Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 556 Predictive dreams and reversal of cause and effect

"Yes, he can't tell the difference! According to this pseudo-human algorithm, in a novel, it is enough for the author to set that he cannot tell the difference." Yu Yifeng agreed.

One problem after another was placed in front of everyone. Everyone discussed it for a while, and then fell silent for a while.

There was discussion for a while, then silence for a while.

I saw another scientist saying with some regret: "What I experienced was a 'predictive dream'. Every few days, I would have a precognitive dream, and I would vaguely dream about major events that were going to happen in the future. My mission Yes, to prevent the occurrence of foreseeable phenomena..."

"Then what?"

"Of course it failed, all 31 predictions became reality!" The scientist was very distressed, as if he had encountered some experience that destroyed his outlook on life: "Anyway, all the attempts to prevent it failed inexplicably. This kind of prediction of the future, It seems that there is no way to change it, it is a force exerted by the whole world!”

"On the last day...I...I actually predicted my own death!"

The scientist's face turned pale and he said with fear: "...I was so scared that I quickly gave up treatment and quit the game!"

After hearing this, everyone laughed again.

Dr. Rimbaud, fearing that the world would be in chaos, shouted: "Calvino, you are always going to die! This prophecy is indeed correct, are you still expecting eternal life?"

Yu Yifeng also laughed.

After the laughter, there was another long silence and sigh...

Everyone was silent, thinking about the philosophical truth behind it.

"What this story discusses...should be the collapse of traditional causal theory caused by quantum mechanics. We usually believe that there is a cause first, and then there is an effect. But now it has changed to the effect first, and then a series of causes." Among them. said one expert.

The most classic, easiest to understand, and least easy to understand should be the "double-slit interference experiment of electrons".

The first experiment: When a series of electrons are emitted one by one and pass through the double slits, many bullet-like "double slit interference patterns" will be formed on the screen behind.

This pattern, similar to the interference of waves, can be "temporarily" explained by the wave-particle duality of the electron: the electron, as a quantum, becomes a wave and passes through the two slits "simultaneously".

The second experiment: When electrons are emitted one by one, pass through the double slits, and use a camera to clearly observe which slit the electron passed through, the final pattern produced on the screen behind is actually different. There are only two bullet-like patterns!

Note that the two experiments only have an extra camera in the middle to observe which slit the electrons passed through. The other conditions are exactly the same.

Well, this is not the most bizarre thing. We can tentatively think that it is the "observation" of the camera that interferes with the movement of electrons.

This experiment does not destroy the theory of causality and is temporarily acceptable.

But this is just the beginning of...the whole weird experiment.

The entire event can be scaled up and subjected to a series of "delayed processing."

The starry sky is vast and the huge space can realize experiments of various scales. A certain great super civilization has built a "ten light-year" super test site to conduct a "double-slit interference experiment."

Due to various high technologies, the moving speed of this super civilization can be considered to be far beyond the speed of light, almost reaching infinity. Moreover, due to the vacuum environment of the universe and the ultra-high precision of experimental equipment, this super civilization can accurately measure errors to the Planck scale.

The experiment begins. When a beam of electrons approaching the speed of light is emitted from the instrument, there are no extra steps in between. In the end, it took nearly ten years for these electrons to hit the screen 10 light-years behind, forming a huge "double-slit interference pattern."

This is the first classic experiment, and the answer is: "double-slit interference pattern", which is unremarkable.

In the second experiment, when a beam of electrons approaching the speed of light was emitted from the instrument and passed through the double-slit device, the super civilization expressed "unmoved".

Let’s rest for a while first. The entire test site is 10 light years away. It takes ten years for electrons approaching the speed of light to hit the screen on the other side of the test site and display a specific pattern.

Okay, now, 9.9 years have passed…

The super civilization suddenly did something bad.

He took out a handful of "entangled particles of these electrons" from his crotch. Now by analyzing these entangled particles, we can clearly know which slit this group of electrons passed through!

And... analyzing entangled particles will not destroy the original trajectory of electrons.

"Electronics have been through this device for 9.9 years, so what if I check your history?" the super civilization thought proudly.

As a result, when it learned the complete truth...the expected double-slit interference pattern disappeared and turned into two bullet-like patterns!

In other words... this beam of electrons, when passing through the double-slit device, seemed to have self-awareness, and "predicted" that this super civilization would do anything in 9.9 years, so it finally formed two bullet-like patterns... …

Perhaps another way of saying it is that what the super civilization is doing now has changed the past behavior of electrons. This concept is called "alternative history."

Super Civilization: "The past history was changed by me????"

It was very unconvinced and thought that it might be a quantum entanglement state that destroyed the movement of electrons.

It re-did the third experiment that "destroyed all three views": when a beam of electrons approaching the speed of light was emitted from the instrument and passed through the double-slit device.

Then, it waited patiently for 9.9 years, took out a handful of entangled quanta again, and first conducted data analysis on them. However, instead of checking this part of the data, they used a rigorous experiment to destroy all the data, including the entangled particles!

Then, the answer finally revealed by this string of electrons is: a classic double-slit interference pattern.

Electronic expression: Although you observed it, you completely destroyed the data. In the end, no one knew our trajectory. Very good, we adults have a lot of them and don't care about your observation behavior, so it becomes a classic double-slit interference pattern again.

Super civilization: Are electrons self-aware? !

The electron made a silent mockery: Brother, it’s not that I have self-awareness. Our past history is uncertain, that is, it can change at will... Your current observation determines my past history, and the result is of course fixed.

But as long as your observation is unsuccessful, my history will not be settled.

As for the theory of cause and effect, how come it turns out that there are effects first, and then there are causes?

"The traditional theory of cause and effect is probably just an experience, not the true nature of the world!"

After discussing this series of unsolved mysteries, Yu Yifeng sighed. He couldn't even believe the traditional theory of cause and effect. What should he do?

Could it be that after there was a result, a series of reasons appeared?

The three views are completely destroyed, and materialism has become idealism. What the hell is "observation"? Isn't it a kind of consciousness that only life has? The observation of life has caused earth-shaking changes in the entire universe? ? !

They were unable to solve any of the "Top Ten Problems" of the old world.

Explanation on this:

There is a Copenhagen explanation: "Observation of human consciousness collapses particle uncertainty"

There are also various explanations such as multiple worlds and multiple histories. I won’t go into details.

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