Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 635 Planetary Destruction!

Pangu had already escaped to the edge of the double star two months ago and pretended to start maintenance work... This was a "fishing" process.

No, it can't be said to be pretentious. A large number of new human engineers rushed to the Pangu to start a new round of warp engine construction work. All the affiliated civilized populations also woke up and went to work, and the entire planet showed a bustling industrial atmosphere.

During so many years of escaping, the "Pangu" has completed a large amount of engine foundation construction.

The Future is not idle either and has produced a large number of parts needed for the curvature engine. It is always a good thing to speed up the engineering a little bit.

For subordinate civilizations, new humans have always reported good things but not bad things. They did not know the specific truth about this escape process. Even the higher-ups of the affiliated civilization only had some vague guesses, but did not dare to say more.

Because of their long-term hibernation, they were not even sure how many years and how far they had fled.

But this time, in order to boost people's morale, many Lizard executives and Red Flame Horn people's executives have been informed of this matter.

"Planetary Cannonball!"

Their first reaction...of course was surprise, astonishment, and then admiration. They even watched some videos over and over again countless times. Sure enough, it is the main civilization, and it can even find ways to destroy the enemy's planetary battleships!

And on this day, Security Minister Xu Yunjin was also standing at the observatory. He stared dumbfoundedly at a meteorite fragment as big as the moon, rapidly passing near the "Pangu" at a distance of 4,000 kilometers!

Along with it... there are tens of millions of meteorites around!

Even over 100 million! There are at least 20 of them as big as the moon!

They were densely packed like a nest of vicious wasps, biting anyone they caught.

Witnessing this crazy scene at close range made him break out in a cold sweat again. This group of crazy meteorites almost hit the Pangu! The nearest ones, even only a hundred kilometers away, were slightly reversed by Pangu's gravity.

This is of course done to improve the accuracy of the projectiles.

Xu Yunjin cursed in his heart, those damn scientists were so obsessed with accuracy, what if they were hit? There are so many meteorites that are so big and flying so fast. If the Pangu is hit, it will probably be ashes.

"The actually not as big as that meteorite!"

"too crazy!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed again, feeling an incomparable sense of joy.

The time of being chased this time was really too long. I was on tenterhooks all day long. I couldn't even sleep well. Even when I was hibernating, I would wake up suddenly in my sleep. This feeling is too oppressive.

Seeing the enemy be's just possible to be defeated, but it's worth dying!

Five days later, the "Future" that ran out to detect the enemy's movements also returned urgently.

Yu Yifeng aggressively boarded the "Pangu" again with a large number of experts. Now that the Pangu has completed its seduction mission and can no longer delay, it is time for both parties to say goodbye again.

Because of the previous straight-line escape, the distance between Pangu and an enemy battle star behind it was also quickly shortened, and it was now less than 0.3 light-years away. This planet is the most pressing and troublesome. The other enemy battle stars are still 3 light-years away.

"What's the opponent's route forward?" Xu Yunjin asked impatiently when he saw Yu Yifeng for the first time.

“Almost within expectations!”

When it came to serious matters, the two did not exchange pleasantries. Yu Yifeng also said quickly: "What the other party is seeing now is the scene 0.3 years ago. It is still chasing for a month and then slowing down and observing for a period of time."

"They will soon observe the Pangu stopping for maintenance... No, it should be said that the Pangu has stopped now."

"If the other party doesn't want to miss this opportunity, they will definitely take the bait!"

This timing is very coincidental, and it was also deliberately set by the New Human Race. During this period of time, the other party could only observe Pangu and the planets that were still heading towards the black hole.

"Where's the Tiekui people?" Xu Yunjin asked again.

"There are about three hundred people still on board our spaceship."

Xu Yunjin nodded, he couldn't wait to see the scene where the other party was hit on the head and face by the meteorite.

"Even if one of the opponent's battle stars is destroyed, it is still unclear whether it can disrupt the enemy's encirclement network. Our escape may continue. This is just a counterattack. We want to do it better and faster. To escape, you must complete the engine project!" Yu Yifeng warned again.

"I know." Xu Yunjin nodded in agreement.

The Pangu has been maintained for two months, and all the population and mechanical transfer work are ready. Next, people have to build a complete curvature engine again.

In order to ensure the safety of the planet, this battle star must set off again.

Not being able to witness the destruction of the enemy battle star with his own eyes, Xu Yunjin also looked unhappy and felt puzzled in his heart. But for the sake of the overall situation, he had no way to refute. He could only return to the Pangu angrily and command it to start again.

"We must take the video!"

Not only Xu Yunjin, but also a large number of engineers staying on the Pangu are also looking forward to it enthusiastically. It's a pity that this kind of military affairs cannot be delayed even for a minute, let alone watching the battle here...

Seeing the departure of the Pangu, the entire Future ship fell into silence again. The spacecraft deployed its dark matter deflection shield and quietly caught up with the pile of ultra-high-speed moving meteorites.

Five days passed quickly...

The enemy's battle star is moving at super-light speed, so the Future has no way of knowing its exact position. However, the approximate location can still be calculated, so people's expectations are increasing sharply almost every day.

This wave of high-speed moving meteorites was formed by tearing apart a star. It is conservatively estimated that there are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of meteorites. They are like an overwhelming firepower network, covering a large attack plane.

This attack plane covers the route of the enemy battle star and moves slowly.

Suddenly, in this silent space, the first ten-kilometer-long meteorite crashed into a strange "water surface", causing huge ripple-like fluctuations!

The starlight around the space suddenly distorted several times.

The first big explosion... occurred!

Not only the light emitted when the meteorite hit the ground, but also the huge explosion of the curvature bubble. Just like a big hand holding up the sky, it directly smashed the curvature of the planet's surface into powder.

At this moment, a planet-level spacecraft suddenly appeared from a broken bubble and was smashed out by the meteorite!

Followed by the second, third...the size of these leading meteorites is not too big, only more than ten kilometers. For a battle star with a distance of 2,000 kilometers, it seems to be the level of scratching an itch.

But you must know that the impact of these meteorites is purely arrogant kinetic energy!

The huge lethality of kinetic energy weapons of the same energy cannot be compared to the electromagnetic radiation and thermal radiation of nuclear bomb explosions.

High-speed kinetic energy weapons with a mass of trillions can destroy the entire structure of the planet and damage defense measures buried hundreds of kilometers underground.

Balls of light one after another lit up one after another on the surface of the battle star, quickly forming huge pits one after another.

The soldiers on board the Future had already begun to cheer quietly, watching this time's huge cosmic fireworks. At the same time, they also guarded against the opponent's troops and escaped in a spaceship.

This bright light is caused by the heat generated when the meteorite impacts, which ionizes all surrounding elements. Even because the temperature is too high and the speed is too fast, atoms collide with each other, accompanied by a certain fusion reaction.

This is just foreplay, the fun is yet to come!

The enemy's battle star has been completely trapped. It was moving at super-light speed, but was suddenly blown out. Could it be that it collided with the enemy's battle star?

After being hit continuously for ten seconds, the battle star didn't react at all.

10 seconds later, a series of nuclear explosions rose in mid-air. Huge trillion-ton nuclear bombs and anti-matter main guns began to try to intercept massive meteorites.

But soon, greater panic arose. An iron meteorite as big as the moon is approaching rapidly!

Yu Yifeng seemed to be able to hear the wailing of the soldiers on the battle star and the desperate roar of the commander.

A high-speed meteorite as big as the moon!

How it appeared is no longer important.

The important thing is, how to destroy? !

The time left for them is less than a minute! How to destroy a moon? Its difficulty is on the same order of magnitude as destroying a planetary spacecraft.

You can't even avoid it!

Because of the bursting of the curvature bubble, the curvature engine was forcibly exploded at the first opportunity and could not be started. It is impossible for planetary engines to make large-scale evasive actions in the short term.

A bright ion tail smoke hundreds of kilometers long appeared in the starry sky. It must be said that the reaction of the opposing commander was excellent. However, the acceleration of this engine is really too slow, too slow, too slow.

In this huge panic, the two planets collided violently...

Unfortunately, it was not a head-on collision. The calculation accuracy of the new humans is very high, but there is no way to be absolutely correct. The universe is so big, a slight error, when magnified thousands of times, becomes an astronomical figure.

Two planets are just a side shot.

But this side kick is really spectacular!

Its instantaneous brightness has reached the level of a star!

The fierce friction between the planets instantly turned the contact area between the two parties into a golden lava shape. Unparalleled energy was released at this moment, exploding into billions of fragments.

I don't know whether these fragments are from the battle star or the meteorite...or both. They were like grenades, shooting randomly into the surrounding space.

For almost a minute or two, the two planets reluctantly separated after a huge friction and impact, each bouncing in different directions, just like two billiard balls that shattered after a rapid collision. However, unlike billiard balls, the elasticity of the planet is not very good. Compared with the huge strength and tonnage, even if it is made of hard metal, it is like a ball of soft plasticine.

Yu Yifeng stared at this scene in stunned silence. He was somewhat thankful that the "Future" did not follow too closely, might even be affected.

It can be clearly seen that the areas where they collided with each other have been completely smoothed out within this minute and turned into a super large ball of magma!

The planet-class spacecraft's diameter of two thousand kilometers and the arc with a depth of three hundred kilometers above it were completely erased!

Also because of the impact, even if it was completely reinforced, it was forced from a spherical shape to a flat ellipsoid at that moment. Also because of the impact, the battle star spun rapidly with a touch of golden color above its head.

Deep cracks appeared in large numbers on its surface. Many underground projects were squeezed and deformed, completely destroyed.

Such a huge disaster caused the entire astronomical observatory of the Mirai to be silent, and even the cheers stopped.

Everyone was stunned.

This is the power from the stars! People still don’t have the power to completely control it!

The rotating battle star, the golden light of magma, and the impact of various meteorite fragments... everyone was stunned. There are also some surviving small spacecraft that want to escape urgently.

But this is no longer important, the battle star has completely fallen.

"It's a pity that there was no head-on collision." Dr. Rimbaud muttered, immersed in the brutal power brought by this kinetic energy.

To be honest, in terms of scale and brutality, the planet impact cannot compare to the scene when a black hole tears apart. But this kind of impact is of more practical significance to the new humanity. Moreover, in terms of observation distance, the Future is also closer.

"It's okay to just give it a try. This battle star was hit like this, and most of the internal structures were destroyed. It's not easy to repair. It's no different from rebuilding... No, maybe more difficult. That pile of magma The cooling time is more than hundreds of years." Yu Yifeng let out a long breath.

He found that his hands hurt because he had clenched his fists too tightly.

Only when the plan was successful did I feel comfortable all over, and the Sword of Damocles in my heart finally let go.

It took a total of two hours for the crazy smashing of meteorites to slowly subside.

Next, some small drones were dropped on this high-speed rotating battle star... It can be clearly found that the machinery above has been greatly damaged. There are only a very small number of survivors who are still fighting back, including a very huge metal robot, which should be "Quinton"!

Yu Yifeng didn't care too much about the remaining resistance. No matter how powerful Quinton was, it would be difficult for him to physically cross the interstellar space, so he didn't pose much of a threat.

He was politely sending Penglas and other Tiekui people out of the Future.

This is a win-win cooperation, and the entire plan has been implemented perfectly. It does not make much sense to continue to detain these Tiekui people here. It will only offend the other party, so it is better to send them away quickly.

"Except for this destroyed battle star, the nearest one is about 3 light years away from us and will be here soon. So we plan to leave some drones here as a means of delay." Yu Yifeng He didn't shy away from it and said it directly.

"Here comes another battle star. There will be no more planetary cannonballs next." Penglas also said with a smile.

Without spending a penny, he gained a lot of military exploits without any effort, and his mood was undoubtedly very good.

"If your unmanned army is in short supply, you can leave it to us. We won't leave just yet..."

Yu Yifeng declined the other party's kindness. It is always unsafe to leave security issues in the hands of others. He still left many offensive drones here.

In this way, when it was finally time to say goodbye, the two faced each other and gave each other a civilized military salute.

"This is a letter issued by our leader to qualified Homo sapiens."

Without saying anything more, Penglus mysteriously handed a letter to Yu Yi Feng, and then returned to his army with his soldiers.

The new humans did not intend to reap any special benefits here. After observing that the battle stars had lost their power, they still chose to leave. After all, the escape work of the Pangu is far from over, and there are many things to do.

As for what the Tiekui people want to do, whether they want to capture "Quinton" alive, it is not within the scope of New Humanity's consideration. It is almost impossible to completely crack this thing at this stage.

After these Tiekui people left, Yu Yifeng handed the written letter to a security expert with some suspicion.

This letter was specially left by Penglus before he left.

Yes, a written letter made of special materials!

Seems very formal.

After various miscellaneous inspections, it was discovered that there was no so-called safety hazard, and it was finally opened completely.

Inside is a large paragraph of text described in the universal language of the galaxy.

"As the supreme ruler of the Iron Kui Civilization, His Excellency Douglas, I would like to invite the new human civilization to participate in the Homo sapiens military alliance meeting."

"We will discuss the relevant circumstances of this interstellar war"

"The meeting time is..."

"Military alliance? Decisive battle?" A series of key words caused everyone in the conference room to discuss endlessly.

Such a big victory made everyone feel happy.

"Douglas, isn't this the name of the Tiequi people's former royal family? Isn't it dead? Why is it brought out again?"

"The ambitions of Tiekui Civilization are not small! But this kind of military alliance is too difficult. No one will obey anyone. Where does the trust come from?"

"Not necessarily. It's not good to drag on this kind of war forever. Who wants to live in a state of fear every day? It would be a good thing if it can be solved once and for all!"

"The use of this kind of written information may be to prevent the news from leaking."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Yu Yifeng squinted his eyes for a long time and realized that the entire meeting still had more than five hundred years to go! The location is temporarily set at a certain star in the Southern Cross Arm, which is still six thousand light-years away.

I only heard Dr. Rimbaud continue to say: "But can we defeat the white dwarf battle star? Even if we are lucky enough to use the black hole ejection again to carry out planetary impact, it will be of no use to the white dwarf battle star. Two white dwarf stars The impact is pretty much..."

"Yeah, at this stage, we haven't found a way to destroy the White Dwarf Battle Star. We can only destroy the outer engine to make it lose its mobility...and then be swallowed by the black hole? This is an idea, but the conditions are too harsh. ”

Listening to all kinds of wild ideas, Yu Yifeng smiled bitterly and said: "It's still a long time, let's take care of our Pangu number first..."

Two-in-one, no updates at night.

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