Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 50 Wild Wolf VS Tesla

After Dr. Roman left, Yu Yifeng immediately sent the report on the table to the "Wild Wolf" and "Tesla" research institutes.

What do scientists do? That’s when it comes in handy! Otherwise, what's the point of the research institute? It's impossible for Yu Yifeng to figure it out on his own.

After receiving the news, the two general managers, Ding Yidong and Felix, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and held separate discussion meetings.

This topic can be said to be the first confrontation between the Wild Wolf Design Bureau and the Tesla Research Institute. Although major scientists cannot deny the idea of ​​PK, they believe that there are many accidents in scientific research, so how can it be used for PK?

However, some young scientists are young and energetic, still very competitive, and of course they have some ideas in their hearts.

Of course the people are also very excited. In this era of poor entertainment, it is good to make random guesses, which can be regarded as a kind of gossip news.

"Tesla or Wolf, which one do you support?"

"I will go to whichever one is more powerful!"

"Come on, you go? Can people like you?"

"After all, I also graduated with a master's degree from a famous brand..." Halfway through the sentence, the man realized the problem himself. Graduating from a famous brand? There is so much garbage on the Noah.

This may be people's daily dialogue. Some people have petitioned the government to open universities and libraries to facilitate their study.

This is of course a good thing, as Yu Yifeng has already begun to deal with these problems. Public facilities such as schools and libraries must be built, it is just a matter of time.

As for whether the problem of "the temperature inside the spacecraft rising" can be solved, no one cares. How can the dignified new human civilization be stumped by such a small problem?

Let’s talk about the Tesla Research Institute first. After the meeting order was issued, it only took ten minutes for everyone to gather. In fact, there are not many people, only twenty or thirty, but they are all the elites among the elites, geniuses among geniuses.

The institute has just been established, and people are still very disciplined and motivated. Most of them are young guys, and a small number, like Felix, are big scientists with both qualifications and level.

Felix nodded. He was very satisfied with the overall level of the institute. The only shortcoming was that the laboratory equipment was not complete.

"Good morning everyone, I just received an urgent research task."

"Everyone, take a look at this report. It points out that with the development of industry, a large amount of heat is generated inside the spacecraft. This heat energy accumulates in the spacecraft, causing the internal temperature to rise.

Everyone understands, right? The temperature has risen a bit these days, and here's the problem. Now, the government is asking us to find a way to dissipate the extra heat into space. "

Felix talked eloquently, and he played the report to the scientists present in the form of PPT, which was convenient and direct.

Some people frowned slightly. Heat dissipation is not a particularly big problem...the difficulty is large-scale heat dissipation in a vacuum.

Thermal energy, compared to mechanical energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, etc., is a kind of energy that is not easy to utilize, because according to the principle of minimum energy, usually it is an energy with relatively large entropy and is not easy to convert.

Heating an area is very simple, as long as there is energy, but cooling an area is relatively more complicated. The heat in the air is too difficult to use and cannot be converted into other energy, it can only be transferred (unless the heat is very high).

What? air conditioner? It is impossible to use air conditioning to dissipate heat inside the spacecraft. The air conditioning only extracts the heat from the room and dissipates it outside, without reducing the heat. What's the point of pumping heat from the room into the hallway? Because the internal unit of the air conditioner does work, the heat increases instead.

If you really want to use air conditioning to cool down, you have to vent the hot air into the universe. As a result, people will lose precious air. If someone really proposed this kind of plan, they would definitely be scolded by Yu Yifeng. Air is a precious commodity. People don’t even have enough for themselves, so they still want to emit it?

The scientists present all understood the problem, and they began to discuss, discuss, and bring out a lot of theories and data.

These scientists were all rigorous and had no reputation, so they began to design various plans. Although they are generally young, most of them are talented people and have done quite a few projects.

Experiments and theories have proven that in a large environment, the radiation heat transfer of a single object is proportional to the fourth power of its surface thermodynamic temperature. Simply put, the higher the surface temperature of an object, the stronger the heat transfer, which means that hotter things cool down faster.

Another point is that the smoother and whiter the surface of a material, the better its reflective ability, so the ability of this material to radiate will be relatively weak; conversely, the rougher and darker the surface of a material, then this material will radiate outward and absorb external radiation. The abilities are relatively strong.

One of the scientists said: "The universe can be regarded as an absolute black body, that is, the radiation emitted by the spacecraft into the universe will never be reflected back. Because the temperature inside the spacecraft is much higher than the outside, by connecting the heat pipes inside and outside the spacecraft, the high-temperature side is The heat is transferred to the low-temperature side and radiated outward to achieve thermal balance. This is our existing solution for the spacecraft.

I think the best way is to increase our external radiation capabilities. "

At this time, someone else stood up: "I thought of the latest graphene material, which is dark in color, has a rough surface, and has strong thermal radiation ability."

"I think the heat dissipation ducts inside the spacecraft can also be updated, and the number of external radiation rods can also be increased..."

"A liquid nitrogen cooling rod was once used in the XZ region, which is worth learning from..."

These scientists discussed in a hurry, trying to come up with a quick and convenient solution. Felix nodded secretly, the quality of these young people was still very high.

Although they didn't say it with their mouths, from the bottom of their hearts, they didn't want to be outclassed by the Wild Wolf Design Bureau...

This is the situation at the Tesla Research Institute, let’s talk about the “Wild Wolf Design Bureau” that people are very concerned about.

Unlike the serious discussions at the Tesla Research Institute, the Wild Wolf Design Bureau was completely in trouble.

The researchers were discussing loudly, with red faces and dissatisfied with each other. The entire institute was filled with enthusiasm, passion, and even a little fanaticism.

If Tesla takes the path of sophistication and meticulousness, then Wolf Design Bureau takes the path of roughness and boldness. In the eyes of wild wolves, as long as it is simple and easy to use, it doesn't matter what it looks like.

This is also the original intention of Professor Ding Yidong in naming him "Wild Wolf".

The passion of these Russians, Ukrainians, and Chinese people has been completely aroused. They are all young people, full of lofty ideals, and they admire steel and warships. They joined the Wild Wolf Design Bureau and were eager to engage in big projects and construction.

Looking at the drawings in his hand, Professor Ding Yidong's face sank. He simply didn't know what to say. To be fair, the content inside is logical, feasible, and even very high-level, but... it's all too exaggerated.

Thermal differential energy refrigeration scheme, large-scale radiant sail scheme, really, any scheme requires thousands of tons of material reserves... Some people even proposed to rectify the entire spacecraft, which is really enough.

"Everyone! Be quiet!" Ding Yidong did not scold them. These young men have spirit and passion, which is a good thing, but they should not be impetuous when doing things.

"First of all, please take a look at this plan." Ding Yidong clicked the mouse and displayed a picture on the screen.

People raised their heads in unison. This plan was the one with the highest voices and the one with the most positive response.

In Ding Yidong's view, although the theoretical effect is very good, the technical content is also relatively high. But the disadvantage is: the amount of work is very huge and it takes a long time.

In the eyes of the wild wolves, such a big plan has a strong metallic aesthetic, but...

"I think this plan is pretty good." Ding Yidong paused, "However, I want to tell you that this plan will consume more than 80% of the resource indicators and industrial indicators of our research institute!

If everyone agrees, then follow this plan! However, we probably won’t be able to do anything else in the second half of the year. "

As soon as these words came out, they caught everyone's pain point, and people all reacted. They couldn't waste all their resources and energy on this cooling system, otherwise they would all be used up. What will happen in the second half of the year?

This time, many people began to oppose this plan.

Even the designer of the plan regretted that the stalls were too big and exaggerated.

Many people have woken up. The plan is not just exaggerated, it must also be energy-saving and effective.

So, what solution is energy-saving and effective?

When most people were thinking about issues such as heat radiation, suddenly, a young man yelled.

"Why don't we use ice?!"

"Don't we have 100 million tons of ice?"

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