Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 504 Higher sailing speed

Facing this white dwarf star, several scientists were thinking wildly and were teasing each other: "So, antimatter is already a very powerful weapon. As long as there is enough antimatter, destroying neutron stars is no longer a problem."

"What about black holes? Can black holes be destroyed with antimatter?"

"I don't know. If quarks can be formed in a black hole, theoretically the black hole can also be destroyed with antimatter... If the quarks are crushed into smaller things, that won't work."

In the end, Hei saw that the topic had seriously deviated, and finally couldn't help it, and announced the final answer on his own, "Our final destination this time - the Hicks Trading Market two thousand light years away, located on a 0.14 times Above a solar-mass white dwarf."

"The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. It is completely different from ordinary white dwarfs. It is mainly composed of oxygen and neon, and even mixed with sodium and magnesium..."

How did such a small white dwarf form?

After hearing his description, someone soon thought of something and shouted: "Supernova explosion?!"

Hei raised his eyebrows proudly, the answer was indeed this.

In some binary star systems, when a white dwarf continues to absorb material from a giant companion star and its mass reaches the Chandrasekhar limit, the core will reach the ignition temperature of carbon fusion, triggering a thermal runaway reaction.

As a result, a supernova caused by a white dwarf star is produced, which will release a large amount of energy and explode in an instant.

Such a supernova is called a Type Ia supernova. After it is completed, it will not form a neutron star, but nothing.

However, there are exceptions to everything. There is also a small-scale lax explosion. It may be that the core of the white dwarf star has not been completely burned out during the explosion during the process of accreting material. As a result, a precious core remains after the explosion.

This kind of low-mass white dwarf core is much rarer than the metallic core of an Earth-like planet, which is the GB131 that was once discovered in the star Nix.

It was acquired by the Hicks civilization and transformed into a trading market. At the same time, it was also a very powerful war fortress.

All kinds of mysteries make people marvel at the magic and magnificence of the universe.

Supernova is a killer of life, destroying countless low-level civilizations; but it is also the origin of life. Only supernova can produce materials with large atomic weight in batches. Without these heavy elements, no life would be possible.

This discussion finally came to an end as the white dwarf gradually returned to calm.

Yu Yifeng walked up to the crowd and said with a straight face: "Everyone, now I am announcing a decision. According to the results of the robot inspection, the Earth-like planet under our feet has no traces of life and is just the most ordinary planet. . We will recuperate here for a while and prepare for the next ultra-long-distance voyage.”

"...Manned spacecraft and scientific research spacecraft are not allowed to enter the area within 1 astronomical unit of the white dwarf. All large-scale experiments on white dwarfs require approval."

These words caused a sigh.

But if he hadn't added the last sentence, there would probably be desperate scientists trying to push meteorites to attack white dwarfs, or attack them with antimatter to obtain more experimental data.

This is really too dangerous. Although the white dwarf has a gentle temper, it is not something that new humans can mess around with.

Yu Yifeng is busy now and has no time to worry about these mad scientists. As long as they are not seeking death, he will not pay much attention to them.

"Huh", Yu Yifeng breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that everything was going according to plan.

Various small spacecrafts shuttled out from other flagships and flew "rapidly" towards the Home.

It's time for shift handover.

The last batch of soldiers on duty stayed in their own spaceship for five years. It was time to return to the society of the Noah and take a break.

When Security Minister Xu Yunjin solemnly announced the "disbandment", these soldiers cheered quietly and couldn't wait to find their relatives and friends and return to their families.

Yu Yifeng had a smile on his face, infected by their mood. Being with your loved ones is always a warm thing. Superhumans are neither steel nor machines, and it is normal to have rest.

Next comes the decision-making and various discussions on scientific development.

From Trisolaran to this white dwarf, the Noah community was not idle during the entire year's voyage. Scientists are busy testing the "dark matter deflection shield" and deciphering various information codes.

At the same time, senior government officials have also discussed more decisions about the future and will implement them one by one.

Being prepared for emergencies has always been a habit of the new government.

First of all, there is Gene Dynamics and the attached "Super Life Project". Some biologists have proposed that the genes of existing species can be artificially improved to create a group of super creatures with more powerful vitality and better adaptability to the universe.

They were quite envious. It was a bit unbelievable that that toad could jump so fast and be so strong!

This involves the genetic dynamics of L4. According to the current scientific and technological level, it is still in a preliminary exploratory stage.

There are also some bold scientists who believe that genetic dynamics alone is not enough, and that super life forms need further artificial experimental transformation. In addition to the nervous system, according to current biotechnology, everything in the living body can be modified. For example, the bones can be metalized, the digestive system can be replaced with high-energy batteries, and some more powerful chipsets can be added to assist, etc.

There are even some bold people who want to transform a group of more powerful superhuman soldiers.

But after rigorous demonstration, the plan to directly transform new humans was rejected.

Superhumans are known for their intelligence. No matter how they are modified, they cannot be compared to toads, let alone species like Quinton. However, other cats and dogs can be experimented with first to accumulate experience data.

At the same time, there is a second plan... the "Affiliated Civilization Cultivation Plan".

This plan was formally proposed by Yu Yifeng.

The population of the new humans is still too small, and there is a serious lack of experience accumulation. Therefore, people are exploring whether they can find a friendly and loyal subordinate race.

"First, you can't be too stupid... at least be similar to the people on Earth before."

"Second, loyalty must be high. You don't need to be completely brainwashed, as long as you establish a strong enough interest relationship..."

"Third, we must be motivated. If, like the Yufu civilization, there is no motivation to move forward, we should not spend too much effort to transform them..."

The conditions are not too many, but rather strict, and people have not yet encountered a particularly suitable cultivation target. The aboriginal lizards I encountered before were a little stupid, but their loyalty should be okay.

The few low-level civilizations I encountered later were indeed not very good.

However, this part of the content can still be prepared in advance, so that it will be used when the time comes, without even the necessary response procedures. After all, cultivating a subordinate race is not a simple matter, it will take at least hundreds of years.

In addition to these two plans, there is a third, more important one...theoretical analysis of the dark matter deflection shield!

After a long period of demonstration, scientists discovered that this dark matter deflection shield contains ultra-high curvature navigation technology. This kind of curvature navigation has broken away from the simple distortion and expansion of space. There is an inexplicable folding phenomenon. People still don’t know how this phenomenon occurs. It may involve higher extra dimensions.

Through these eight obelisks, it is actually possible to achieve a curvature sailing of one hundred times the speed of light!

It can even be higher!

Escape Invincible is indeed worthy of its name!

This speed is really too fast, far beyond people’s expectations! Even if it cannot be completely cracked at the current level, Yu Yifeng is still quite tempted.

Yes, he was indeed tempted. In comparison, the current 5 times the speed of light is really as slow as a snail.

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