Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 63 Successors and Successors

Three days later.

"...The challenge from the Mars virus continues, and the number of infected people has risen to 411. 89 of them are follow-up medical researchers..."

A female reporter was reporting news on the TV, and she inadvertently showed a hint of anxiety. Behind her is the Mars base, with medical staff and medical researchers coming and going.

"Let's take a look at the current research progress."

"First, biologist Dr. Roman discovered Martian microorganisms from uranium mining areas. Roman discovered that they are similar to life on earth and are also carbonyl organisms composed of DNA and protein. Their individuals are extremely small and difficult to see with an optical microscope."

"After Dr. Roman fell into coma, virologist Nakatamura led the first group of researchers to challenge the unknown life on Mars. They found that Martian organisms generally have poor ability to withstand high temperatures. As a result, high temperatures have become the best thing for humans. Protective measures...

If you want to enter the Noah spacecraft from Mars, you must go through a 100-degree high temperature room for disinfection. Don’t worry, our spacesuits can withstand temperatures of more than 200 degrees Celsius..."

The female reporter showed several pictures of high-temperature disinfection on the screen, and then continued.

"Next, biologist Constantine isolated seven pathogenic viruses. One of them was the most harmful, called the Martian filovirus, which can release an unknown neurotoxin that can cause coma... "

"Dr. Constantine's research team found that Martian life generally has a special gene that can produce a capsid with metallic elements. With this capsid, Martian viruses are generally resistant to radiation and cold... Also Because of this capsid, ordinary disinfectants are not very effective.”

"They are more complex than viruses on Earth, but simpler than bacteria. They are a type of organism between viruses and bacteria."

As the scene changed, Professor Constantine was infected and fell into a coma. The third group of researchers resolutely walked into the laboratory.

"Soon after, vaccine expert Lang Yifei discovered natural antibodies, a mutated white blood cell, referred to as α-2 cells, in a patient with mild symptoms. It can produce an antibody antigen response to the organic metal capsid of the Mars virus..."

"Currently, the fourth group of scientists headed by Allison are testing the genetic sequence of the virus... During this period, many touching and touching stories have emerged..."

This female reporter may not be very professional. At the end of her speech, she lost control of her emotions, faintly choked, and her eyes were red.

However, she still insisted on reading the report to the end.

A few short sentences of news only took a few minutes to say, but they cost scientists a lot of effort, energy, and even... lives!

These scientists are using their flesh and blood to build a city wall for mankind!

When those in front fall, those behind take over. Even if they fall into the hands of the disease, they will have no regrets.

This is a fearless spirit of dedication and a great spirit of sacrifice. They are using their lives to show everyone the strongest and bravest side of mankind.

This is the most respectable quality, and humans never lack this quality.

In 1957, the famous zoologist Dr. Carl Schmidt was bitten by a venomous snake. After determining that he could not receive effective treatment, he decided to record the symptoms of poisoning before his death for future reference...

The physicist Marie Curie devoted herself to the refining and research of radium and polonium, regardless of the harm caused by radioactive elements. She eventually suffered from cancer and dedicated everything to the cause of science...

In the Middle Ages, Bruno was burned to death by the Vatican in the Campo de' Fiori in Rome for defending the "heliocentric theory"...

Scientist Lichmann was struck to death by lightning in order to explore the mystery of lightning...

Archimedes, despite the butcher's knife of the Roman invaders, continued to engage in scientific research and was killed...

In history, there have been too many such scientists who have dedicated their lives to science. Some people laugh at them as stupid, some call them idiots, some call them nerds, but... is this really the case?

This is actually a spirit of sacrifice, sacrificing everything for science.

You can laugh at them being crazy, but you can’t laugh at them being stupid.

Because now, this fearless spirit appears in large numbers. One person is not enough, ten people, a hundred people!

Are they all fools? Are these top-notch IQ scientists fools?

Without these fools, would smart people still exist today?

Stupid people die, but they will always live in people's hearts.

Smart people are still alive, but they live just for the sake of living. They don't know why they are living and what the meaning of living is.

This war is a great relay race. When the baton is passed to those who come later, they will fall.

But they have no hesitation, they believe that people in the future can go further than them, even if they fall later, there will still be people in the future who can stand up and continue to work hard!

This phenomenon brings unparalleled shock to everyone... and shame.

Some people were ashamed of their past cowardice, while others blamed themselves for their past retreat. But at this moment, they also decided to stand up, and more and more people came forward!

From more than a hundred people at the beginning, to two hundred, to three hundred... more and more scientists petitioned to join the front-line war!

Anyone who has anything to do with living things is paying attention to this Mars virus incident, and many people are willing to join the front line at any time! Even if you pay the price of your life, you must be a fool and a hero, but you must have a clear conscience.

Hero, just grit your teeth and get on with it, that's all!

This silent battle continues...

The situation inside the spacecraft was much better than Yu Yifeng imagined. Yu Yifeng originally thought that there would be panic and riots, so he asked the security department to step up inspections. When SARS spread in 2002, rumors and panic spread faster than the epidemic. In many areas, panic buying of vinegar and isatis root began.

After the emergence of the Martian virus, the crowd also panicked for a time. However, a strange phenomenon that Yu Yifeng had never thought of appeared, and the crowd calmed down quickly.

There has never been such silence on the Noah. People work when they need to work and rest when they need to. Only when another scientist fell down would there be some discussion, but then there was a deeper silence.

Some people quietly wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes, and some people prayed silently. Heroes fall at the front just so they can live a better life.

This silence is not one of panic, but of anger.

They hate that they don’t have enough knowledge, and they also hate that they don’t have enough ability. When they heard that someone was standing at the forefront of the battlefield, using their flesh and blood to withstand everything, there was no joy in their hearts, but hatred, hating themselves for being so useless, hating themselves for not being able to help...

Therefore, many people began to give up their rest time and entertainment. They began to read and learn more knowledge... This was something Yu Yifeng did not expect.

Humans are still a race that can save themselves.

The registration office for Noah volunteers has always been the busiest place. A large number of people come to sign up every day and want to participate in the front-line battle. However, the selection of the new human government is very strict, and they don’t have enough medical knowledge and nursing experience, so let’s forget it...

Mars base.

At this moment, Yu Yifeng's heart was extremely gloomy. So far, no specific medicine has been found, and dozens of great scientists have been involved. These people are great scientists, and they are all elites. Humanity cannot afford to lose! If God really existed, he would have cursed God a hundred times.

He really had the urge to curse, and said angrily: "Isn't it said that α-2 white blood cells can produce targeted antibodies? Why not do targeted research on this basis?"

The scientists next to them were silent. An older biologist said: "Captain, to be honest, although α-2 cells can produce antibodies, they cannot completely kill the virus. Other white blood cells are not connected at all." There is no response... maybe we haven't found the corresponding immune cells yet..."

Everyone's immune cells are different, and some specific cells are only found in special groups of people. Some people are even immune to HIV because of their unique immune cells.

The goal now is to find this specific white blood cell. Alpha-2 cells are close, but not yet. The antibodies they produce are not yet high enough...

"Do we need to find specific white blood cells?!" Yu Yifeng said fiercely.

Everyone nodded in silence, and the scientist continued to explain: "This is a faster method. It extracts specific white blood cells and makes a therapeutic serum. It can be completed in a few days. The second method is to wait for the results of gene sequencing. , and then conduct targeted research..."

This news is really bad news for Yi Feng! He opened his mouth, but still no words came out. Although he was very depressed, his rationality was still there, so he couldn't possibly scold these scientists for venting their anger, right?

Therefore, he could only stand aside depressedly, walking east and west, unable to calm down at all.

Was my choice really wrong? No, if it happened again, he would still choose this way. He would still choose to make an emergency landing. These hundreds of people must be saved, and he couldn't just give up!

"Fuck!" Yu Yifeng cursed fiercely in his heart. There are only 50,000 humans in total now. Even if we spend a lot of time testing everyone's blood samples, can we really find specific white blood cells? The probability is probably very small...

The second method is that the speed of gene sequencing is too slow. Even if a supercomputer is used, it will still take a month or two, right? The daylilies will be cold by then!

The situation is far more difficult than imagined... What should I do? what to do?

Yu Yifeng walked back and forth a few more times. At this moment, a strange idea came to his mind.

"Damn it, am I not a super human... Come on!"

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