Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 576 Red Flame Horn Examination

In this era, science is free. Except for some "black shell technologies" that require vigorous supervision, everything else is in a state of laissez-faire freedom. Moreover, a complete set of honor incentive system has also replaced the original economic system.

This kind of free scientific research brings very powerful vitality.

Of course, government departments will also formulate some technologies that need to be focused on development and distribute them as task indicators. These key technologies, including industry, agriculture, biology, military and other aspects, are like the main pole of a big tree, connecting most things together.

As society has developed to this day, the market-oriented economy no longer exists, and instead it is dominated by a planned economy. Especially some large-scale projects are planned.

The power of planning is huge. To use a simple analogy, during the construction of a new mothership, under the strong call of the government, the entire society is quickly mobilized, and the vast majority of the population will also take action. This also shows the cohesion of a civilization.

In normal times, "big data" records all aspects of life, what people need, want, and how much resources are consumed. Under the influence of big data, it is clear at a glance, and of course, corresponding plans can be formulated.

Such a transparent society not only avoids the rigidity brought about by the original planned economy, but also saves resources and reduces waste as much as possible.

The spacecraft quickly entered a state of super-light speed, and time passed quickly. There is nothing particularly important in the middle process. It is development and education. Both the new humanity and the Red Flame Horn people are striving for their own better tomorrow.

One year, two years, three years...

Ten years have passed...

In the entire universe, it is simply a blink of an eye.

The changes in the new human race are not big, but in the past ten years, for the relatively backward Chiyanjiao people, there have been earth-shaking changes... After the establishment of the country, it began to slowly stabilize.

The most important thing is that talents are finally starting to appear!

Jerabi from the Red Flame Nation was outside the spaceship, trying to do a routine inspection on the "Home".

Only when you stand outside can you realize how huge, complicated and exquisite your spaceship is, but as big as the "Homeland" is, it is only a small part of the real mothership "Future".

"Shangcivilization is really too powerful..." He felt slightly excited.

Taking advantage of this time when the spacecraft was being repaired, this Chiyanjiao man was taking the exam for the professional title of... "Junior Mechanical Repairman".

Every year the Future spacecraft sails, it will stop to correct its course and conduct small-scale maintenance for a period of time. Therefore, there is only one opportunity for such an exam a year. Under super-light navigation, no one is allowed to go out.

After eighteen years of study, Jelabi has passed all six theoretical exams, and has also passed the other two manual repair exams, so this field test is the last hurdle.

As long as he passes, he can get the coveted position of "low-level mechanical repairman". !

He deeply lamented the power and richness of "Shangcivilization", and at the same time, he really wanted to obtain this position.

In order to get better treatment, for his family, and for himself, he has been preparing for this exam for a long time, and he must pass it!

"...It's just a junior exam, but it's already so difficult. I wonder what those intermediate or senior repairmen, and even more difficult engineers are like?" Jelabi thought curiously: "We still have to work harder. To learn.”

Well, even after eighteen years of tireless education, there are only 13 people in the entire Red Flame Horn civilization who can earn the title of "low-level mechanical repairman."

There are only 17 people who can obtain the title of "low-level soldier". The total number of miscellaneous titles does not exceed one hundred.

After all, the new humans are already at the level of interstellar civilization. They don’t want nothing but elites, so the standards set are relatively strict.

These positions, placed on Earth, are all at the level of astronauts. They require not only manual skills, but also a lot of mechanical knowledge, the ability to adapt to changes, and strong psychological quality. These conditions are indispensable.

After so many years of publicity, for the people of Chiyanjiao, being able to serve the superior civilization will not only obtain the national strategic item "Star Coins", but also improve the treatment of the entire family, and it is a great honor!

These things have been written into elementary and junior high school textbooks...

The exam started.

He took a long breath and stopped thinking. After carrying a large number of tools, he started his space walk. Together, these devices are twice as large as an entire person. They are not the most advanced equipment and are mostly hand-made instruments, but they can also better test the skill of the repairman.

The first thing to be repaired was a simple astronomical observation device. It was broken and needed to replace several parts.

Jerabi moved lightly and moved the electromagnetic generating device closer to it.

He felt that his carbon nanoclothes were rapidly expanding due to the air pressure, inflating like a balloon. This uncomfortable swelling gave him an inexplicable sense of panic.

"Don't be afraid, this is normal." Jelabi comforted himself.

The psychological impact is slowly amplifying during the work process... Space maintenance is very difficult. It is completely different from areas with gravity, and every step is very slow. He started to get a little anxious.

He had experienced the vast universe at the observatory, but he had never really stepped out of the spacecraft. Now that I came to the universe, I felt a little at a loss. I gradually felt the infinite oppression brought by the universe.

The thin nano-clothes did not bring enough sense of security. He wore an ordinary helmet on his head and did not have too complicated protective equipment. Through a layer of gloves, he could even feel the cold surface of the spacecraft.

It's probably...a temperature of more than one hundred degrees below zero.

The physiological structure of the Red Flame Horn people means that they can survive in the universe for a long time even without wearing protective clothing, but it does not mean that they will not be psychologically afraid.

It’s so empty, so empty, so empty that it’s unimaginable!

The increase in learning knowledge means that they are not as ignorant as before, and they truly understand the awesomeness of the universe.

Any high-speed moving meteorite can easily penetrate their bodies; if there is a cut, the blood will quickly evaporate, and the whole person will quickly turn into a mummy!

In just a few hours, Jelabi felt his blood rushing to his head and had some strange hallucinations.

"No, it's not a physical problem, but a psychological problem..."

This is the inherent mentality of ordinary people. If the dark and boundless space of the universe really floats out and gets farther and farther away from one's own mothership, what kind of fear will arise?

Will he die?

How long will it take to die?

Will it turn into a mummy and float around for tens of thousands, billions, or billions of years? Facing eternal darkness like this?

This feeling of cosmic phobia made his heart beat faster. Jerabi quickly tightened the carbon nano-ropes on his clothes and shook his head heavily to wake himself up.

The work is still going on, there is no sound, and the indicator lights on the surface of the spacecraft are also very dim... With only some machinery for company, it is really uncomfortable to experience the vastness of the universe alone.

Jelabi could only concentrate and work harder. As long as you focus on your work, you can forget about these things.

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