Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 600 The virus shows its power

Various large and small wars, suppressing rebellions, interrogations, repairing spaceships... To the Antek civilization, what seemed like a lifetime had all been piled up in just a few days. This is a huge challenge to the management and organizational capabilities of the entire civilization.

However, on this day, an inconspicuous thing happened: some ordinary individuals with fever appeared in the mantis group.

The number of patients is not large and the symptoms are not severe. After a simple examination at the hospital, it was found that it was just an ordinary "Algao virus" infection.

"... In the early stages of a virus war, it is necessary to increase the infectivity and reduce the severity and lethality. This will make it much more hidden, and the other party may not be able to detect it in time." In the captain's room of the Future, several biologists, Smiling and explaining the newly created biological weapon to Yu Yifeng.

Although interstellar civilization can treat most difficult and complicated diseases, it is difficult to completely prevent people from getting sick.

Take the new human civilization as an example. The medical technology of the new human beings has been very advanced, but they still catch colds when they should. Even after everyone becomes a super human, their immunity is greatly enhanced...

But just because people don’t get sick doesn’t mean that bacteria and viruses don’t exist.

Especially viruses, which lurk deep in the human body in large numbers, and are difficult to kill all of them. Many viruses can even be directly incorporated into cellular structures and become part of the cell. For example, there are a large number of viruses hidden in the cell nucleus, plasmid nucleic acids, and the like.

In this way, even if certain chemicals are used to eliminate viruses outside the body, many viruses contained in the human body's own nucleic acid will still exist.

"This is true for the new humans, and it is also true for the individuals of the Antek civilization. The cell structures of the two sides are different, but there are always similarities. What we imitate and create is their most common Algao virus. It is similar to our cold , the variations are endless.”

Sitting in the captain's room and giving advice, Yu Yifeng was full of confidence and expectations. A battle between biology has quietly begun.

There was no smoke in this war, but it was equally thrilling.

"Now that we have taken action, it depends on how you respond."

Sure enough, Antek Civilization did not pay attention to it for the time being.

In today's war, the pressure is so great that not only soldiers but also ordinary people are always highly stressed, and their immune function will inevitably decline. Therefore, a small number of individuals falling ill and having fever is not a big deal...

The medical artificial intelligence of the Antaike civilization simply analyzed the protein shell of the virus and found that it was just an ordinary Alga virus infection, so it put this information in the secondary queue.

Ordinary medical workers have no time to pay attention to this secondary information. There are so many injured patients to treat, and the hospital is busy!

The biological protection on the metal planet is quite strict, especially the core residential area, which is almost isolated from the outside world. It was not damaged during the war. Therefore, the senior management of Mantis does not believe that the attack of the new humans can bring in any biological and chemical weapons.

Physical isolation is always the most reassuring.

But soon, things went beyond their imagination...

On the eighth day, the number of people with fever increased from 114 to 1,345, a tenfold increase!

Finally someone started to pay attention.

On the ninth day, the number of people with fever increased rapidly to tens of thousands, another tenfold increase!

At this time, all the top leaders of Antek Civilization became greatly nervous. Such a violent growth rate has definitely exceeded the scope of ordinary viruses!

All patients are temporarily isolated, and a team of medical experts is being quickly established. The smell of various disinfectants permeated the entire living area.

On the tenth day, the number of infected people still increased significantly!

In particular, a large number of soldiers in a large flagship were infected and developed fever symptoms.

The reason is: after the war, the spacecraft needs to go to the metal planet for maintenance and replenishing material resources. Maybe he got infected in the process.

At the same time, the origin of the pathogen was also discovered.

It's an... air circulation system!

Somehow, this air circulation system was filled with virus culture fluid. It continuously transports pathogen-laden air to certain residential areas!

A group of medical experts are frantically deciphering this pathogen. The whole process is not very complicated... Although the Antek civilization has not deciphered the nature of genes and has no way to create organisms out of thin air, it has conducted relatively in-depth research on biology and gene sequencing. The results come out quickly.

They found that it was a malignant virus they had never seen before. The protein shell was carefully modified and was very similar to a natural "Argeo" virus. But strangely, the genetic material is significantly different, and its infectivity and aggressiveness are incomparable to the Allgäu virus.

The mantis's own immune system has no resistance at all to the invasion of this virus...anything!

"It's definitely the other party's careful planning!" During a certain meeting, Mantis's senior management roared viciously. There was a hint of panic in this roar.

They began to think of ways to treat this strange disease, although its current symptoms are just fever...

The medical technology of interstellar civilization is not comparable to that of lower civilizations. Cell regeneration, cell anti-aging, or organ replacement are not difficult tasks.

But there is one organ that cannot be replaced, and that is...the brain! The treatment of the nerve center is also very troublesome. For example, in the past, rabies viruses and prions in humans attacked the nerve center. At that time, there was almost no way to treat them, and the mortality rate was close to 100%.

Although this virus currently behaves relatively mildly, it still targets the brain nerve cells in the mantis.

L4 level genetic attack technology makes the Antek civilization nervous. This is already a different kind of competition, separated from the level of war.

Some senior officials suspected that it was the lizards who did it, or the dead lizard rebels... Otherwise, how could a virus culture fluid suddenly appear in a perfectly good air circulation system?

But it doesn’t matter who is the mastermind. The Antek Civilization’s consistent approach is to arrest all suspected lizards!

Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, a large number of Lizard engineers and scientists, including O'Sullivan, the mastermind behind it, were imprisoned and underwent strict interrogation.

The new humans also temporarily lost contact with the lizards, and they don't know what the situation is.

However, catching these lizards did not help much in the whole incident. The number of people suffering from fever is still increasing rapidly.

On the eleventh day, the number of infections was still rising significantly, and individual cases of coma appeared. This coma made all the mantises nervous.

When life is truly threatened, there will undoubtedly be uncontrollable panic.

With an order, soldiers, scientists, and engineers all put on power armor, fully armed themselves, isolated themselves from the outside world, and then tested their blood to see if they carried the virus.

The blood test report showed that in just eleven days, 65.6% of the population contracted the virus!

Including more than half of the top civilization officials and almost all the soldiers of a flagship!

"It's over..." The leader said blankly before falling into coma.

They defeated the enemy on the frontal battlefield, but were killed and routed on another battlefield. All known drugs are ineffective!

On the twelfth day, a large number of people with fever began to fall into coma... Due to a serious shortage of medical beds, many of the comatose people could only use freezing methods.

Specific nano-treatment robots are under urgent research. This type of robot is equivalent to the antibodies secreted by the human immune system and is also a common treatment method in interstellar civilizations.

Nanorobots can forcibly kill viruses through physical means.

But this time, time was not on their side.

Investing a lot of human resources can indeed speed up research, but this acceleration has limits.

One hundred workers can build a building in a year. If the number of workers is increased 365 times, can more than 30,000 workers build a house in one day?

Of course it's impossible.

The nanotechnology of the Antaike civilization is still inferior to that of the new humans. How could it be so easy to research a special kind of nanorobot that can kill viruses?

Its size should be about the same size as the virus, otherwise it will not be able to enter the cell to kill the virus. Moreover, this kind of robot needs to have the ability to recognize viruses and the ability to self-degrade. These are the basis of medical nanorobots.

The research time for such a medical robot is at least measured in years, or even decades! Will the new humans... give them this kind of time?

Next, there was a death.

A large number of people fell into coma one after another, including the management in a state of confusion. All the surviving mantises finally panicked...

A huge commotion surged like a wave!

Within civilization, there are already sounds of escape. It will be difficult for them to defeat these genetic viruses in the short term. If they stay here and hold on, they will only destroy themselves.

But at this moment, the starry sky has lit up, and the overwhelming offensive of the new humans is coming again!

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