Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 59 Unknown Plague

"I found it, I found it here! It's this kind of stone, right?"

A piece of emerald green molybdenum uranium ore appeared in Victoria's hand, and she shouted on the intercom while taking photos.

"It's the same here. It's such a big piece of uranium ore. Their color is pure. This is a sign of relatively high uranium content!"

"This mine must be huge. It's awesome! It's really awesome!"

The intercom was filled with an atmosphere of joy. Clark suppressed the excitement in his heart and immediately spoke: "Gentlemen and ladies! Congratulations to everyone! Don't go too far... We will return to the base after obtaining a certain number of samples. Let’s wait for the large forces to arrive and then detect the specific mineral reserves.”

An hour later, everyone gathered next to the rover with a large number of ore specimens.

"I estimate that this uranium mine has at least hundreds of thousands of tons of uranium reserves, enough for human use for decades." Zhao Chao shouted excitedly as soon as he returned to the car.

"This must be a gift from God to people!"

Reporter Victoria showed a sweet smile. She took pictures of a piece of uranium ore and explained: "Ladies and gentlemen, we discovered a piece of uranium ore 150 kilometers away from the Mars base! It's really awesome and amazing. It makes me excited... It really makes me feel that my trip is worthwhile.

Now, I plan to bring this news to everyone, haha, gentlemen and ladies, you will witness this wonderful moment with me. "

"Click", the flash lights up...

Although there is not enough signal in the Mars rover to transmit video, pictures and videos can only be transmitted to Noah after returning to the base. However, Victoria still hopes to record this joy as soon as possible.

Zhao Chao couldn't wait to test the uranium ore in his hand. His eyes lit up and he screamed loudly, "Oh my god, what did I find? The uranium content of this uranium ore reached 1.36%. It is a real rich ore. ! We sent it, we sent it!"

He has never been so excited. He is so happy about the prospects of mankind as a whole. As long as there is energy, mankind has everything. It's great, it's really great! The ore with a uranium content of 1.36% is one of the best ores on earth!

One hundred and fifty kilometers is not far, it only takes three hours. They told the people in the base the good news, and then the base passed the news to the Noah...

"It's uranium ore!"

“Uranium ore discovered on Mars!”

Everyone is excited, everyone knows what a piece of uranium mine means!

Even Yu Yifeng clenched his fist tightly and punched the air several times to vent the joy deep in his heart. A uranium mine not only means a large amount of energy, but also has many associated minerals. Many rare metals can be found in uranium mining areas.

"Good evening, audience friends, I am Victoria. I am very happy that I can witness the discovery of this mining area..." Victoria is talking on the camera, "Look, everyone, this is the entire process of our discovery of uranium ore."

Victoria's camera recorded the entire process of discovering uranium ore, from the scientists' listlessness to doubt to screaming. There was no excessive embellishment, but it gave people an extra sense of reality. Many people felt the joy of this car.

"It is a beautiful stone with a cyan color, and it is also the main energy source for us humans. Uranium is also the main material of nuclear power plants. The energy generated by nuclear fission is huge..."

"...This is not only the credit of the twenty of us, but also the credit of all mankind..."

A researcher hurried over and said a few words to Victoria. The screen suddenly flashed and the program ended abruptly.

Yu Yifeng saw something unnatural in it. His expression changed slightly, but it returned to normal almost instantly. He whispered a few words to a soldier, and then looked at Xu Yunjin.

"What happened? Why was the show cut off? Why does your face look so ugly?"

Xu Yunjin was also alert and immediately walked over and said softly: "Captain, 14 of the 20 people in that group are in a coma and are running a high fever!"

"What!" Yu Yifeng was shocked and punched the table.

Dr. Roman, the general director of the small base, isolated them the moment he got the news, and secretly screamed.

However, it has been several hours since the onset of the disease, and they have come into contact with too many people. What should they do? Are they all quarantined? Even Roman himself may have been infected!

Soon, the 15th coma, the 16th, the 17th... This coma spreads faster and faster, faster and faster...

"Emergency notice, emergency notice, no one is allowed to take off the space helmet! An unknown microorganism is spreading rapidly!"

"Urgent notice, no one is allowed to take off the aerospace helmet!"

This is... malice from Mars!

Dr. Roman speculated that this is probably a microorganism from Mars that has not been discovered by humans!

The best way now is to find these pathogens and find their weaknesses... However, although wearing a thick space suit protects the human body, it is impossible to conduct experiments well, and someone must make sacrifices.

Then, let yourself do it, you are already infected anyway...

Roman felt that he was already feeling uncomfortable, although it was only a slight fever.

He failed to live up to the expectations of all mankind, and a crisis actually occurred at this time...

Why was life not discovered in the first place? Are they all concentrated in uranium mining areas?

Roman sighed, still feeling that he had not completed his task. Although the people in that car were already infected before returning to the base, he still had certain responsibilities as the person in charge.

Humans are still too immature, and basic biochemical control measures are too simple. Disinfectant water is very effective for life on Earth, but not necessarily for life on Mars... Roman quickly figured out the key. Humanity has never come into contact with extraterrestrial life, so it is normal to take it lightly in this regard.

Besides, these geological teams who have been outside need to be quarantined for at least a period of time before they can enter the base, right?

He had not thought of any of these questions. In other words, no one thought about it before the accident happened.

There was no use regretting now. Roman wanted to make up for the situation, so he immediately issued an order for emergency quarantine of all employees. No one is allowed to take off their helmets until the crisis is over.

"Zhao Yao, you have never taken off your helmet, so the chance of infection is low. If I fall into a coma, everything else will be left to you."

"Yes! Make sure to complete the mission!" Zhao Yao stood at attention and gave a military salute with a serious expression. They had already entered a state of military control. No one was allowed to take off their helmets or move around at will. Only biologists and medical scientists were free. The right to act.

Roman walked into the laboratory and took the patient's blood for testing.

"The body temperature is 39.1 degrees Celsius, the breathing is normal, and the heartbeat is 95 beats per minute. There is no life-threatening danger for the time being. I think the onset of symptoms after being infected with this unknown virus is about four hours."

"It is highly likely to spread through the air. It is extremely contagious and will be infected if it comes into contact with the skin." Dr. Roman kept writing in his notebook while studying. He felt that his head had become much stupider and his running speed Some slow down.

"Ordinary space suits can isolate this virus. But because microorganisms still remain in the air, as long as people take off their helmets, eat or drink, they may be infected."

"I found a small amount of DNA and protein in the uranium ore I collected, which should be a kind of carbonyl life. I understand that on this energy-poor planet, these microorganisms are attached to the uranium ore and rely on fission energy to survive... They can Absorb the energy produced by nuclear fission!"

"But this explanation... is just a reluctant one. Why is there no life at all in other places? Maybe it's because of this."

"After infection, the body's white blood cells increase, and the body's immune system is resisting, but the condition does not improve. Humoral immunity has no effect."

"Ordinary optical microscopes can't see them clearly. They are very small and may be microorganisms similar to viruses."

"Ordinary disinfectants are ineffective, which is why our biochemical controls have failed. I think the protective layer on their surface may be very thick and even resistant to nuclear radiation from uranium mines..."

Roman shook his head. He felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier, and he was getting more and more confused.

"It's been four hours. My head feels heavy, I feel dehydrated, hot and cold, and my eyes can't see clearly." However, the pen in his hand was still recording, and he was gritting his teeth. Every time you record a few more words, you will leave one more piece of information to future generations.

"Antibiotics, ineffective, interferon, ineffective... our immune system..." After writing this, Dr. Roman finally couldn't hold on and fainted...

Several soldiers in spacesuits lifted Roman to the hospital bed, and then used their clumsy hands to hook him up to an intravenous drip. These soldiers had learned simple medical care and were still able to hook up a saline drip.

100 people... 200 people... 300 people. After a few more hours, the number of unconscious people finally settled at 322, and only 178 were awake! They were wearing spacesuits and helmets, and they didn't dare to take them off.

Although their stomachs were already very hungry, they still had to hold on.

Yu Yifeng was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He had to make an emergency landing!

Workers kept moving heavy objects out of the spacecraft to increase the mass of the spacecraft. In about six hours, the Noah spacecraft can land.

Although some people are still considering safety issues, Yu Yifeng can no longer care so much. He must save these people!

How can our dignified new human civilization be conquered by viruses? Brothers and sisters, hold on, you must hold on, we are here!

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