Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 550 Prosperity

Inexplicably, this small place of Greece began to produce geniuses in large numbers and developed explosively.

"Thales", "Socrates", "Plato", then "Aristotle", "Archimedes", all the efforts were used up.

Yu Yifeng was almost paralyzed by the exhaustion of producing so many geniuses at once.

But the effect was remarkable. "Athens" became the scientific and cultural center of the entire region, gathering many talents, like a shining pearl. These thinkers have achieved relatively deep attainments in many fields such as philosophical thought, poetry, architecture, science, literature, drama, mythology, etc.

"Aristotle", the master of Greek philosophy, even perfected a whole set of "geocentrism" according to some theories of his predecessors!

"Geocentrism appears!" This is the first surprise Yu Yifeng received.

"Aristotle" believes that their blue planet is located at the center of the universe. The blue planet people live in a hemispherical world. Various epicycles and deferents are densely packed, but they seem to be able to explain various astronomical observations more accurately. .

It's not easy, it's really not easy!

Because there are only a few stars in the sky, and they are not real ones. They are just Mercury, Venus, Mars and the like, reflecting sunlight.

In this dark cosmic cage, there is no real star except the sun.

"Geocentrism" made everyone at that time take a big step in the understanding of the universe, and it was soon widely accepted.

Even Yu Yifeng, who was resting on the side, was excited again and again: "This step is not wrong!"

Whether this theory is correct or not, it is always a way of observation and induction, and has nothing to do with religious explanations.

This point needs to be encouraged. In fact, the proposal of "geocentrism" is already a scientific bud.

After so much effort, he finally took the first step...

Of course, his mission is far from over.

The world has changed, time has passed quickly, and nothing is eternal.

Since the death of the last genius "Archimedes", the golden age of ancient Greece has quietly passed. Geniuses faded, the system slowly decayed, and this magical country began to decline...

Yu Yifeng did not spend too much effort to save it. Birth, aging, illness and death are the highest laws of nature. Moreover, he did not know how to save it.

This series of scientific ideas created by ancient Greece was perfectly inherited by the nearby "Ancient Roman Empire". This country has always been a focus of Yu Yifeng's attention.

Ancient Rome was young and powerful, and Yu Yifeng liked it very much. The most important point... The Ancient Roman Empire also had an ambitious emperor-Alexander, who was a student of Aristotle.

This emperor had great power.

"Very good... I like centralization." Yu Yifeng held his chin and pondered in his heart.

Emperor "Alexander" still had no power to resist "God" and was directly injected with a huge amount of knowledge by him.

"Alexander" had a beautiful dream, dreaming of iron lumps moving on the ground and iron birds flying in the sky. He even dreamed of the explosion of a nuclear bomb! After waking up, "Alexander" suddenly thought that he was a "time traveler" who came to change the world...

He began to worship "science" crazily and truly knew that science is the primary productive force. While fighting foreign wars, he vigorously developed education and recruited talents.

Then, he began to promulgate the policy of "taking science and technology as the primary productive force"...


The whole universe echoed with Yu Yifeng's laughter.

"This step is correct!"

This is also a skill he has just figured out recently. If a huge amount of knowledge and memory is injected at one time, when it can affect the memory itself, it can indirectly affect the person's behavior and way of thinking.

This country is becoming stronger day by day...

The development of civilization is a process full of blood, war, massacre and power struggle.

Yu Yifeng can instill a lot of memory, brainwash the emperor, and make him love peace. But the emperor alone cannot stop the trend of history. There will still be wars.

After dealing with "Alexander", Yu Yifeng went to other countries. The seeds of "science" have appeared, and countries that do not develop science will definitely be beaten. This is their kinetic energy for moving forward!

War, merger, peace, division...

All kinds of disputes appear in this world, as if they have never stopped...These intelligent beings are the only species on this planet that slaughter and abuse other creatures and their own species for reasons other than survival.

"It's so ugly." Witnessing all the massacres, he, the "God", was quite ashamed. He didn't like war at all, but all these things were spontaneous.

In this bloody era, productivity has not yet reached its highest level, and kindness seems to have become a sin. Nakedly killing one's own kind and robbing profits have become the most correct thing.

Sometimes he would make some mistakes because of his soft heart, causing a civilization to take more detours. Sometimes he would force things to happen and issue wrong policies at the wrong time.

But Yu Yifeng always implemented his own philosophy, "Let scientific ideas spread throughout the world."

He was too lazy to care about war. At least, war could promote technology, which was enough.

Various emperors had an epiphany overnight and began to pay attention to the "strange skills and tricks" that they had not cared about in the past... Many ministers did not even realize what was going on, so the emperor forcefully announced the "policy of developing science."

The history of this world, due to the butterfly effect, has long been changed beyond recognition, beyond Yu Yifeng's calculations... He can only fumble haphazardly on this path where he can't figure out the way forward.

Fortunately, miraculously, this period of chaos has slowly come over.

The first steam engine actually appeared in the east, in a place called Zhonghua Xiaogang Village!

Because there are many coal mines here, it has become a natural advantage.

The invention of the telescope made astronomical observations more accurate, and the "heliocentric theory" began to flourish. The birth of "Newton" also proposed Newton's three laws and the phenomenon of universal gravitation. This book, "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", is like a groundbreaking book, completely laying a solid foundation for science!

Because of Yu Yifeng's deliberate suppression, religious thinking has become relatively weak in this world. Therefore, the "heliocentric theory" has been promoted without much hindrance and has quickly become the mainstream of the world.

His second step was achieved.

Blue Star people now believe that the sun is the center of the entire world.

Then what?

There is no more.

They believe that the sun is the center of the entire universe.

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