Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 623 Counter pursuit!

Regarding the method of "seduce" with perfect ingredients, it was once again put on the agenda.

"After sending the perfect information to the other party, we will run away." A military expert said seriously: "They will probably pursue them! And they will send a large number of troops to pursue them."

"As long as the Pangu is delayed enough..."

Immediately, another middle-aged man stood up and retorted: "No, absolutely not. Delay it for enough time? How to delay it? Our Future will have to delay it for at least ten or twenty years! I really can't think of a way to delay it. Method."

"Aren't we dividing the population for the safety of the entire population? Why is it the other way around now?"

In the entire conference room, every member has his or her own ideas.

In this kind of small emergency meeting, the order of speeches is relatively casual and does not need to be as formal as a formal meeting. The opinions of various think tank members are also quite inconsistent. In this situation of absolute disadvantage, there are indeed not many solutions that can be thought of.

Yu Yifeng frowned. According to his considerations, it would be better not to use something like Perfect Su...

"Okay, everyone, listen to me."

After a few minutes, Yu Yifeng stood up and drowned out everyone's voices: "I don't think you should use perfect elements to seduce someone! The risk is too great. It's like fighting against the entire galaxy. enemy……"

"Moreover, why should the other party believe us? Send a video about Perfect Su, or a few pictures, and the other party will believe us? Impossible! Only if we give them some real Perfect Su can we lure the other party."

Everyone fell silent and thought about Yu Yifeng's speech. Yes, the new humans are really unwilling to give the enemy perfect elements, so the other party won't even have a chance to believe it.

This plan was rejected.

After a while, Professor Thomson stood up and said: "Everyone, let's consider the next method... We can boldly assume that our previous preparations have had a certain effect. In order to improve the accuracy of the pursuit, the opponent will most likely Isn’t this true, with the planet-class spacecraft as the core, forming an encirclement network and chasing our Pangu separately?”

"Then, can our Future, in turn, follow behind them, study their encirclement and pursuit routes, and notify the Pangu to escape?"

"The mobility of our Future is beyond the era, and the speed of the opponent's white dwarf battle star or planet-class spacecraft is likely to be lower than ours..."

Following others?

The entire conference room buzzed again. This idea... is so bold!

The information delay in the universe is like a black curtain, and all civilizations cannot get instant information. The enemy's battle stars were like hunting dogs, looking for traces to pursue the Pangu, while the Future quietly pursued the enemy's battle stars. At the same time, he uses his speed advantage and concealment to communicate with the "Pangu". In this way, the probability of escape is greatly increased.

Yu Yifeng thought for a while and understood what Professor Thomson meant. The new humans know the escape route of the "Pangu" and can probably guess when it will stop for maintenance.

If there is really an enemy chasing behind, or the direction is correct, the Future will quickly run forward and give a prompt, allowing it to change its route and break away from the opponent's encirclement network.

"What will we do if we are discovered?" Yu Yifeng couldn't help but ask.

"If you find it, find it! As long as it's not a white dwarf war star, what can it do to us?!" Dr. Rimbaud said loudly, seeming to agree with this plan.

"At that time, what we have to deal with is probably just a few ordinary battle stars. Can't we still escape? The other party has expanded the search area to dozens of light years. It will be very troublesome to communicate with each other. There is a war here. It will take decades to find out.”

"As long as you're not unlucky enough that... the White Dwarf Battle Star will follow you!"

Professor Thomson drew a schematic diagram and added: "... Moreover, even if it is a white dwarf battle star, we can still escape... Although the gravity cannon is a large-scale attack, it can only be launched in front of our movement direction. "

A ship was sailing normally on the sea. At this time, a super tsunami suddenly occurred on the sea. If a tsunami occurs directly in front of a ship and the two collide, of course it will be overturned at once.

The gravity cannon is equivalent to a gravitational tsunami in the universe. Although it is a large-scale attack, its lethality is not strong, and it is mainly reflected in destroying curvature navigation.

But if the speed of the ship is faster than the tsunami, and the tsunami is following behind, it is impossible to catch up, and there will be no impact.

Of course, Professor Thomson's remarks are only inferences. There is not enough observational data yet, and no one knows how fast the White Dwarf Battle Star can run, or whether it is faster than the "Future".

There are many people who are hesitant. Really implementing this plan means that the future number will have to pay a huge risk! So what if the Mirai runs fast? There is a limit to the "Pangu" and it needs to shuttle through the enemy's encirclement network. The risks can be imagined.

"I can't afford to lose the Pangu. I really can't afford to lose it! There are more than 30,000 people there, including a large number of elites from affiliated civilizations. If they all die, the loss will be too great."

"It's not just the population that's lost, but...confidence!"

Several conservatives were also frowning, unable to think of a particularly good reason to refute.

Gradually, more and more people began to agree with Professor Thomson's plan.

Risks and benefits are always proportional. Compared with the high probability of losing the "Pangu" and the casualties of more than 30,000 people, people gradually tend to take risks and take the risk to save it.

At least, they believe in the powerful navigation ability of the "Future" and their own ability to calculate. It is better to take action than to do nothing.

Even Yu Yifeng tends to implement a more risky plan.

"The future is unknowable. If only Calvin still had the ability to predict..." He sighed in his heart and gradually made up his mind.

"Okay, stop arguing!" He suddenly spoke, making the whole audience quiet instantly.

"Get ready. After nine years, the Future is about to set off again."

"Let's quietly... get closer to get more timely information."

At this moment, the others also stopped discussing...

The radicals were excited with a hint of rationality and a hint of fear. If we really want to use this "darkness under the lamp" mentality to challenge the power of the white dwarf war star, everyone's face will be flushed, and the adrenaline in the body will surge.

Several conservatives opened their mouths, not knowing what to say for a while. Xu Yunjin, the core of the conservatives, ran to the "Pangu", and there was no one to roar with Rimbaud.

In any case, the plan was implemented.

At four o'clock that night, the Future was urgently started and quickly entered the superluminal state. The destination... the location of the white dwarf war star!

According to the full speed of the Future, the distance of two light years is at most 6 days.

People are betting that the white dwarf war star has left long ago, and what people see now is just an image.

The universe is too empty. The huge distance and information delay are a kind of protection on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also cause inconvenience in observation. New humans must get closer to get more and more timely information.

After waiting for six days, a large number of new human people also knew about this major event. The huge number of enemies, plus the white dwarf war star, is already a matter of fear, so that there is an extreme sense of depression in the entire Noah.

The new humans are proud and excited for the first war star, but others have more than 40! There is also a white dwarf war star!

This gap brings a great degree of fear...

But few people question the decision of the new government. After all, after so much experience, everyone believes in the power of the collective.

The value of the "Pangu" war star is impossible for everyone to know, and it is absolutely impossible to give up.

They worked hard for 15 years to build the curvature engine, and carefully planned for another nine years. No one wants to lose it so easily.

And a large number of the population of the affiliated civilization is also in a frozen state, and there are fewer troubles.

In this depressing and tense atmosphere, six days passed quickly, and the Future was about to arrive at the original location of the white dwarf war star...

Why do people always talk about temperament? This is just a small private meeting.

If what I wrote was as serious as in the newspaper, would anyone read it?

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