossible to control.

It uses nanodynamics technology, which is completely different from the usual electronic disciplines. The function of nanobugs is also very simple. Once it obtains energy, it only has two simple actions: decomposition and proliferation, and nothing more.

However, as long as the nanobug's functional scope is controlled, its attack area can be controlled, which is no problem.

Wang Yufan continued: "As for the second possibility, if we really find no trace of Quinton's survival... it will not be difficult to save this spacecraft.

"We have to use nanobugs to destroy lasers and other defensive devices, and then use some high-strength ropes to wrap around the large gun barrel and pull it out."

A simulation image popped up on the screen again. A large spacecraft, pulled by four smaller spacecraft, slowly left the danger zone, avoiding the risk of being swallowed by the star.

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