Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 625 Escape of Life and Death

A group of experts are constantly calculating the evacuation route of the "Pangu" based on the opponent's pursuit direction.

"First, make the route as complicated as possible to increase the opponent's judgment time."

"Second, we must confuse the White Dwarf Battle Star to a greater extent and distance ourselves from it."

"Third, we'd better escape to a safe area, otherwise if we keep escaping like this endlessly, we won't know whether we will be escaping until the end of the year of the monkey." Soon, Yu Yifeng put forward three clear goals.

But what safe areas are there in the universe?

Of course there are, namely those trading markets opened by higher-order civilizations, such as the Hicks Trading Market. According to 005's character, he should be genuine and absolutely public. Even the white dwarf war star would not dare to cause trouble there.

"But Hicks Market is too far away...more than 2,000 light-years away. How long will it take our Pangu to fly? Seven to eight hundred years!" A professor sighed heavily.

This is also what worries people the most. Difficulties come one after another, just like waves.

"Yes, the Hicks market is too far away...but the ordinary trading market may not necessarily protect us..."

"We shouldn't put too much faith in it," another expert said.

Many markets are simply opened up by L4 civilization and cannot defeat the White Dwarf Stars. For example, the market of amoeba civilization is the L5 market, but firstly, it is too far away, and secondly, we have never met before, so there is no credibility.

"In other words, is there no nearby safe area?" Yu Yifeng crossed his arms and wandered around the conference room. This is really bad news.

"We can only move as close as possible to the Hicks market." He finally let out a long sigh: "Also, the production of planetary curvature engines can continue in Noah. Some high-precision parts can be Production first. It would be great if we could complete the entire engine..."

Next, the Future didn't dare to delay and once again entered a frantic pursuit state. This time, the tracking targets are the four planets that are chasing the right direction, which is the true direction of Pangu.

If you want to chase a super-light target, you must meet two prerequisites. First, you must run faster than the opponent; second, you must run a certain distance from time to time and stop to analyze the data. It is impossible to observe the outside world in the super-light state. If you accidentally run too far, you will lose more than you gain.

I believe that the enemy's battle star will do the same thing. They shouldn't be able to observe the outside world at super-light speed, otherwise the game would be unplayable.

In this way, the Future was accelerating and decelerating from time to time, and various trace analysis consumed a lot of scientists' attention, because every time it decelerated, it meant that it might be discovered by the enemy, which was a frightening gamble.

But there is no reason why people should not do it.

After people sail for almost 48 hours, they will slow down to sub-light speed and observe the other party's gravitational position.

Seventeen days later, people were surprised to find that the "Pangu" changed its route for the second time and once again lost two battle stars!

There are only two battle stars left, chasing the right direction again!

"But there are also some planets that have discovered that they were chasing in the wrong direction for the first time and are quickly correcting their course... After all, such deception cannot last long."

Good news and bad news are coming.

On the gravitational wave observation screen, the approximate position of the enemy army is like a large, chaotic but orderly net. They appear to be chasing separately, but in fact, according to their own observations, they may close together at any time.

Obviously, the opponent's pursuit method was planned in advance.

And the most nervous white dwarf star has also begun to adjust its direction.

"The true position of the 'Pangu' is still 9.3 light-years away from the entire encirclement network. After all, there is still a slight advantage in escaping so many years in advance."

"How do they communicate despite such a huge distance?" Yu Yifeng couldn't help but ask.

"A special gravitational wave broadcast... However, due to the delay of the broadcast, we speculate that this communication is only a secondary supplementary method, mainly through our own observations." An expert said.

This kind of gravitational wave broadcast sent by the enemy is also being deciphered nervously. It would also be good if some false messages could be sent, but because the amount of information is too small, there are no particularly good results yet.

After pondering for a while, Yu Yifeng issued an order again: "There may still be more than twenty days until the first maintenance of the Pangu. Let's... catch up!"

For the Pangu, the entire escape process had lasted nine years. After nine years, he finally covered a distance of more than 20 light-years and made more than 140 turns.

In the past nine years, the "rotational hibernation" plan has been implemented. The entire effective population is divided into twelve parts. Each person only needs to work for one month, and then he can hibernate for eleven months.

In this way, after nine years, the time that everyone feels it is actually less than one year.

"The first major maintenance will be carried out soon." Security Minister Xu Yunjin stared at the dark space in a daze.

He had no idea what was going on outside.

Because of the delayed effect of information, the observation instruments are empty and there is no data. Therefore, he didn't know whether there were any enemies chasing him behind.

This "not knowing" is simply upsetting.

The upcoming maintenance during the voyage can be said to be the most dangerous period of time. But for the safety of the next voyage, we have to do it. Life will die and parts will age. This is a universal law in the universe. If it is not maintained, the machine will be scrapped.

During the month of maintenance, the curvature engine needs to stop working, and the planet will also leave the super-light state.

To speed up maintenance, the entire population will be awakened.

"Let's start! Zhang Jun, wake up all the subordinate population from the hibernation warehouse..." As the expected time came, he issued the final order.

A few hours later, the Pangu slowly stopped. All the people were still in a daze when they woke up. Because of hunger, the canteen was almost crowded.

Next, they started an intense maintenance project. They also had to replace the parts that needed to be inspected and replaced.

Seeing that everything was in order, Xu Yunjin also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, due to the smooth implementation of the hibernation plan, the population of all affiliated civilizations did not notice it for long. They didn't know the entire escape plan, so the indigenous lizards and the Red Flame Horn people were still in a state of high morale. As long as they can see new humans, they don't have much suspicion.

At this moment, Xu Yunjin, who was slowly drinking coffee, suddenly received an emergency notification from the soldiers.

"Report, report..." The image of a soldier suddenly lit up on the screen.

"What are you so worried about? Tell me clearly." Xu Yunjin frowned and scolded.

"It's the Future! The Future is nearby and sent us a message!"

"What?" Xu Yunjin was shocked and then contacted the observatory. Immediately, the image of the Future was sent to the screen. It was about 10 astronomical units away from the Pangu. It seemed that it had been waiting for a long time.

Xu Yunjin was delighted.

His first reaction was, could it be that the enemy hadn't come yet and they could just join together? !

"No, it's not... let us change the route urgently. There is an urgent letter!" The soldier seemed to have seen the officer's thoughts and said quickly.

“Send me the info!”


A few minutes later, Xu Yunjin sat in his seat with a pale face. He turned over the letter and pondered it several times before he figured out the specific meaning of Yu Yifeng and others.

"So many troops?!"

"...I want to use the flexibility of the Future to leak information, but it is too dangerous. The White Dwarf Battle Star is...nineteen light-years away! The two nearest planetary battleships are only 9.3 meters away from us. Light years?”

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