Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 583 The Enlightener Arrives

When talking about the traitor, all the lizards felt despair and at the same time bursts of anger arose in their hearts.

"It's the politicians, that group of politicians who are deceiving people. They are re-establishing the so-called lizard civilization in their pretentiousness! An enslaved civilization, a civilization without freedom!"

A young soldier roared angrily: "They just threw themselves into the arms of the enemy, forgetting the pain and hatred! Damn, hateful!"

"Alas!" Lizard leader Alex sighed again, and he didn't know what to answer.

"I think……"

The assistant looked a little hesitant. After a while, he said what he wanted to say, "We don't know whether the Wallfacer has betrayed or leaked our information. I suggest that we should hide ourselves as quickly as possible, or even transfer." Base to avoid enemy attacks. These people are already the last spark of civilization and cannot be captured anymore!”

"Also, Mr. Alex, Base G observed an unknown space battle two days ago. Later, we received a series of satellite broadcasts... It seemed that... the former... Enlightenment was looking for us. Should we..."

After such a long time, the lizards no longer use "god" to refer to the new human civilization. Instead, they use an honorific term: "enlightener"!

They think this title seems more accurate.

Upon hearing the news, the lizard leader hesitated and did not make a choice directly.

Because this kind of thing has happened before, and it was all directed and performed by the lizard traitors!

These damn "traitors" used the name of "enlighteners" to deceive a large number of people more than a hundred years ago, and then arrested and even massacred them!

Yes, in times of despair, every life-saving straw will be greatly magnified. In the minds of the lizard people, the "Enlightener" is undoubtedly the thickest and brightest one.

But these "football traitors" have tarnished this sacred name, even more than once...

After several such accidents, the lizard leader no longer believed that the "enlightener" could happen to pass by and save them from their tragic fate. And everyone in this base is burdened with deep hatred and there is no possibility of surrender.

"Maybe it's those traitors again who are directing and acting on their own..." the lizard leader said.

"Well, we still have to rely on ourselves to rely on others." At this moment, another young scientist stood up: "How about I become a spy..."

"In that place, before the planetary spaceship is completed, any valuable lizard will not be killed at will."

This young lizard man is the most outstanding and youngest scientist left in the indigenous lizard civilization.

"No, you can't do this."

The lizard leader shook his head resolutely: "With so many things going on, the Antek civilization no longer trusts you new scientists. It's useless... don't waste your efforts."

"You are our hope, we can't take this risk. We currently don't have enough industry to develop more things. Even if we steal technology, what's the use? We can't cut off our own retreat!"

The group of lizards discussed it for a while, but had no clue at all.

Now, it is impossible to resist. We can only find a place to hide and keep the fire of civilization. This seems to be the best way.

Perhaps their enemies, the Antek civilization, didn't even care about this group of lizards still living on the planet Nix.

With such a small population, it is still a low-level civilization. It is already very laborious to preserve the fire of industrialization. No matter how hard you jump, you can only jump so high.

There is really no need to spend a lot of effort searching the entire planet.

"Only some 'traitors' are still wasting time and effort searching for us, wanting to claim credit from their masters! If they can die, we will be safe." One of the soldiers said angrily.

"Even these traitors have some eliminated starships. How easy is it to annihilate them?"

At this moment, the leader suddenly shook his head, and there seemed to be a loud voice ringing in his ears.

He looked around for a while: "Did you hear anything?"

Several other soldiers also tilted their heads and listened for a while. They all pointed to the sky.

"Let's go out and take a look! You lead the soldiers to stay vigilant. And you, be ready to organize the crowd to retreat at any time!" The lizard leader gave the order directly without much hesitation.

If the enemy really appears here, even if you fight desperately, you must buy time to let the fire of civilization continue on this planet!

Just like that, a group of lizards picked up their weapons and crawled out of the hole vigilantly. The sound became louder and louder, and through the mountain wall, it seemed like a strange "buzzing" sound...

One of the soldiers carefully opened the door that was covered by the sand with a bang, and the strange sound suddenly became loud and clear.

"This is..." The lizard man's eyes suddenly widened, a little confused and a little surprised. This is music that they are very familiar with. It is basically used in sports competitions of all sizes. It is... "Athletes' March"!

The music left by the "enlightener"!

Looking further into the sky, I saw that it was full of spaceships of all sizes, and various special red and green light sources were flashing in the sky, obviously looking for them. Such huge music sound almost covered the entire Knicks star!

"Many, many spaceships!"

"Are they the Enlighteners?" The moment they saw these spaceships, tears burst out from the eyes of several Lizard soldiers. After so many years and so many difficulties, they finally got through it!

"Yes, it must be!"

However, good discipline prevented them from losing control of their emotions immediately, and they calmed down after the noise.

Facing such a grand scene, the lizard leader was still not very relieved. There was a voice deep in his heart telling him that their dream seemed to have come true!

However, there was another voice that kept him alert.

Behind him is an entire civilization, and these lizards are the last spark of fire! If he makes a mistake in judgment, this main base with a population of hundreds of thousands is likely to be completely wiped out. How can he make up his mind immediately? !'s those "sluts" who are directing and acting on their own?

"But does the traitor really have such power?" The leader was vaguely confused.

Immediately afterwards, another message came from the technical department, which gave the lizard leader a shot in the arm: "Chief, it's... it's..."

"What is it?"

"Spaceship! And, ah... war!" The person on the other end of the phone stumbled and couldn't speak clearly.

Several videos were displayed on his communicator, which were undifferentiated signals that had just been received.

The first paragraph is the scene when the "Deep Space" left the planet Nix. The ion engine suddenly started, emitting a bright light, and a large number of lizards were cheering on the surface.

The second video was a video of the "Future" destroying an enemy spacecraft. It only lasted a few minutes. Several of those treacherous spaceships were destroyed, and it was very satisfying to watch.

"There are no traces of modifications found yet. It's hard to distinguish the authenticity from the fake." said the technician on the other side of the phone.

The lizard leader suddenly believed it!

Although it still cannot be ruled out that these videos were synthesized by prostitutes using computers. But I still somehow believe it.

"Such a huge formation... maybe the Enlightener is really coming?! Really or not?!" Facing this huge gamble, his whole body was trembling slightly.

He looked at the surrounding senior executives and saw a hint of disbelief in each other's eyes. This was an extremely unlikely event.

"Who is willing to follow me to find out the situation!" The lizard leader said loudly.

No matter what, he must go out and take a look. If he just gives up this opportunity, he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life!

If the other party is really the Initiator, and they are already in this formation, and still can't find anyone, the search will definitely not take too long.

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