Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 587 War Preparations

Hearing the lizard leader's answer, Yu Yifeng smiled slightly.

These lizards do not understand the science and technology of the new humans, nor do they understand the true strength of the Antek civilization... It is just like an ancient person judging which modern country is powerful. It is normal to make this judgment.

He frowned and thought secretly: "Since the Antek civilization implements high-pressure rule, there is actually a hotbed for resistance. It's just that the strength gap between the two sides is too big, and the lizards are incapable of resisting."

"Can this... be exploited?"

"It's difficult!"

The Antek civilization was not stupid. It knew that the initial massacre had created a huge gap and it was impossible to recover. So I simply took certain precautions against the lizards. With these measures, even if a large number of lizard soldiers suddenly rebel when the new humans go to war with them, it will not have a fundamental impact on the war situation.

"... Because all the lizards' spaceships are obsolete goods. They are really rubbish. Maybe they will all self-destruct under one command."

"However, if there are lizard soldiers willing to rebel during the battle, it is better than none."

He didn't think of a particularly good idea for the time being, so he could only shake his head slightly.

"Okay, thank you very much for your opinion. After the spacecraft leaves the super-light speed, if possible, you can try to contact the previous contact person..."

The lizard leader nodded. Whether he could be contacted was another question. Their first priority now is to freeze large numbers of people. When a war actually breaks out, all these spaceships will have to be requisitioned and cannot be inhabited.

Next, after all the lizardmen left, there was a buzzing discussion in the conference room. The military experts present were discussing tactics based on the existing information.

"Two days, two more days..." Yu Yifeng was also slightly excited.

In two days, the Future will arrive near the metal planet. No one knows what will happen then.

"The information on the lizards is not comprehensive. You have to see it with your own eyes before you can make up your mind whether to fight or flee."

People may see a very large enemy lineup that is difficult to fight against, such as a lot of "Quinton" or something else, then the new humans can only run away directly;

But when the other party is not strong, there is a high probability that... a war will occur!

"Since the other party is an affiliated civilization of the LLP Silicon Alliance, even if they cannot grab the planetary spaceship, they must destroy their construction project. Otherwise...the other party will have an extra planetary spacecraft!"

"Yeah, even if we can't get any benefits, we still have to attack them. It's really a thankless task..." Everyone was talking about it.

"When we first left the super-light speed, we had a huge information advantage. So the first attack can be said to be the most important. We must use full firepower..."

After a few dozen minutes, the conference room turned from noisy to silent. Some people were passionate, while others were nervous and depressed.

After discussing the tactical details, everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

All wartime mobilization work has begun nervously a few days ago: engineers are nervously overhauling all combat-capable spaceships; factories are temporarily producing various weapons; soldiers have also begun to adjust their emotions and enter a wartime alert state. to face the upcoming challenges.

This war may be a little different from the past ones. The past wars were just for self-protection, but this time, it was initiated by the new humans. It also represented an ideological shift, brought about by scientific advances and military might. It represents that the new humanity is no longer the civilization that it was before, only knowing how to escape.

Everyone was nervous and apprehensive, and it was difficult to describe the complex feelings in their hearts.

"Let's go, let's go, nothing will happen."

"Everyone just needs to remember one thing..." Yu Yifeng raised his fist high and said loudly: "The new humanity will win!"

Whether they were silent or excited, at this moment, suddenly, everyone's emotions seemed to be ignited, and they all shouted in unison: "The new humanity will win!"

"...Must win!"

Wave after wave of loud shouts echoed in the captain's room for a long time, passed to the hands of engineers outside, and then to the hearts of the soldiers.

The new humanity really needs a victory to get rid of the weak mentality of the past; it needs a war to send out...the first sound towards the galaxy!

Time is a very strange thing, it will pass like an arrow when you don't care; when you are nervous, concerned, and painful, it will go by as slowly as a snail.

That night, Yu Yifeng tossed and turned in bed without any sleepiness. The boiling adrenaline made him so awake as never before.

Unfortunately, his wife was still working overtime in the laboratory, and there was no one to talk to... He couldn't get up in the middle of the night to play games.

Yu Yifeng shook his head and sat up from the bed.

He thought for a while and decided to run to the high-gravity area of ​​the Noah to exercise. "Maybe I sweat a little, and I can't fall asleep until I'm tired."

Along the way, the entire Noah society was obviously quieter and more solemn than before.

Because of the possible war, there are many staff working overtime.

"Lao Yu, you're here too!" As soon as he entered the door, he heard Xu Yunjin's bold greeting. He was lying on a metal bed, doing bench presses.

"I can't sleep, come out and do some exercise." Yu Yifeng said casually.

He took a spring tensioner and practiced squats: "Do you think it's fight or flight?"

"Don't we have to look at the situation?" Xu Yunjin said with a smile: "Of course, we actually went with a war mentality. The Antek civilization is most likely only an L3 civilization, and it is still a natural enemy."

Yu Yifeng laughed twice and did not reply: "I was wondering, if our civilization encounters a lizard situation, will there be a large number of puppet troops? Similar traitors?"

"Our civilization may be a little less..."

"Our people are very loyal, but if something happens, there will be traitors. It's better to die than to live..." Xu Yunjin didn't think much about it, and said very realistically: "Betrayal of civilization, this kind of thing, It's fine, who would? But when faced with survival, you have to choose... It doesn't matter if I die, it's hard to say about others, and there is nothing wrong with the emergence of some traitors. "

Yu Yifeng nodded: "Faced with this kind of choice, it is actually a failure of civilization."

"Perhaps when facing compatriots, raising the muzzle of the gun a little is the most merciful thing."

Xu Yunjin put the barbell on the rack and asked: "By the way, if we win the war and capture a large number of puppet troops, what will we do?"

Yu Yifeng smiled and said, "Have you already thought about winning the battle?"

"How else can we deal with it? This kind of thing has happened many times on the earth, even in our China. First kill a group of leaders, and then most of them can only be collected. Is it possible to kill them all? They are also indigenous lizards anyway. We don’t have to worry too much about our internal affairs for the time being... At least this power must be left to them, otherwise it will be a thankless task."

Two days, in Yifeng's mind, seemed like two years. He barely slept in the past two days, only taking a nap for a few hours after exercising to the limit.

When the scheduled time came to a crawl like a snail, all the senior officials and military experts of the new humans gathered in the captain's room.

The spacecraft is still in a state of super-light speed, and external observations are completely blank. The main screen displays a large amount of navigation data.

"Attention! There are still 10 minutes left before we can escape from the speed of light. Observation teams and analysts should be prepared." Yu Yifeng said loudly, secretly clenching his fists.

There were beads of sweat on the palms of my hands because of my nervousness!

The heartbeat is getting faster and faster, maybe everyone is like this, so much so that even the breath is slightly held, and the entire large conference room is silent.

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