Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 522 Multi-species competition plan

It is generally believed that in the process of education, it is necessary to maintain the independence of this civilization and ensure its competitiveness, so that the value of the subordinate civilization can be reflected.

Theoretically speaking, a subsidiary civilization needs to surpass the new human civilization in some aspect! This will provide some assistance.

If the Chiyanjiao people cannot compare with the new human civilization in any aspect, then... this subsidiary civilization will lose its value.

After all, today's artificial intelligence has become more and more perfect. Robots are too easy to service. They only need some electricity to operate for a long time, and there are no problems such as loyalty, fear of death, or rebellion.

In general competitive labor, it goes without saying that the productivity of robots has completely surpassed intelligent life.

Therefore, the new humans do not want a group of stupid slaves who only know how to eat. Instead, they want to cultivate a series of professions such as scientists, engineers, and soldiers that are difficult to replace by robots.

In other words, this subsidiary civilization is actually a part of helping to advance technology and make up for the shortcomings of the new humanity itself.

But imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

The new human civilization, even if its population is small and its technology tree is not comprehensive, is still a serious interstellar civilization. Even if careful education is given, it is too difficult and time-consuming for a primitive civilization to transcend any technological tree.

The progress of a civilization must be gradual and cannot be a leap.

Without various experiences and cultural inheritance, it would be difficult for their ideology to improve quickly, and it would be impossible for them to suddenly change from a state of poverty to fully free communism, which would only lead to chaos in the entire civilization.

China once proved this with facts.

"We don't want to spend a lot of time and end up raising a group of uncles or a group of hooligans..." Yu Yifeng thought to himself as he looked at the various Red Flame Horn people adapting to the new environment.

At this time, the long-established sociology of the universe finally came into use...

"Guide it slowly. Only the smartest individuals who can share more can achieve a better life. Inequality at the beginning is inevitable, and equal distribution of food from the big pot will only lead to general laziness."

"Then, a set of appropriate economic systems can be established. For low-level civilizations, effective economic measures are the best way to stimulate development."

After discussion, the experts decided to start from the "economic" aspect instead of directly encouraging the development. The transformation of civilization's thoughts must go through a process. Artificially created things must be inferior to those that evolve naturally.

For example: Americans often launch wars on earth and support whatever regime. The result is a mess, and the country is even worse...

While Yu Yifeng was thinking, he generally recalled Dr. Rimbaud's original words.

This imaginative geek put forward a very interesting insight during the meeting: "Competition is the theme of the universe. The economic system of low-level civilizations emphasizes competition... Competition can eliminate unsuitable individuals. We don't need to be like The nanny loves them as much.”

"Not only competition within civilizations, but also competition between civilizations! We should not just cultivate a subsidiary civilization!"

"Remember the lizards of the Knicks? The extremely high level of loyalty alone is worth cultivating, but I don't know what's going on now... I think the competition and cooperation of multiple affiliated civilizations are better than a single affiliated civilization. ”

"This will even bring some stimulation to us. As the main civilization, we must be better than them, be more diligent, and work harder..."

When Rimbaud said this, he opened his hands as if embracing a wider sky. He was already longing for a powerful planetary spacecraft: "The increase in effective population means that we can have stronger industrial strength. Think about it, everyone." Well, whether it is the development of science or war, more powerful industries and larger spaceships are needed. "

"...How many people and industries are needed to transform the metal planet that stays near the star of Nyx? Now that we have Gaia biological Ling, we are cultivating subsidiary races, and we have such a high navigation speed, in the future If you have the chance, you can definitely go back!

"Build our own... planet-class battleship!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and the conference room was very lively.

Rimbaud was already thinking a hundred years into the future, but his words were not unreasonable.

After calming down, everyone was analyzing the feasibility of this plan.

Let's not think too much about planet-level spaceships for the moment. Multiple subordinate races are indeed superior to one in theory.

Fierce competition among multiple species will greatly promote the common development of these civilizations. Moreover, under the deliberate guidance of the new human civilization, the result of their competition is likely to be friendly development in all aspects, rather than the outbreak of war and destruction.

"That is... equivalent to competition between companies within a country."

This plan, as long as it is well controlled, is indeed quite excellent.

"But it also needs a basic system to be established before it can be truly implemented."

Thinking of the future, Yu Yifeng is full of expectations. He believes that no matter how rough the process is, the new humans will be able to overcome it.

"If we have a chance, we should go back. I believe that L4 civilization will not recognize us as the civilization that robbed Gaia's creatures. Maybe everyone is Homo erectus and very happy..."

The spacecraft quickly entered a state of super-light speed, and people could no longer observe images of the outside world.

Then, in the remaining five years, the most important thing is to transform this group of uncivilized Chiyanjiao people and let them form their own system as soon as possible.

At the current sociological level, people no longer need to allow them to develop freely like modifying indigenous lizards, but instead consciously guide them and carry out artificial selection.

120,000 "red people" gathered in the ring-shaped living area of ​​the Deep Space, which was a little crowded, and different tribes were temporarily isolated, and fights and other incidents occurred in the province.

The first transformation is, of course, language...

The unification of language is a crucial point. They must learn the language of the new humans before they can take the next action. But in fact, the languages ​​among these tribes are messy, each has its own dialect, and even the development of ancient science and technology is also different.

The first tribe that people captured was actually quite advanced and had developed writing and mathematics, but there were also some small tribes that did not have these things at all.

People in this small tribe have even worse understanding.

And because of regional differences, the languages ​​of each tribe are completely different like Chinese and English.

This can make linguistic informatics experts miserable, and they can only collect information from tribe to tribe and then decipher it.

After deciphering the languages ​​of these indigenous people, teach them to learn the languages ​​of the new humans again... Fortunately, this deciphering work has been done many times, and there is not much difficulty in it.

After three months, the majesty of the new humanity has gradually been established. When the soldiers came in and out, no red man dared to punch or kick the power armor...

Those who are too arrogant have been put in a cage!

This is the living area of ​​tribe No. 1. That's right, these tribes were marked with various serial numbers according to the order in which they were captured.

And because of learning some time ago, simple numbers have become popular. At least two-digit addition and subtraction, some smart individuals can easily complete it.

Amide was wandering in the playground. Although he was old, he was still the smartest person in the tribe.

In just three months, he had learned a large number of new human languages ​​and was full of curiosity about this powerful race.

While others are still working hard to learn the language, this "Anmid" has already made great efforts to learn deeper mathematics.

He likes mathematics very much, and has a great love for the "axiomatic" settings of the Archimedes period. He can often be seen drawing pictures and calculating on the sand.

And most of people's attention is also focused on this maverick old man. No one has always paid attention to those idiots.

Of course, in Amide's eyes, the new humans are still mysterious and powerful... incredibly powerful, like gods...

Their vigilance has gradually disappeared. Because many seriously injured people in the tribe were also released, these guys who were almost certain to die were actually saved. This also made Chief Gondor, Amide and others feel deeply amazed and delighted.

Well, I have experienced too many incredible things, and I have gradually become numb.

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