Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 61 Noah is coming!

Zhao Yao hadn't eaten for twelve hours. This kind of hunger was nothing to a special team member. But for ordinary people, it is a bit difficult to persist, and many people have lost their ability to work.

People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you don’t eat one meal, you will feel hungry...

"Don't worry, everyone, the Noah is already making an emergency landing. We will be rescued in a few hours!"

Zhao Yao continued to encourage everyone's confidence. However, it would be no problem to go without food for twelve hours, but it would be more uncomfortable if he did not replenish water.

His own lips were very thirsty. The endurance of the special team members is far beyond that of ordinary people, but ordinary soldiers have only been training for two months. With Zhao Yao's encouragement, they are also persevering.

Now, they are using physical means such as wiping with towels to cool down the patients. The patient with the highest body temperature has risen to 40.5 degrees. If this continues, it may be life-threatening!

"Captain, we don't have enough saline!" A soldier shouted over the intercom with a dry voice. There are so many patients here, even if we try to save as much as possible, the spare saline solution has been used up.

"Then make your own saline solution... 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Everyone has learned this. You need to get some distilled water first!"


After a while, another soldier shouted: "Report to the captain, the fixed piles of the Noah have been driven, please give instructions!"

These are the fixed iron piles laid for the emergency landing of the Noah. Each one has a diameter of one meter.

"Okay, you go and take a rest first!" Zhao Yao felt a little excited and licked his dry lips, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But he endured it again. Damn it, the captain and the others were coming soon. He had to endure it no matter what.

He wiped the patient's forehead with a towel again. Hold on, hold on, there is still one hour left and our large army will be here!

"The adjustment of Noah's orbit has been completed. The position deviation accuracy is within 200 meters. The third review is in progress..."

"The third review is over. The deviation accuracy is within 180 meters, which meets the conditions for emergency landing..."

"Wind level: Level 1, no impact."

"Landing in progress, current altitude is 20,000 meters... 10,000 meters... 8,000 meters..."

Under the guidance of the supercomputer in the captain's room, the huge spacecraft finally slowly descended. At this time, there were at least hundreds of millions of tons of heavy objects mounted outside the spacecraft, such as ores...

Yu Yifeng sat in the captain's cabin, receiving various information and giving orders. Of course, Noah's arrival on Mars is still very simple. It does not require particularly high technical content, as long as the speed is not too fast and causes a huge collision.

As the orders continued to be passed down, the fifty thousand people on the spacecraft all ran to various windows. They looked at the orange-red planet, and their hearts no longer had the romantic feelings they had in the past.

There is a kind of tension and anxiety in everyone's heart.

Their compatriots are suffering from diseases, some of them are their relatives and friends, and some of them are completely unknown to them. But even though they didn't know each other, they were still anxious for their compatriots.

This is the unity of mankind after several hardships and twists and turns. These 50,000 people have begun to unite together.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after arriving on Mars, we will carry out strict biochemical control. People inside the spacecraft are not allowed to go out at will. People who come in from the outside must stay in the isolation room for 24 hours before being allowed to enter the spacecraft..." Announcement Officials are announcing new security regulations.

"We are recruiting warriors who are willing to fight the virus on the front line. Our requirements are as follows..."

These security regulations were formulated after urgent discussions among scholars. Although a very small number of people still believed that a rash landing was too dangerous, more than 90% of the people still believed that these 500 people must be saved. This was also Yu Yifeng's idea.

However, strict security regulations are still necessary, otherwise... if the entire spacecraft is infected with an unknown virus, then mankind will be doomed!

"Prepare the spacecraft to land, five, four, three, two, one!"

Only a loud "boom" was heard as the Noah spacecraft hit the ground. After the buffer facility was activated, it finally landed officially! Immediately afterwards, some automated programs began to start, and a large number of machinery and motors began to operate.

"The spacecraft fixing device is starting up...three, two, one, fixing completed."

"Recover the buffer!"

"The transport elevator is starting..."

After the carrier elevator was officially lowered, the Noah spacecraft landed successfully!

Saving people was like putting out a fire. People acted very quickly. A few minutes later, more than a dozen Mars rovers were carried down from the elevator and embarked on the journey to Mars...

This kind of Mars rover is modified from the previous lunar rover. Due to the different gravity of the planet, some engine parameters have been slightly modified. Although the speed is not fast, only 70 or 80 kilometers per hour, it is better because of its large size and stable performance.

These Mars rovers are loaded with people and things, more than 100 scientists, more than 200 doctors and nurses, as well as various experimental equipment and medical equipment.

Virologist Nakatamura was sitting in the first car. At this moment, his heart was very peaceful, without any ripples, as if he had suddenly let go of something.

He was not the only one sitting in this car, there were also many biologists.

Looking at the many colleagues behind him, Nakatamura was suddenly moved, "You..." He moved his mouth a few times, but in the end he did not speak, but bowed deeply to them.

"Nakata-kun, you are not the only warrior." A Japanese scientist joked.

"Yes, you want to be a hero, and we want to be too!" Another colleague said with a smile.

"These are alien lifeforms. If you still dare not challenge them after knowing about them, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life..."

"Humanity will not fall to these viruses."

Hearing these joking and heroic words, Nakatamura suddenly felt a sore nose. He felt that he still thought of himself too high, but thought of others too low. In fact, there are many warriors like him among human beings. …

Normally, these scientists would not tell such a joke. They are long past that age.

But they all know the difficulty. It took a month or two to conquer the SARS coronavirus and gather the strength of people from all over the world. So, what will happen now, facing the unknown life?

Can they win? have no idea.

Will they die? do not know either.

In fact, they are also very nervous, they are also afraid of being infected, and they are also afraid of death. In this case, they can only try their best to tell jokes, encourage each other, and liven up the atmosphere...

Although they are scared and nervous, they must stand up! This is a moment that calls for a hero, and if there isn't one...then, let yourself rise to the occasion!

Isn't that what being a hero is all about, just gritting your teeth... This is a war, and they are the soldiers at the front. If they don't participate in the war, who will?

They are scientists, medical scientists, or biologists with excellent conditions. They enjoy the best treatment on the Noah, but also bear the heaviest responsibilities. And now is the time to fulfill this responsibility, so they, more than a hundred people, stood up.

They stood up and are already heroes!

Nakatamura rubbed his red eyes, was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "Everyone, more than a hundred of us cannot enter the laboratory at once."

"It would be bad if we all fell inside. Besides, that small laboratory can't accommodate so many people."

"Nakata-kun, if you have any idea, just say it." Someone echoed.

Here Nakatamura is the recognized leader.

"I think it's better for us to divide into several groups. The first group of us who go in may only have four hours. If we fall, then we can go in the second group..." Nakatamura continued.

"In this way, we can fully utilize the conditions in the laboratory and reduce risks. If we all go in at once, the research speed will not be much faster."

"I will first find a way to kill microorganisms in the air and reduce their infectivity. If I fall, I hope someone can replace me..." Nakatamura said seriously.

"Just do as you say. Mr. Nakata, don't be too pessimistic. I think humans will never end here," the Japanese scientist said encouragingly.

Noah was parked twenty kilometers away from the small base, and the rover arrived in half an hour's drive. Everyone put on their space suits and walked into the base. There were scientists, as well as a large number of doctors and nurses.

Doctors and nurses all wear spacesuits. However, if scientists want to do research, they must take off their spacesuits. Otherwise, how can they conduct experiments with a glass cover? Plastic protective clothing alone, no matter how well protected it is, still has a high probability of being infected.

The first batch of warriors was 15 people, including Nakatamura, and they were all volunteers. Under everyone's gaze, they walked into the laboratory without hesitation.

At this moment, their figures looked particularly tall...

"Have the specimens been collected?"

"Here they are, doctor. These are mineral specimens deep in the mining area. Please be careful." A soldier took out a sealed packaging box and placed it in Nakatamura's hands.

They don't have much time, maybe only 4 hours, to collect blood samples, air samples, and mineral samples from patients, so they have to cherish every minute and second.

"Our first task is to figure out how to kill these microorganisms, by any means!"

Nakatamura took a deep breath. His goal was still very clear. It would be impossible to completely conquer the virus in such a short time.

Well, we must at least kill the viruses in the air first. Let’s not consider other issues. If we can kill the viruses in the air, at least the researchers who follow will not be afraid of being quickly infected.

Thanks to the helmsman who started the book friend’s jump engine and rewarded me, and also thank the book friend’s ship’s wife for the reward!

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