Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 574 The Founding of the Nation

Yes, everything is ready. The "Future", which is ahead of the times, has also made the new human civilization enter its strongest state in history.

It's time to go back to Nix Star to take a look.

A native lizard civilization that may have developed well, plus a ready-made metal planet, I always feel sorry for myself if I don't use it.

The crowd gradually dispersed...

That night, everyone was toasting and talking happily. Almost all the senior people attended this grand banquet.

People talk about the past and the future. When they find that the future must be better than the past, they always have an incomparable sense of expectation.

"The future is beautiful, just this point is enough."

This strong and confident feeling seems to penetrate into people's hearts little by little with the development of the times. Humans are proud creatures with a kind of arrogance in their bones. Perhaps it is because of this pride that people are constantly moving forward.

Although you still have to hide when you need to, the new human civilization no longer needs to be trembling and timid like before.

"We are no longer the civilization that we were when we just left the moon!" Yu Yifeng returned to his bedroom drunkenly and fell headfirst onto the bed... He seemed to have a beautiful dream, dreaming that the new human civilization had overcome one difficulty after another, built countless planetary spacecraft, built white dwarf battle stars, and even neutron battle stars! Of course, these things were not for showing off or slaughtering other civilizations, but for... exploring more and more novel things. The universe is so vast that it contains all kinds of secrets, and there are still many things that the new humans don't know. ... The next morning, he had already arrived at his post in high spirits. At exactly eight o'clock in the morning, a solemn order echoed in every corner of the Future. "I order the Future to officially set sail!" "Target, Nix!" With an order, people officially began an ultra-long-distance journey of 2,100 light years, and it is expected that they will be able to arrive in ten years. 20 years is not too far for the new humans, and with abundant material resources, there is no need to hibernate to spend this time. …

The Red Flame Horned man Anmid looked at the wild darkness outside the window, thinking deeply.

Since they had obtained greater authority, this group of Red Flame Horned people had never looked at the starry sky so closely.

Now the spacecraft has not run out of the sphere of influence of the star, so it is still in a sub-light speed state, and can still observe the specific situation outside. Large and small meteorites, various terrestrial planets or gaseous planets, made him extremely obsessed.

As the spacecraft accelerated, they were retreating rapidly, and only astronomical telescopes could barely observe them.

As one of the smartest Red Flame Horned people, he deeply felt the earth-shaking changes in the entire tribe in the past seven or nearly eight years.

No, it is no longer a tribe, but... a country!

The founding of the country was just completed a few days ago, and Anmid was elected as... the first head of the country.

Their country is called "Red Flame Country", and their biggest competitor is called "Black Flame Country", both of which are populous countries.

"The other six small countries are not worth fearing, but they are also worth winning over."

"Upper Civilization" gave them greater freedom and began to realize internal self-management, while releasing more spacecraft permissions.

But rights also represent responsibilities. Everything that comes next needs to be created through their own labor, so Anmid, the first prime minister, is also worried and doesn't know what to do next.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, there are so many things that can be done! Like human resource allocation, food dispatch, education, and industrialization, etc., there are too many to start!

According to the current talent level and industrialization level, the Chiyanjiao people can only grow crops and do some simple handicrafts. Even the officials present are not qualified political talents. Although they have received modern education for nearly eight years... it is still quite difficult to apply knowledge flexibly.

The new economic system has long been formulated. In every year, the new human civilization will distribute certain mineral resources to these countries according to the population size, such as iron ore, rare earths, natural gas, etc., as well as a small amount of energy that allows plants to grow smoothly.

These are all free.

But they are all raw materials, how to use them?

How can the raw materials be processed into finished products?

These Red Flame Horns, with their current level, can't even produce a qualified kitchen knife! It is possible to make some stone tools by hand, but what is the use of stone tools?

An Mide was completely weaned off all of a sudden, and he was simply complaining! If he didn't handle it well, his people would even be at risk of starving to death.

The Minister of Defense Gondor next to him was also stunned, in a state of helplessness.

Well, this Ministry of Defense seems to be a completely empty position at present. Things like internal wars are basically impossible to happen.

But the "Upper Civilization" said that they need qualified soldiers and can provide "star coins" as compensation, so this defense department is still established...even if there is not a single qualified soldier at present.

After being stunned for a long time, a staff officer said unconfidently: "According to the rules set by the superior civilization, we can use the remaining 'star coins' on hand to purchase the required supplies. I think we should purchase production equipment rather than finished products. …”

"Here's a list of equipment that can be purchased..."

"...Start by purchasing the simplest steel smelting equipment and machine tools, and then vigorously cultivate talents. There is also agriculture, which is also very important..."

"How many star coins are left in our country?" Anmid looked at the list and asked.

"I don't know... I haven't counted them, and most of the old star coins are in the hands of the people. Can't they be confiscated directly?"

"How about I bring someone here?" Gondor said suddenly.

"No, no, no, your tough approach is an old idea. Absolutely not, it will cause large-scale chaos and even population loss."

"We should issue a national currency, replace these old star coins, and take them into national ownership. Then concentrate these star coins and buy them from the upper civilization." An "economist" said with style.

This is a good idea. These Chiyanjiao people have studied economics for so many years, and they have some wisdom.

The star coins issued by the new humans are actually almost the same as gold on earth, and are a general equivalent for transactions with "upper civilizations".

But how should a national currency be issued? What kind of exchange rate is appropriate? How many are issued? How to reduce corruption? How to prevent counterfeit banknotes?

This group of people have a headache. Real practice is completely different from the knowledge in the book!

The economist pulled out a textbook and asked about M1 money quantity, M2 money quantity, inflation, GDP, CPI, etc., which made him almost collapse...

In fact, this process of "building a nation" has been greatly simplified by the new humans. There are even free resources and various equipment can be purchased. It is not too easy!

How can it be so easy to truly establish a social system?

These senior cadres have also learned relevant knowledge during the training process. If they cannot apply what they have learned, they can only blame themselves for being stupid...

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