Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 56 Selecting the Scientific Expedition Team

Not only scientists, but also ordinary people's enthusiasm for Mars scientific research exceeded Yu Yifeng's imagination. As soon as the news was released, tens of thousands of people responded enthusiastically, and the government had to establish a special screening process...

Special team member Zhao Yao and a group of young guys are training crazily in the training room. Soldiers are not ordinary citizens and do not need to participate in this selection process.

After all, the army is hierarchical and has a superior-subordinate relationship. There is no need for democracy or equality. Once an order is given, whoever the superior assigns will go. But because of the special nature of this scientific expedition, there are no enemies or particularly big dangers, so recruits will be the main participants in this mission.

In the past few months, the national security department has recruited a total of more than 200 new soldiers. Adding in the original personnel, the number of soldiers in the entire spacecraft has reached 300. The original rank of veteran officers has been increased by one level.

As a member of the veterans, Zhao Yao also became one of the captains, and his military rank was promoted to captain. He is responsible for the training of twenty new recruits, which is actually equivalent to the level of a class.

Under normal circumstances, their training environment is basically concentrated in the high gravity area below the spacecraft. Physical training in high gravity zones is very effective.

However, recently, in order to adapt to the Martian environment, they moved to a medium gravity area. This is to adapt to the gravity of Mars in advance, because the gravity of Mars is only about one-third that of the Earth, which is still a bit different.

The army obtained a total of 30 landing places during this scientific expedition. Zhao Yao is the main commander of this operation, and all soldiers who land must obey him.

Even though he usually looks unreliable, that's because there are more awesome people like Yu Yifeng and Xu Yunjin. However, in China at that time, who could really be selected into China's first special forces, which one would be unreliable? Zhao Yao is a veteran who has experienced many dangerous missions.

In the training room, the recruits are training with their respective firearms or engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Sometimes when Zhao Yao's hands are itchy, he will go up and teach the new recruits a lesson, and he can win one on three or one on four. Hey, these new recruits are too weak for him. If there was a real life-and-death fight, he could kill the entire squad by himself. This was entirely due to the difference in combat experience and physical fitness.

Among the 30 spots, he was the only original special team member. There are three others who are former security team members. They are also veterans and have some experience. The remaining 26 are all new recruits.

"Everyone is here! Assemble!" Zhao Yao shouted loudly when the time came. With a roar, all the recruits ran and gathered in front of him, standing at attention.

"Take a break!"

There was another sound of small steps. After this period of training, these recruits finally had good discipline. There is no rule without discipline, so Zhao Yao is quite satisfied with these new recruits.

"It's been two months, time flies so fast." He thought to himself, since he became the team leader, he also had to take on corresponding responsibilities, and the tasks were really much heavier.

"I'm here to announce something. Wait a minute. Our ten recruit brigades will conduct a ranking competition for the comprehensive quality of recruits. The competition items include six items: shooting, fighting, medical, physical fitness, psychological quality, and environmental adaptability assessment. .

Only the twenty-six recruits with the highest grades can go to Mars with me! I don't want our class to fall behind, so please give me a try, do you understand? "

"Understood!" Everyone replied in unison. Their eyes flashed with excitement and excitement, but they all restrained themselves.

These recruits are still very high-spirited. Zhao Yao nodded with satisfaction...

Not only the soldiers were encouraged, but also the people, because there were so many people who wanted to participate in this scientific examination. The government has to select candidates with professional skills or very high comprehensive abilities.

"Everyone should know that the purpose of this operation is scientific investigation, not tourism, and the duration will be one to two months. Comrades who don't have any skills should not send in random resumes! Mars exploration also has certain dangers! "

"Attention, this is not a tourist trip, but a scientific expedition, and there is a certain degree of danger..."

At the volunteer registration point, a fat man was shouting with a loudspeaker. However, there are still many people who submit their resumes with a sense of luck.

The quotas for scientists, soldiers, and doctors have been determined, and the remaining ordinary people need to be screened, which is only one or two hundred people.

The leaders of the geology group, medical group, biology group, and engineering group are constantly reviewing these resumes. Their selection requirements are very strict, whether it is professional standards or physical fitness. If one of them fails, they will be rejected.

After the resumes are selected, interviews are conducted, and only 200 people are finally selected. No matter how strict you are, you can't be too strict.

"Zhao, I heard that there will be strong winds of level 12 on Mars, which is very dangerous!" A tall white girl was pulling her boyfriend and said with a worried look on her face.

This young man is none other than Zhao Chao, Wang Zhiyuan’s roommate and the one he drank with.

He finally found a girlfriend, she was of Russian origin, she had to have a good figure and good looks, it was a great time...

"Sigh... Victoria, don't listen to their nonsense. The air pressure on Mars is only one percent of Earth's, and even a 12-level wind has no power." Zhao Chao said nonchalantly. He had already understood it.

He is filling out his application form and has written down various resumes on it, including Qingbei University, geological engineering major, master's degree, and other academic certificates such as construction engineer and mechanical engineer, plus an excellent physical fitness examination report, conditions It's pretty good and should be able to get a ranking.

"But, this book says that there will be a big storm on Mars at any time..." Victoria was still a little worried and took out a novel - "Mission to Mars" in her hand.

"Hey, that's a novel. Part of it is fictitious and cannot be taken as true." After filling out the application form, Zhao Chao checked it again and then handed it in directly.

He said with a smile: "If there is really a strong wind, that kind of force will not be able to blow us away. Otherwise, the scientists will definitely remind us. Don't worry, Captain Yu Yifeng will not let us die."

"Really?" Victoria blinked, "Then I want to sign up too!"

The new human government's mobility and organizational capabilities are very high. After the two-day personnel screening officially ended, the spacecraft happened to float to the North Pole, about 1,000 kilometers above the ground, and then the spacecraft began to float in the sky, drifting in the wind.

Because this planet is likely to be the final destination in the next few years, no matter how cautious you are, scientists have already done a lot of inspections with experimental instruments in advance, and found nothing particularly unusual.

Five hundred people, including engineers, doctors, nurses, soldiers, reporters, and more scientists, were ready to go and lined up in front of the "Victory" spacecraft.

Under everyone's gaze, Yu Yifeng encouraged him: "Comrades, you are 500 elites carefully selected from 50,000 people. You have professional qualities and skills. I don't have much else to say. Say, here, I’ll repeat your mission.”

"First, build a small base that humans can live in."

“Second, get a detailed report on the geology of the Arctic Circle.”

"Third, examine whether life on Mars really exists."

“Fourth...please ensure your own personal safety.

Okay, that’s all I have to say, let’s set off! I wish you a successful return in advance! "

"Victory!" Five hundred people made a V-shaped gesture together and posed for a group photo. Immediately afterwards, they put on their space suits and walked into the Victory one by one.

Due to insufficient carrying capacity, the Victory may have to make two or three trips back and forth to transport a large amount of living supplies and mechanical equipment.

If Noah flew lower, it would be possible to use space ropes to hoist things directly down, but now at an altitude of one thousand kilometers, this is almost impossible.

Yu Yifeng thought that maybe he could research short-distance transportation facilities with a large carrying capacity, which would be much more convenient...

The average temperature of Mars is -63 degrees Celsius, the surface atmosphere is thin and cold, and it has two satellites. For this sister planet of the Earth, the topic "whether there is life on Mars" has always been the focus of people's attention.

In 2000, a Martian meteorite was discovered in Antarctica. NASA claimed that some microfossil-like structures were found on the meteorite. Some people believe that this may be evidence of the existence of life.

But some people think that these are just naturally occurring mineral crystals. As of 2004, neither side of the debate had the upper hand.

The Mars rover Viking once conducted an experiment to find out whether there are microorganisms in the Martian soil. The experiment was limited to the Viking landing site and gave positive results, but was subsequently denied by many scientists, which is controversial...

Existing biological activity is also one of the explanations for the presence of trace amounts of methane in the Martian atmosphere, but generally, people prefer other explanations that have nothing to do with life.

Is there material suitable for life on Mars? This has always been a mystery that humans have been trying to uncover. To this question, scientists gave a positive answer after the "Curiosity" Mars rover explored Mars for 7 months. NASA has announced that analysis of Martian bedrock samples by the Curiosity rover showed that the ancient Martian environment was indeed suitable for life.

However, "fit" does not necessarily "exist". Humans have never discovered life on Mars...

The answer will soon be revealed in the hands of the scientific expedition team members.

(ps: Thank you all for your recommendations, collections and rewards this week.

People always ask me questions such as whether I can be a eunuch. Now I will focus on answering them.

As for this book, the first 110,000 words were very poor. It took more than two months to conceive and probably more than 20 days to write. At that time, there were only nine collections. Nine, everyone knows that among these nine collections, some are pirated websites, some are editors, and some are automatically collected by robots. I don’t know if there are any real readers.

As for the recommendation votes, there is not a single one... Am I going to say that they are all my own votes? By the way, a friend in QQ Bookstore often recommends it. I don’t know how he found this book. He may be my only reader.

At that time, I insisted on writing alone for a month. Didn’t I get through it?

Now, I have more than 400, nearly 500 readers. People often encourage me, give me rewards, and give me recommendations. It would be too damaging to my character if I become a eunuch. Generally speaking, I won’t. . (At least I am very happy when I write it, hahaha.)

Let me tell you a little story here. The editor of Qidian gave me a test push last week. Generally speaking, collections that have increased by more than 300 are considered qualified. But after the first day, I only added 26 collections (T^T), which is less than 200 in a week, which is definitely the rhythm of being relegated to the sidelines.

After being relegated to the cold palace, there will be no follow-up recommendations, and it will be lost in the vast sea of ​​books.

So, I had to shamelessly go to the book list area to advertise. I didn’t want to rush into the street... Dear list owners, some of the ads were placed by me myself. Please forgive me. I’m really sorry. (This week’s results are okay. Now I have changed my ways and stopped advertising...)

I am very grateful to the book owners of Poyang Lake, Jingqi Xiangxiang, Huoge, and Sanqingfeng. I will not go into details one by one. I am very grateful that you can give me a chance to be on the book list. Without you, I would definitely have lost my life, and I am so grateful.

Novels about interstellar civilizations are still too niche, and I know this. After all these years, there are only seven high-quality books of this kind. Only seven. It’s really too few.

It can be seen from the number of clicks that Marvel, Doomsday, Infinite Streaming, etc. are still popular. After being recommended on the web page, there are thousands or tens of thousands of clicks, but my book has less than a thousand clicks now (web version) , there are still too few people watching. If you like this book, I hope you can promote it more so that more people can discover it. The author would be very grateful. )

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