Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 493 Investigation work

The eight obelisk-like device is the last precious legacy of this commercial spacecraft, and people don't want to give it up directly.

Especially the interior of the obelisk, as well as the computer room and other supporting equipment, have not been destroyed. There must be a lot of information inside!

"Let the spaceship pull these things out first... to avoid being swallowed by the star." Yu Yifeng ordered.

After making up their minds, the military began large-scale transportation activities.

Some small robots were quickly placed on the "obelisk" and flexibly tied with nano-ropes. They were then pulled and towed by more than a dozen high-horsepower transport spacecraft.

Towing several two-kilometer-long objects is not a difficult skill.

Under the guidance of the spacecraft, the eccentricity of the elliptical orbits of these obelisks began to gradually decrease. After rotating around the star for fifteen consecutive times, they finally broke away from the gravity.

They ran towards the outer space, never to return.

"Let them fly farther away first. Anyway, these spaceships don't have curvature engines. Even if they are controlled by Quinton, they can't escape. Monitor them closely to see if there are any abnormalities!" Yu Yifeng issued another order. A military order.

What people are worried about now is that the split body of "Quinton" may be attached to the device... People are only half-aware of this super life form, and no matter how careful they are, they can't be too careful.

"According to my opinion, we are not more powerful than this Ring of Thailand civilization. We do not have extraordinary technological levels, nor do we have unique technologies... If the super life form Kunton is allowed to invade the mothership, it may end in the same way... Although its Most of the original body has been destroyed, but it is not known whether it has the ability to proliferate."

Security Minister Xu Yunjin was the first to speak, and his expression was not pretty.

It’s a very simple truth. If an old interstellar civilization cannot solve something, can new humans solve it?

High probability...can't!

Don't think of yourself too smart.

The group of scientists below also had sad faces. They knew this truth deeply. No matter in terms of experience or skills, the new humans are not very good. At most, they have gone a little further on the road of nanoscience, but only a little.

How do these obelisks prove that they are safe?

A scientist listed the difficulties one by one on the screen and said: "Except for the outermost computer rooms, most of this device is sealed. If you want to enter the investigation, you must use micro-robots... I think, this time Quinton You will definitely not be fooled and will not modify our detection content.”

"I think that if Quinton exists, he will not be fooled this time and will not randomly modify our detection tools... So, can we use a robot to detect it?"

People have been discussing this issue for a while, and finally thought... it's still not feasible!

People have been searching for the commercial spacecraft for three years and used various methods, but they have not found such a large body, let alone now?

"You can try it... Although this time, the search range is much smaller, only two kilometers... After the robot comes out, it still needs to be destroyed."

At this time, Yu Yifeng spoke up and expressed his objection: "If it exists... it will definitely remain silent, maybe even for years or decades. If it becomes a piece of metal, or a silicon-based chip, How can our robot investigate clearly? Don’t have high expectations.”

"If we want to really study and use it, we must send more manpower and real scientists. The test site must be around the mothership!"

"The most important thing is that it has the ability to be parasitic... If our heavyweight scientists are parasitized during research... you should also know how serious the consequences will be, right? Therefore, you must think of a better and more rigorous one. Method."

Yes, these are the biggest difficulties at the moment.

There was a constant buzz in the meeting, as one investigation plan after another was proposed and rejected one by one.

If Quinton could really mimic dead objects, it would undoubtedly be extremely difficult to find an abnormal piece of metal as big as a quail egg on an object two kilometers in size.

"The key is, we don't know what it is... It would be nice if there was a little targeted information." Dr. Rimbaud said dejectedly.

To this day, people still don’t know whether Quinton is a silicon-based creature, a metal-based creature, or both?

This feeling of seeing a treasure but not being able to use it is really too bad.

Even Yu Yifeng was a little unhappy. He frowned tightly and asked himself secretly: "Do you really want to... give up?"

He was not reconciled.

He truly knew the precious value of these devices. If you obtain and activate them, you can not only obtain a dark matter deflection shield, but also greatly increase the speed of curvature navigation, which is tantamount to... "escape invincible"!

Isn’t it just for these devices that you have spent so much thought?

If you can "escape invincibly", you can laugh and bloom in your dreams.

But he didn't want to take too many risks.

Can a life as sinister and cunning as Quinton really not be able to discern the intentions of the new humans?

If there is no intention, human beings can just run away. A year later, the star will swallow everything up. Why use nano bug weapons and go to war?

The people sitting in the conference room are all smart people, so there is no chance of any luck.

Their moods were slightly heavy, and they quietly discussed the pros and cons of all plans. People suddenly discovered that no plan is safe and no method is reliable.

"What do we have that others don't?" Yu Yifeng suddenly asked when everyone was at a loss.

Before anyone could say anything, he was already asking and answering questions to himself excitedly:

"We do have something that other civilizations don't have. That is...Gaia's biological spirit!"

"Ling can carry out all-round investigation at the most microscopic level. She is not as easy to fool as a robot. Moreover, Ling's core is inside the Noah, so she is not afraid of her brain being parasitized and controlled. She can just set up a branch outside. Already working."

"Is this okay?" Xu Yunjin frowned and questioned: "It is too dangerous to transport these eight devices into the Noah!"

"Listen to me... it's not like this." Yu Yifeng waved his hand: "... but build a larger container outside the mothership!"

He enthusiastically drew a rectangle on the screen: "This is our mothership."

Then he drew a smaller rectangle around it: "This is the container, and the two are connected with water pipes..."

In this plan, the "obelisk" was first stuffed into a sealed container, and then filled with seawater filled with seaweed, allowing Ling to conduct all-round reconnaissance.

"It's just that these instruments will be immersed in seawater, and it is unknown whether they will break down by then. Theoretically, New Humanity's military products have the ability to operate in extreme situations, but alien products cannot resist No one knows about sea water.”

"It doesn't matter, even if it is damaged by soaking, it still has great reference value for us, and it is possible to repair it!" Dr. Rimbaud immediately jumped up and shouted a little fanatically: "As long as it is safe!"

Several other experts also agreed. They believed that this solution was extremely feasible! The meeting room became more and more lively, and the depression of Qian Qian was gone. Only Xu Yunjin was still a little sullen and couldn't let go.

Yu Yifeng continued: "There is another is necessary to use a large water pipe tens of thousands of kilometers long to connect the mothership and the container, otherwise Ling will not be able to control the seaweed. This water pipe is the only channel to connect the inside and outside of China. Keep a close eye on it and don’t let anything escape!”

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem. If you can't defend even a water pipe, it's better not to mess around."

In this way, through very detailed discussions on this plan, all theoretical obstacles were eliminated one by one. When all the details were resolved and finally put on the agenda, even the most worried Xu Yunjin had no way to refute.

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