Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 643 L5’s stepping stone

"Humans are such contradictory creatures." A few words convinced all the experts. Facing the smooth implementation of the entire plan, Yu Yifeng didn't know what to say.

Morality is the product of human sensibility and the combination of rational understanding and logical thinking. It guarantees the survival, reproduction and continuous progress of mankind to a certain extent. Morality separates man from beast.

However, the human moral system itself is full of loopholes and is a reflection of sensibility. It is inappropriate to use it to govern the entire civilization.

Relatively speaking, the law is cold and logical, allowing people to distinguish right from wrong relatively easily. If you break the law, you are breaking the law, and if you are not breaking the law, you are not breaking the law.

However, the morality of the interstellar age cannot help but still exist, but is on the rise. Because the more laws there are, the less safe people feel. People's sense of security mostly comes from social ethics. If there is no benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust in this society, and everything big and small must be passed by law, then people will have no sense of security or happiness at all.

In other words, the law is the bottom line of morality. This sentence has been gradually implemented by interstellar civilization.

"According to this method, the workload of the new human soldiers is just slightly higher, so there is no big problem." Yu Yifeng is looking forward to the final experiment of the auxiliary brain.

Pangu slowly approached the Geyingsa star, stopped at 2 astronomical units, and orbited a large gaseous planet. On the one hand, in order to facilitate the acquisition of more nuclear fuel, on the other hand, the indigenous people will not be disturbed.

It allows students and soldiers who go on internships to experience the authentic and chaotic indigenous life, thereby cultivating a firmer ideology...

The science and technology of the new humanity have been very advanced until now. After a series of cover-ups, the Geyingsa people never discovered that there was an additional planet two astronomical units away.

In the next few years, some magical and strange phenomena occurred on this ordinary planet.

First, the population began to disappear on a small scale, all of which were... critically ill patients who were incurable.

Among these missing patients, some were hit by cars and their heads were crushed by tires, and doctors have announced that they "give up treatment." Or some vegetative people who suddenly suffered a stroke, suffered brain damage, and were paralyzed for several years... Anyway, this group of hopeless patients began to disappear on a large scale.

Now things are getting serious. The social system of the Geyingsa people is very similar to that of the people on Earth. Even if the body disappears inexplicably, someone still needs to take responsibility!

Moreover...there are tens of thousands of missing cases all over the world!

As a result, the matter became more and more widespread, and the whole society was in a panic. People's panic intensified, and various rumors such as "alien abduction", "triad organization", and "human organ trafficking" were spread.

Under the pressure of public opinion, governments of various countries formed a "joint investigation organization". However, after several years of investigation, nothing was found. In the end, I don’t know what happened, but it seemed like everything was in big trouble. I could only minimize the noise and let the whole thing end...

Of course, these missing people were put on the operating table of new humans... Some of them succeeded, and some failed. Of course, such experiments have accumulated a lot of experience in the development of assisted brains.

Second, the number of missing people became less and less after a few years, but some strange and lucky geniuses appeared...

Ge Yingsaren "Li Ran" woke up leisurely and felt that he had a really severe headache.

He found himself lying in a dark street corner with his pockets empty, not a penny, and his cell phone missing. My pants were also dirty, as if I had been lying here for many days.

"What's going on? Were you robbed?" Li Ran screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and he felt something was wrong.

As an eighteen-year-old senior high school student, I am still on summer vacation. He vaguely remembered that he wanted to sneak out to surf the Internet at that time, but he got into a very serious car accident and was hit by a big truck in an instant... He had no idea what happened behind him.

"Why are you suddenly lying in the corner now?"

He held his head in severe pain, checked his body, and found inexplicably that there was no injury at all...

"There was no car accident? What happened!"

The headache was so severe that he had no time to think about it, so he could only accept the reality in a daze.

"Mom!" He called out when he returned home and found that something was wrong. His mother had already hurried over, hugging him excitedly and making a phone call with tears in her eyes.

It turns out...he has been missing for a month!

Li Ran was stunned... What the hell is going on? !

Li Ran soon discovered the changes in himself. He became very, very smart, with super strong memory and understanding ability. In just one semester, his academic performance went from failing to a top student! And he is a super academic!

With a score close to full marks in the college entrance examination, and an undisputed score, I ranked first in the country!

In the next few years, Li Ran almost rose to fame and transformed into an amazing all-round scientist, winning almost all the awards on the planet... and was even hailed as the greatest great man (candidate) of the century. .

But Li Ran has a secret in his heart. The more successful he became, the more deeply he feared. All his changes started from that car accident...

"Are the mysterious rumors about aliens true?"

He didn't dare to think about it anymore. If all his current abilities were given by others, it would be easy to take them away.

He didn't want to lose the good life he had now because of random exploration.

At the same time, a large amount of data was continuously collected into Noah, allowing new human scientists to gain a lot. Brain-assisted technology, because of the success of the first experimenter, has brought the entire technology closer and closer to maturity.

The second experimenter was an old man named Ma Qiangdong.

He is reborn!

He was originally an old man, but he had... died of old age, the real kind.

But one day, I found that I had regained my youth! Although after rebirth, he has changed into a new skin... but it is still very good. It is better to die than to live. This skin is still very young, no more than 30 years old.

"God let me come back to my life! I must return to the top!" Ma Qiangdong burst out laughing.

In his previous life, he was a good businessman. In this life, he quickly used his super high IQ and emotional intelligence to build his own business empire...

This business empire is getting bigger and bigger, and within a few years, it has become a multinational giant organization!

One miracle after another appears on this small planet. Of course, new human civilization is the driving force behind everything. These parties only had a partial understanding of what happened, and were in a state of random speculation.

Some people were so stunned after having their brain X-rays taken that they chose to keep it strictly confidential. There are also people who want to inform high-level government officials, but strangely, all governments are in a state of ambiguity and do not want to pay attention to them.

In this way, with the gradual accumulation of experimental data, the research work of the new humanity gradually matures...

Auxiliary brain, the stepping stone to the door of L5, seems to be close at hand!

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