Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 543 There is a road ahead

The first thing that came to Yu Yifeng's mind was that the scene that just happened was somewhat similar to the "entrance and exit" of the Noah.

Yes, what they are accustomed to and even ignore...the "entrance and exit" of the Noah!

There are "mirror"-like objects on the surface of Noah. When the object enters the "mirror", it looks like it has disappeared, and some ripples like water will appear, which is very magical.

In fact, with the advancement of science and technology and the vigorous development of space mathematics, the understanding of the multi-dimensional world is no longer dependent on guesswork as before.

There are many things that have been confirmed by experiments. For example. The "gravity" that has never been unified is actually the projection of a certain "force" in the high-dimensional world.

New human scientists have also conducted extensive research on the "subspace" of the Noah. How could they not develop this treasure mountain?

Scientists generally believe that the expanded space inside is a part of the projection of a certain high-dimensional space due to distortion.

"Noah" is indeed a natural experimental subject, but it is also the home of everyone. Under Yifeng's strict orders, scientists dare not mess up.

They were afraid that something big would happen to the Noah, and that the new human race would perish inexplicably...

On the other hand, the fourth or fifth dimension is too difficult and too weird for the human brain.

Humans are three-dimensional animals that live in three-dimensional space for a long time. They have no intuitive common sense in their minds about higher-dimensional things. Four, five, or six dimensions have become very abstract.

The newly born series of high-latitude mathematics are designed to express higher-dimensional spaces.

But mathematics is just a tool and is ideal. If you really want to explore the space of higher latitudes, you have to rely on physics.

"According to the instructions of physics: it is very... difficult for a three-dimensional life to enter the fourth dimension." Dr. Rimbaud waved his hand and explained to the others.

First, the fourth dimension and beyond, curling up in space on the Planck scale.

"The Planck scale is one 10^22 of the diameter of a proton. Current science is difficult to understand the physical phenomena below this scale. Our instruments do not have this kind of accuracy."

Even below the Planck scale, space is discontinuous, and all physical laws have been rewritten, and people have no idea what it is. "1+1" may be equal to 2, or it may be equal to 100, energy may or may not be conserved, matter exists or may not exist, or it may be fabricated at will...

The secrets of the universe lie at the microscopic limit!

Second, current physics indicates that in higher dimensions, the physical laws are completely different and need to be explored again.

For example, electromagnetic interaction, one of the four fundamental forces, will cause a series of problems.

If energy is still conserved in the fourth dimension, because of the extra dimension, the functional expression about distance will change. The intensity of the electromagnetic signal will be inversely proportional to the cube of the distance.

This also brings about a result. In four-dimensional space, if you look at a light from a distance, the light will dim rapidly with distance, which is faster than that in three-dimensional space.

The classic Coulomb's law was rewritten due to mathematical changes. Coulomb's law involves electromagnetic interaction.

Since Coulomb's law no longer exists, do atoms still exist?

Can protons still bind atoms faithfully?

The answer is of course no. The delicate structure of atoms means that if there is any change, it will immediately disintegrate.

"This is the legend...all the laws of physics have changed due to changes in mathematics!"

"According to this inference, as soon as a person enters the four-dimensional space, all the molecules and atoms will disintegrate, and not a single one will be left!"

"How did 005 do it?"

This group of scientists are discussing feverishly, and this is something they are deeply puzzled about.

Because 005 probably ran into a higher dimension and wanted to "cut corners". Otherwise, she would not have been able to complete the task within a month or two.

"It doesn't rule out that she opened a 'wormhole' or something else. In short, it must be related to the world of higher dimensions."

So the question is, how do humans enter higher dimensions?

"Even hydrogen atoms can't get in. How should we get in? We'll die as soon as we get in."

The answer...of course there is, the mad scientists still figured out a way to try to get people into the four-dimensional space.

That is... looking for a "carrier"!

This principle is somewhat similar to curvature navigation: wrapping part of the three-dimensional space into the fourth dimension, thereby avoiding phenomena such as the breaking of physical laws.

It's a bit like using a piece of paper to draw "two-dimensional" characters in real society. If people want to enter the fourth dimension, they must find a suitable "paper" so that molecules, atoms and electromagnetic fields can be trapped in the three-dimensional forever, and they will not let themselves be The laws of physics change and are broken down.

It sounds simple, but its difficulty... is outrageous! At least understand the physical laws of another world.

Species that don't overcome weak barriers are not smart enough, so don't think too much about them.

"... It is not unreasonable to only have the stable existence of three-dimensional space. The universe is very, very delicate. If it is just a little different, we will not exist... Maybe it will become another weird universe, maybe it will explode in a second " Dr. Rimbaud suddenly said, waking up everyone who was meditating.

Know more and don’t know more.

Precisely because 005 may have directly entered a higher-dimensional space, it was as simple as jumping into the water. All scientists felt deep awe and...envy.

Yes, people are envious.

"This is the strength of higher-order civilizations!"

Yu Yifeng stood up and said: "Okay everyone, don't think too much for now, all the videos have been recorded, right? Let's study it later!

"This experience has broadened our horizons. At least we know the direction and the way forward. It has been a worthwhile trip."

This is very important. Many people also patted their chests and regained their fighting spirit.

When the United States created the atomic bomb, it had a luxurious lineup of scientists, almost an all-star team. But it is this group of elites who are crossing the river by feeling the stones with trepidation.

The United States used half a million people, a lot of time and money to build the atomic bomb.

Because scientists themselves don’t know whether it can be done.

China's man-made atomic bomb is much simpler. With the fact that the Americans have succeeded, they clearly know that this path is feasible, as long as they keep going down.

It is definitely more difficult to cross the river by feeling for the stones than by knowing that there are stones under your feet.

"Knowing that there is a road ahead is already a very bright fact, and we can't expect more." Yu Yifeng sighed.

As you can see, we are currently in the process of constantly filling in the holes. When the holes are almost filled, the whole story will be over.

Let’s spread the flowers when it’s finished. I can’t estimate how many words there are left. Two months may not be enough.

Also, there is another alliance leader friend "Immortal Legend", thank you.

So there is another update today...

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