Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 535 Ordinary Technology Transaction

In the process of reading the information like this, time slowly slipped away.

The spacecraft has arrived at its next destination - "Planet G00203" for ordinary technology transactions.

As the spacecraft made a soft beep, Yu Yifeng and others put down the information with a wry smile and gave it to the soldiers for safekeeping. This information is quite a collection.

At a glance, this planetary spacecraft is much more lively than the one just now. Any civilization, including the Destroyer Civilization, can come over to sell their own technology, and no deposit is required. The identity inspection and technological strength requirements are not as strict as the planet just now.

The most important means of transportation is still the small anti-gravity spacecraft that is available on the market.

Looking down from the spacecraft, one can see the huge exchanges lined up one after another, like flea markets on earth, countless times larger in scale.

A large number of warehouses are neatly arranged, with countless robots entering and exiting.

People also saw huge plants several kilometers high, like world trees, with all kinds of alien life forms, large and small, crawling and running on them. They have different shapes, some are like elephants, some are like long reptiles...

There is even an ocean here, and a large number of aquatic biological clocks live in the ocean.

"What a dynamic planet." Many scientists have already discussed it with interest.

These creatures should be ordinary animals deliberately bred. It is this large group of wild animals that brings more vitality to the planet.

If they were all cold machines, it would not be in line with the aesthetics of new humanity.

But in fact, the seemingly smoking volcano is just the residual heat of the giant nuclear reactor; under the deep and huge ocean, there are various super-light missile silos hidden! After the ferocious killing weapon was filled with creatures, the murderous intent was actually reduced a lot... This may also be a special kind of psychological comfort.

"This is indeed a planet-level super fortress, but it looks much more comfortable." A nearby physics expert said.

Of course, in addition to these wild animals, there are also other intelligent beings who wear mechanical life-support equipment and move around in the trading venues. They talked to each other, one by one got on the anti-gravity vehicle, and flew to another planet.

"I wonder what happened there..." Yu Yifeng thought curiously.

Although everyone is very confused, it is still important to get down to business.

Within ten minutes, everyone arrived at the core trading area of ​​the entire planet.

A large amount of information scrolled on the central screen, densely packed, which should be the latest technology on the scene. All of them are in the common language of the Galaxy. According to today's computers, simultaneous translation is possible.

"It feels like I'm in a foreign city..."

There are many aliens in this trading square, doing their own transactions with each other. In the huge multi-story square, various small spacecrafts were going up and down, it was so lively, and you could even hear alien languages ​​or galactic universal languages ​​played by various machines.

However, except for the artificial intelligence of the market itself, no one came to talk to the new human civilization.

Because all the new humans are sitting in the car, no one is stupid enough to say hello to a car.

"It's normal if you think about it carefully. A civilization that has developed to a higher level also attaches great importance to foreign trade. This is not a dark forest after all, and foreign trade is very reasonable."

A sociologist suggested: "A mature civilization should dispatch some civilized diplomats to guard this important trading market, looking for technologies that can learn from each other's strengths..."

"...and things like picking up leaks are most likely to happen in a place like this." Several scholars are constantly discussing whether a diplomatic team should be established to guard this trading market.

However, after discussing for a long time, they believed that there was no need for the new humans to do this for the time being, because the foundation of the entire civilization was too poor and there was nothing special to offer. Moreover, the current major technologies are still in the process of rapid development, so there is no need to spend a lot of money to buy other people's products.

"Like now, it is more appropriate to develop the main technology on your own and purchase some that require experience. And when we cultivate the subsidiary civilizations, the accumulation of experience can be done by them, and the development speed will undoubtedly increase significantly again."

Of course, in addition to the large central screen, specific data can also be downloaded from the assistant robot next to it.

Yu Yifeng clicked on a piece of technology and looked at it with great interest. There are text, pictures, and a lot of introduction, which seems quite detailed.

The technology description here has a standard template similar to patents, which is also very suitable for reading and selection.

The novelty inside almost dazzled him!

Many, too many!

Too many to imagine!

What about biomineral smelting, intelligent body transformation, alpha information encoding structure, Atropos planting principle, neural network system, intelligent machine learning...

There are all kinds of technologies available!

Physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, economics, society... and art?

What is this? There are also games. Can holographic video games also be sold? ! This is... a magazine? Novel, "Fight to Break the Universe"?

Yu Yifeng made a big fuss in his heart, but when he saw the three words "gifts" later, he felt a little more at ease.

All in all, there is nothing you can’t think of but you can’t buy!

The number marked in the price column should be the sales price. Hicks Market has specially set general points, which are similar to the amoeba points that we have encountered before, and the value is also similar.

"There is also a place here that specializes in foreign exchange settle points in various mainstream markets." A scientist said: "But we have nothing. We don't have amoeba points...we can only sell resources or labor, or Sell ​​some spaceships.”

After carefully looking at the prices of several technologies, Yu Yifeng let out a long sigh.

Good things, all good things, but the price is a bit high, and the money is a bit tight... except for using perfect ingredients, it is not very affordable. Yu Yifeng is also reluctant to sell "labor force". Working long-term in this trading market is really a waste of time.

And people finally knew why a special planet was opened to trade these things.

Because there are so many "gifts" that they can't be piled up.

After purchasing a certain technology, just like a supermarket promotion, the other party will often provide very considerate "accessories".

For example, if you buy a complete set of "automation engineering technology", the other party will simply give you a complete assembly line robot!

Almost all civilizations use this method to sell their own technology.

“It’s these gifts, densely packed like garbage, covering the entire planet?!”

I haven't recovered from my cold yet, so I will be a KKK member for a while, sorry.

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