Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 602 A huge victory

Regarding the enemy's surrender, various discussions were heard in the conference room. Many people were discussing the possible traps or the benefits that people could get after the other party surrendered.

"No. 116, please speak." Yu Yifeng named another lady.

The lady stood up and said calmly: "I think we should accept the other party's surrender. If we fight to the last soldier, we will have to pay a greater price. And from the current time point, the information they have already obtained shows that the relationship between the lizard people and us may have been exposed."

"If we fight to the death, the remaining strength of the Anteke civilization will not have a problem killing all the lizard people in a short time, and it will not be a problem to blow up the basic equipment on the metal planet..."

"From these perspectives, accepting their surrender can gain greater benefits."


A loud voice suddenly sounded in the conference room. It was Dr. Rambo.

He said loudly: "They are our enemies, and they are irreconcilable! If we meet again, we will inevitably go to war again... Is it really good to let our enemies go? Is it appropriate?"

"It is a better choice to destroy the opponent at one time."

The lady smiled and said: "Dr. Rambo, don't forget that time is on the side of the new humans. We have surpassed the development of others for 8,000 years in a few hundred years! We have six million scientists who may have crossed the weak barrier."

"If we really swallow this wave of victory fruits, have a semi-finished planetary spacecraft, and have so many highly loyal lizardmen, the development speed will inevitably speed up again!"

"A war star, how much progress can we make?"

The lady spoke very quickly, like a series of machine gun bullets: "In this case, if... just if, dozens or hundreds of years later, we meet the Anteque civilization again, can they really fight us? Dare to fight us? They can no longer be our opponents! What else do we need to worry about?"

Rambo was speechless, not knowing what to say, and shrugged his shoulders and sat down.

Yu Yifeng was also shocked. Indeed, the Antaek civilization was just a defeated general. The other side lost a war star, but the new humans gained one. After adding one and subtracting one, they are no longer a threat in the future.

Yu Yifeng named another senior military official: "No. 7, please speak."

The soldier stood up and said: "Accept their surrender. Safety is the first key point."

"Let all their spacecraft leave? Don't think too well! Letting some people leave is barely acceptable. I think we should even detain some human resources!"

"All their military spacecraft should also be detained to deprive them of the ability to strike back. If their armed systems are seized, there will be no conspiracy."

This suggestion triggered a lot of discussion.

"If we ask them to completely abandon their weapons, they may not agree. They are also afraid that we will suddenly change our minds!"

"In negotiations, we must squeeze out as much benefit as possible. The other party is the loser and wants to save his life as much as possible. In this case, what bargaining is there?"

"We must also be wary of the other party tipping off..."

"The other party has already sent spaceships to call for reinforcements. How many years do we have left?"

Under the chairmanship of Yu Yifeng, one member after another began to speak. Many ideas, including various details, were not thought of by Yu Yifeng himself. The saying of brainstorming is not wrong.

Then, during the discussion, everyone's ideas gradually became clear and tended to be unified.

First, we should accept the other party's surrender and obtain the greatest benefit as much as possible.

What is the war for? Isn't it for benefits...

These lizards should be rescued as much as possible. They played a key role in this war. And from a long-term perspective, the benefits of saving them are far greater than giving up.

In addition, after accepting the surrender, we may obtain a large number of warships and some infrastructure of the metal planet. Such huge benefits are enough.

Second, most of the enemy's military spacecraft should be detained here as the spoils of the new humans. Disarmament is also necessary.

In this process, it must also be ensured that the metal planets and spacecraft taken over are safe, and there are no time bombs or the like left there.

Then, Yu Yifeng selected several diplomatic representatives and enthusiastically began remote negotiations with the Anteke civilization...


"Wallfacer" O'Sullivan was locked in a small dark room. There were still some scars on his body. Obviously, he had suffered a lot during this period.

For this kind of suffering, he had already prepared himself mentally, and he gritted his teeth and said nothing extra.

However, later, the entire Anteke civilization was ravaged by the genetic virus and fell into chaos, and he suffered less.

"I don't know what's going on outside." This kind of loneliness in the dark room is very uncomfortable, but O'Sullivan knows that the quieter it is, the less people interrogate him, and the closer he is to success.

Suddenly, the door creaked, revealing a ray of light. His eyes were stimulated and felt a little sore.

"Untie it quickly! Untie it quickly!"

A group of heavily armed lizard soldiers quickly ran in and untied the chains on his body.

The leading lizard opened its mouth wide and burst into a series of laughter with excitement. The first sentence it said was: "Sir... we have won!"

"we won!"

O'Sullivan walked out of the cell with his weak body. He couldn't help but get excited after hearing a lot of cheers and hearing the names of various "enlighteners".

"we won!"

"Really won!"

Big drops of tears fell from his eyes. They no longer need to be oppressed and receive unequal treatment. An internal revolution burned through the entire civilization like wildfire. A large number of former high-level officials were dismissed, and a large number of puppet army leaders were also guillotined.

For the suffering indigenous lizard civilization, this is a real... rebirth!

Three days later…

The mantises of the Antaike civilization lowered their high heads and felt depressed. According to the final result of the negotiation, these people need to be divided into twenty groups and leave one after another.

Every time a new human harvests a part of the spoils, including warships and parts of the metal planet, the other party can only leave one batch.

Of course, the batches of people leaving are also randomly designated by the new humans to prevent some mantises who are not afraid of death from staying to cause destruction in the end.

In order to prevent fraud, the main force of the new humans did not dare to get too close to the metal planet for the time being. Therefore, all supervision work on the metal planet and population batches will be completed by this group of lizard people.

In this way, the risks to both parties are within an acceptable range.

This is also the first time that the lizards have gained such great power, the power to supervise the Antek civilization! This makes many new Lizard executives feel joy from the bottom of their hearts.

"Sir, let's get started." A lizard politician said slightly politely to a praying mantis.

They used to be divided into masters and servants, and they still felt a little guilty when facing Mantis, but now, they no longer feel this way.

Although it feels a bit like a fox pretending to be a tiger, it still makes all the lizards feel proud. Even if the armed forces of the Antek civilization still exist, they can easily eliminate them. Even though there is still a large population of lizards, including their families, serving as hostages in the ring spacecraft, the lizards are already very satisfied.

Faced with this kind of courtesy, the praying mantis had no other thoughts and could only nod with a bitter look on his face...

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