Beneath Deep Space

Chapter 646 Ethical Issues

"First answer my first question: Do you still remember who you are?" The professor asked the first question. This question involves the existence of "self-awareness" and is crucial.

Zhang Ruien, who only had one head left, thought about it for a long time before he stumbled across his name.

"Zhang...Ryan?" These big characters were displayed on the screen. It was this clear answer that caused a small cheer to erupt in the ward...

"Do you remember your father's and mother's names?" the professor asked again, unhurriedly.

"..." Zhang Ruien began to think hard. He was still a little dazed.

After a while, Yu Yifeng hurried over from the captain's room.

It is rare for New Humanity to have a major safety accident, so it is impossible to say that it does not care. He, a civilized leader, has come here countless times because of this incident. There is no way, the population is small, everyone's safety must be taken seriously.

Fortunately, transportation is convenient now, and we arrived in just ten minutes...

A medical staff was outside the door and introduced the entire situation to Yu Yifeng: "After preliminary testing, 30% of the memory is missing, but the main body of the memory is still there. The logic is quite confusing and needs to be recovered slowly. As long as it is exposed to more For many people or things, the brain will return to normal in about a week...Theoretically, it will be more flexible than before!"

After hearing the news, Yu Yifeng also breathed a long sigh of relief, and his family could finally explain. Losing a little memory is nothing. Everyone has died almost once, so you can't force too much.

"How do you feel now?" In the medical room, a professor was still asking in detail.

After such a period of dialogue training, Zhang Ruien's language organization ability has improved significantly. He blinked hard: "It feels like... there are two... two consciousnesses. It's very strange... it's an indescribable feeling." ”

"It feels like time has slowed down a lot again..."

The expert said with a smile: "Just get used to it. The other consciousness is actually an auxiliary brain. It will help you with calculations and thinking. As long as you get used to it, the two consciousnesses will gradually merge."

"Of course, there is a menu function inside, and you can also turn off some of the functions you don't like. The specific method is this..."

"...As for the slowing down of time, it is an illusion caused by the greatly accelerated speed of your nerve reflexes and calculations. Because the speed of brain calculations is accelerated, you indirectly feel that time has slowed down a bit."

"...Can't move...I feel uncomfortable." Zhang Ruien was stunned for a while and then said.

He now only has one head and can't do anything except open his eyes and open his mouth, but he knows that he is uncomfortable.

Professor Nakatamura said with a smile: "It's a good thing to feel uncomfortable! I will install a mechanical bionic body on you and you will be discharged from the hospital in one week!"

Just like that, a week later, the first semi-silicon-modified new human "Zhang Ruian" was officially discharged from the hospital. He was almost alive and kicking. There were no traces of injury or any abnormalities on his body. .

The major media reported this "rescue incident" with cheers, and the family members were almost grateful and cried with excitement.

In order to reduce a series of ethical troubles, the development of auxiliary brains, especially the biological experiments, is very confidential. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, they only see a compatriot being saved and will not think of anything else.

But in the eyes of true insiders, the success of this example has a deeper connotation, which is nothing less than thunder on the ground!

"Weak intellectual barrier!"

Of course, transformation in this area also brings about a series of ethical issues that need to be resolved urgently.

The first point is that Zhang Ruien is no longer a "human" in the normal sense. His entire body is created by cloning technology, biochemical technology and mechanical technology.

For example, the "eye" is the latest electronic compound eye structure, with a wider field of vision. When he was older, he could see with his own eyes a line of small characters several kilometers away; when he was younger, he could see tiny bacteria, less than a micron in size!

These functions are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

His entire body, including his endoskeleton and organs, can easily withstand huge accelerations, and he can even survive briefly in space!

But for the convenience of life, many functional modules have been temporarily closed. If every bacteria and mite could be seen very clearly, Zhang Ruien would definitely go crazy.

On the other hand, the only part of the brain inherited from the "previous body" has been almost completely transformed. The dendrites and axons between neurons are covered with a layer of special material by nanoworms. This layer of special material can transmit bioelectrical signals more quickly. Even the connection structures between certain cells have been partially modified.

After this transformation, coupled with the various functional modules built into the auxiliary brain, people can become incredibly "smart"... Theoretically, Zhang Ruien will be a blessing in disguise and will become even smarter.

But this series of questions is what this parliament needs to focus on: Are such transformed people still new human citizens? Do they have equal rights?

If so, does the definition of a new human citizen need to be changed again? Is it just a brain, or a modified brain, or even only a part of memory, a real person?

In addition, there is a more important question: Should such auxiliary brain modification technology be promoted to a larger scale to help the entire civilization overcome intellectual barriers? Will this technology change a person's personality and personality? Is it good or bad for society as a whole? Are there a series of hidden dangers that violate current ethics?

Wait, wait, there are too many questions.

Don’t think that these issues are unimportant. They not only involve the crossing of weak barriers, but may also trigger a series of social phenomena later on.

Once the transformation of the entire nation is implemented, there will be no room for regret. Necessary caution is still necessary. If a weak barrier is overcome and the entire civilization is in chaos, the gain outweighs the loss.

Soon, Yu Yifeng held a large-scale plenary meeting. Almost all senior government officials and developers participated in this meeting.

"Don't be restrained, please speak freely." Yu Yifeng finished the whole topic and sat down quietly.

The atmosphere in the conference room was relatively relaxed. After all, this long-lasting and extremely difficult technology could finally come to an end, and it ended with the words "research success."

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