Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 630 Arriving at the Double Star

After some rigorous argumentation, everyone indeed discovered that there were a lot of problems.

First, it is extremely difficult in terms of calculation.

If you want to use the gravitational slingshot effect of a black hole to quickly eject planets, you need extremely powerful calculations, coupled with a series of exquisite operations.

As long as there is a slight error, the entire planet may be directly disintegrated and swallowed by the black hole, and all efforts will be in vain.

Or, even if the planet is successfully thrown, it may be directly deflected due to insufficient accuracy. The starry sky is so big, the probability of hitting it wrongly is very high.

Yu Yifeng paused: "And this plan involves huge risks for us. If it fails, our Pangu will be equivalent to being overtaken by others, and the probability of successful escape will be greatly reduced."

"Once successful...the probability of escape will greatly increase."

Another gamble!

A battle star versus a battle star.

The excitement in the conference room is getting higher and higher. In this case, if the debt is too heavy, if it fails, the most it can do is give up the "Pangu".

"If we don't take this gamble, the Pangu will still be caught up and abandoned in a few decades. It will be difficult for us to get rid of the other party's encirclement..."

"Yes! The enemy would never have thought that during the super-light voyage, a planet would suddenly run out of 5 astronomical units and forcefully collide with it! From a certain level, this plan is indeed feasible."

"Now it's a matter of accuracy and the authenticity of what Tiekui Civilization said..."

Dr. Rimbaud stood up and said loudly: "Listen to me, everyone, for the Tiekui civilization, what it has to pay for is an abandoned interstellar outpost. Anyway, it is just a dilapidated one, and it doesn't count. Even if it is a plan If they fail, there won't be any risk for them. Maybe they came up with this bold plan just for military merit..."

"I heard that this civilization is almost a war-mad state! Each individual is divided into several levels, upper, middle and lower, and each class has different powers. For many lower-level individuals, military merit is the only way to change their status. .As long as there is a 10% chance of success, they will gamble!”

"So, you still have to think twice, and you can't blindly follow the other party."

"But for us, if it fails, it will be a big problem!"

Yu Yifeng synthesized all the opinions and finally made a decision: "You are right. For them, there will be no loss if the plan fails, at least their lives can be saved... Therefore, we will let their scientists provide more The planet data, and we have to take the lead in the entire plan, including when to start the planetary engine, where the Pangu should stop, etc. "

"If the negotiation fails on this point, there is no need to continue the negotiation! We will never leave the Pangu's fortune and life in the hands of others!"

"Of course, if the plan is really successful, blowing up the enemy's battle stars will undoubtedly be more beneficial to our escape."

"So I agree to use the Future to fly over first to have a look and negotiate with the other party..."

"I agree!"

"Second!" The people below raised their hands and agreed to this negotiation with an overwhelming vote.

Yu Yifeng nodded slightly, the enemy of his enemy is his friend, and contact with Tiekui civilization is not a bad thing. Although there have been conflicts between the two parties, Tiekui Civilization does not know the real situation...

By now, the new humans have enough ability to communicate with the strongest lineage of Homo erectus.

Long-term technological development, coupled with the "Pangu" battle star, has also brought a lot of voice. Although this battle star is still running away, it is still the battle star of the new humanity.

"So, this exchange is just equal cooperation, it cannot be surrender or anything else."

Yu Yifeng was vaguely looking forward to it.

After giving the other party a simple reply, the Future made an emergency turn and headed towards the twin stars.

The "Pangu" continues to follow the established route. Since the "Future" was discovered, the number of contacts between the two parties has also been reduced a lot. Therefore, Yu Yifeng did not notify Xu Yunjin and others, and directly commanded the Future to fly to the black hole 3.2 light-years away.

In 10 days, Future has reached the outer areas of the binary star system.

The meteorites here are arranged into a strange disk shape due to the gravitational conflict between the two stars. And on the enemy not far or near from the binary star, there is indeed an ordinary earth-like planet orbiting the binary star system.

Almost all the nebula material near the black hole has been swallowed up, so there is no bright accretion disk. The black hole cannot be seen or touched, and the surrounding starlight is distorted by the huge gravity, completely blocking it.

Occasionally, a meteorite will fall silently into a black hole. After a burst of brightness, it will be quickly wiped clean. Not even photons can escape.

As the most powerful celestial body in the universe, it looks like a giant beast hidden in the universe, revealing a deep cunning.

However, the vicinity of black holes is not a restricted area for life. It is a very good research object for powerful interstellar civilizations. There is even a very small amount of heat and natural antimatter due to black hole radiation.

Besides, this kind of small black hole is not a super black hole with a mass of one million times the sun in the center of the Milky Way. As long as it is not too close, it will not have obvious relativistic benefits. Objects will only be rotated by the gravity of the black hole, so there is nothing to worry about.

At a suitable distance, it is actually very beneficial for studying space curvature and space experiments. The mysteries of higher dimensions may be solved by studying black holes.

Yu Yifeng did not hesitate and commanded the "Future" to approach carefully. The Future did not use the "dark matter deflection shield" to avoid being recognized by this technology and causing a series of troubles.

"We are the new human civilization..." After a few minutes, the Future took the lead in sending a message to indicate its identity.

At this time, it is impossible to say that you are not nervous. People don't know whether they are facing the real Tiekui civilization or the trap set by the LLP Silicon Alliance. While keeping a distance from the planet, the Future also observes the surrounding movements at all times, and the entire spacecraft also maintains an evasive state.

However, an unexpected thing happened...

After a long time, there was no reply from the other party, and no large number of troops rushed out.

This made people a little confused.

"Very strange."

Yu Yifeng and others also frowned, and thought for a long time before coming up with a reason that could explain it: the Future ran faster than the other party! So much so that... the other party hasn't come here yet!

"Wait a little longer!"

This time, in the dead silence, they waited for almost half a month.

"Report to the captain, we found a queue of unknown spaceships appearing near the planet. There are about thirty ships."

"The traces are very vague."

"In other words, the speed of the Tiekui civilization is 40 times the speed of light? Not bad." Yu Yifeng thought to himself. If the dark matter deflection shield is not used, the limit warp speed of the new human beings themselves is almost this speed.

This space is too dark. The black hole itself does not emit light, and the white dwarf is only so bright, resulting in almost zero radiation from the spacecraft. However, because the new human beings came here in advance, they still captured the traces of the other party.

"Invisible contest." Yu Yifeng sighed slightly in his heart.

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